Author has written 17 stories for Dark Angel, and NCIS. My last profile had become unnecessarily long and since my fan fiction intentions had changed I thought it was time for a profile update of epic proportions! Just joking but I did just delete (on purpose) everything I had written here so it is time for new beginnings... Hi all, I'm Violetwarnercobalt, though I am also known as DiNozzoitis, TheTellyHo and Beki-Lorraine. 23 year old writer from Melbourne, Australia who, in between searching for a job where I can put my BA in Professional Writing/Media Studies to good use (no luck so far so if anyone is offering...), has a love for all things NCIS and Michael Weatherly... that is now way past borderline obsessive. Originally I created this account to upload the stories for a personal challenge (one fic for EVERY show I have EVER seen) but now my NCIS addiction has completely taken over my free time (or most of it at least) there is a chance that the only fics to be found here will be NCIS related with the possibility of Dark Angel and maybe a Supernatural fic or two. As far as my fan fiction writing preferences go they will mainly be Tony based stories... or in the case of Dark Angel, Logan based stories and Supernatural (if there are any) will more than likely be Dean related. I am a Tabby fan at heart so the Tony/Abby pairing or even Tony/Abby friendship will appear in most of my pieces. I have been known to slash at times and Tibbs is definitely my favorite slash pairing, when my stories are not slash then the Tony/Gibbs father and son relationship will probably appear. My favorites for my own writing include: GEN HET SLASH GENRES My stories: New World (Dis)Order - WIP 6 chapters posted, 1 being written, and the majority of the story planned out (with the ending already written in my head). NCIS/Dark Angel crossover saga of epic proportions where Tony DiNozzo is Logan Cale. Set in the year 2019/2020 and following the events from the 10 years since NCIS season 6. I know how some of you feel about WIPs, I am usually the same way but I am 100 Percent committed to this piece and do plan on finishing it. There will probably be a few related oneshots to come. One Step At A Time - WIP 3 chapters posted, 1 being written, rough outline of the rest of the story planned and a prequal and two sequals also roughly planned out. What started as a oneshot has now become a whole universe! Like with NW(D)O I am 100 Percent commited. Will try and have chapter 4 up before the end of 2010 One Wrong Step - Prequel to One Step At A Time WIP 3 chapters roughly completed, was working on this for NaNoWriMo 2010 (which I have not been able to win this year due to computer issues), will start posting probably when it is either 10 chapters complete if not fully complete. Hold Me Now - At least two more ficlets/oneshots in the works and a bunch of ideas, will try and have the next one up in January 2011. Heroes and Their Battle Wounds - Completed and posted. The Torture Of Timothy McGee - Completed and posted. Heightend Fear - Completed and posted. If You Push The Wrong Way - Completed and posted. May or may not be extended somewhere in the undetermined future. Basic Human Impulse - Completed and posted. Snow Angels In The Sky - Completed and Posted. This is for the Tibbs Yuletide Advent Calendar over at Livejournal, will be posted there and at my DiNozzoitis lj on the 2nd of December USA time and posted here seven days after that (as per the rules of the comm). A Decade Of Decembers - Completed and posted. This is also for the Tibbs Yuletide Advent Calendar over at Livejournal, will be posted there and at my DiNozzoitis lj on the 10th of December USA time and posted here seven days after that (as per the rules of the comm). Don't Want A Lot For Christmas - Completed and posted. Another one for the Tibbs Yuletide Advent Calendar over at Livejournal, will be posted there and at my DiNozzoitis lj on the 18th of December USA time and posted here seven days after that (as per the rules of the comm). More Than You Could Ever Know - Completed and posted. Another one for the Tibbs Yuletide Advent Calendar over at Livejournal, will be posted there and at my DiNozzoitis lj on the 22nd of December USA time and posted here seven days after that (as per the rules of the comm). Don't Want A Lot For Christmas was meant to be my last fic for the Yuletide Advent Calendar however it was VERY depressing and I felt I let a lot of people down with it so I wrote this sequel which I think has a bit more hope. I also have a bunch of NCIS one shots and stories of 2/3 chapters being written and I will upload those when they are completed. I also have another NCIS/Dark Angel crossover planned that will also be a Supernatural crossover and has the events of Dark Angel happening before those in NCIS and Supernatural, that is planned out but will not be posted until New World (Dis)Order is completed. I have had 2 other profiles on BeckyLorraine and dreams-of-a-girl(both of which can be found in my favorite authors) neither have any NCIS stories. BeckyLorraine:has 1 completed Antony and Cleopatra/Shakespeare one-shot and an incomplete Grissom and Sara/CSI story with 2 short chapters. One day I may finish the 2 CSI fics on those profiles but I wouldn't hold your breath (especially for the dreams-of-a-girl one because I had planned 2 sequels for that). Also both profiles were created back when I was in high school, dreams stories being written in 2003 (aged 16) and BeckyLorraine stories being written in 2005 (posted just over a month before my 18th) so they are not up to the standard of my writing now and apart from the Antony and Cleopatra story I cannot read them without cringing and being a really harsh critic, the A&C one was written for a literature assignment so it had been edited to all heck, I think I may have received either and A or A+ for it so if you liked the play you might want to check it out. Also I co-write some highly disturbing Crack fics with an equally insane twitter friend over at TellyandTanz - not only are they completely insane fics (written almost entirely in DMs on Twitter... obviously we write them out properly before posting) but they are SO far from the stuff I write for this profile that I doubt anyone even realises I am the 'Telly' in TellyandTanz lol. As for other places you can find me I am on: Twitter: thetellyho (mainly NCIS posts) UPDATE (07/04/2010): The ideas for fics have been drowning me lately and as of last count I have about 60 fic ideas roughly planned out and about 10 being written by hand so there will hopefully be more fics sometime soon. Will try to get at least one one-shot done a week, the chapters of the longer fics won't be up as quick unfortunately. Next time I plan on posting a multi-chapter fic I will try and have it completed BEFORE I start posting. UPDATE (29/07/2010): I have a bunch of hand written WIPs, 1 completed hand written/typed on phone fic, a couple of completed fics typed up on my phone, a one shot with a beta, about 80 fic ideas and I am working on the next chapters for both One Step At A Time and NW(D)O... hopefully the next chapters of the two will be up before the end of August. UPDATE (29/11/2010): Ideas have surpassed 100 now, the fics written on my phone in the last update are now in audio files on my new phone waiting to be written up (previous phone died). Have some ideas written up on my new phone and in a bunch of exercise books in every corner of my room. I will try and get to them as soon as possible. I am doing a Project Zero: 101 goals in 1001 days which will end in either March or May 2013 (started on my 23rd birthday on August 28th 2010 so you do the math lol) and one of my goals is to have 50-100 fics posted here. That is 50-100 SEPERATE FICS (not chapters), also that is NEW fics, stories posted before August 28th 2010 do not count, sequels and prequels of those fics posted later will be counted though (eg. the One Step prequel and sequels and any new fics in the NW(D)O universe). 50-100 fics by 2013 Progress: 1. The Torture of Timothy McGee - 16/09/2010 - One shot - COMPLETE |
abbywesten (30) AlkalineTeegan (40) AngelEstrada (15) annsan (18) BeckyLorraine (2) Bob Rhynoplasty (50) Caos Accidentale (17) colorguard28 (46) | Detour (7) dreams-of-a-girl (2) FiveForFighting09 (24) GIRL IN STORY (107) Revanche (22) Richefic (69) silentlullabye (65) | singer-s-lament (0) TansNZ (6) TaylorGibbs (199) TellyandTanz (3) thebondgirl (14) TonyWhumper (9) Xanthe2 (52) xenascully (66) |