![]() Author has written 10 stories for Primeval, Phantom of the Opera, Merlin, Harry Potter, Sherlock, and Bridgerton. Info. about ME: Age: 26 I live in England At the moment I am reading: The City We Became by N K Jemsin My Stories: Connor: When it was airing, I really enjoyed watching Primeval, and different sci-fi like things. A couple of series' in, Nick Cutter's girlfriend vanished after he came back through an Anomaly, and he was, of course, distraught. Then Claudia Brown was replaced by the same actress, claiming to be named Jenny Lewis. This is where the idea for my fic came to me. It suddenly popped into my head one day, and like when these ideas come to you, they nag and nag you until you cant stand it any longer, and I really did like the idea, so I wrote my fic, called Connor (I've always struggled with titles). Connor goes through an Anomaly, and struggles to get back through. He is attacked by a Pterodactyl, and is forced to kill it. On his return to the team (via helicopter, thank you Danny), Connor realises that Abby is missing from the team, and has been replaced by her clone, Issy - Danny's girlfriend. Connor's sudden girlfriend turns evil on him, and he tries to update the new team on technology they seem to be lacking, but there always seems to be something missing. Can Connor get back to his world, and Abby, or is it too late? Spark: I was on a school trip to Normandy, which included a 5 hour ferry trip on the way there and back, so I found myself extremely bored (and ill; boats and I are not friends). I needed something to take my mind off things, so I came up with this one-shot, which would make Erik/Christine fans happy, and satisfy my boredom. Also, I wanted to write something on the Phantom of the Opera, because I had found that section on the website, and I was, for want of a better word, completely obsessed with it. I came up with an idea, it had been niggling me for a time, and spent a long time there, and back, trying to make people stop trying to read over my shoulder (I used to be very shy about my writing, especially around the people at school). So I managed to get away without many people reading my work, and posted it on the website, where it is a lot less embarrassing, and received many amazing reviews from you brilliant people. Lonely Angel: It was a difficult task to think of a suitable name for this fic, and I probably could have done better, but eh - it's out there now, why change it? I don't know when I came up with this idea (they come to me at random times), but I thought it was a good one. I decided to write a fic about Erik's family, starting from his childhood. When I began, I wasn't sure where I was going to go with it, but as my hands took over, the idea morphed into what it now is. I decided, on a spur of the moment thing, to give Erik a brother, who hates him as a child (also, I like the name Henri). This was to be able to compare his life with how it would have been if he had not been deformed at birth. There are so few stories out there that think about before and generally concentrate on after. After 2 years of writing, I FINALLY finished it!!! So, with 40 chapters of Erik-y goodness, and a lot of angst, it is over!!! Thankyou very much for everyone who has read it and reviewed! Mordred's Revenge: well, I kept trying to think of ideas for Lonely Angel, but this show just wouldn't leave me alone, and especially this idea. I played a little with the idea of Merlin vs. Morgana or Morgause, but they wouldn't really be a match for him, so I thought Mordred, because he's really powerful (especially for his age), and he did swear that he'd come back and pay Merlin back for the attack on the druid camp (this was written before series 5), and I thought I'd play on that idea. So, one night, I curled up with my laptop and wrote the first half, the battle - which I must admit was quite fun (there is too much romance, I think - not that I dislike romance, it's just there is a limit! and not enough battles. I think Mordred would be a good candidate for an enemy in series 3 (okay WOW I wrote this early on, haha), but I guess that's impossible because the actor will have to go to school (I must have had my mind blown...). Anyway, I had a bit of trouble coming up with ideas for after that bit, because there are so many fics out there; Arthur finds out about magic, Arthur's cool with it, we all go and have a party... (God, do I sound mean? I do like these stories, btw!) I wanted to do something different. And I couldn't kill Mordred; besides the fact that he's really sweet, he kills King Arthur and I didn't really want to change the whole idea of the Legend (maybe I should have done...). I also think there aren't enough Mordred fics out there - I like Mordred :)... anyway, I hope you like it. Captured: I don't think enough people think about the Dursleys, and I like to think of their reaction to seeing Harry's world and what he's gone through. So, I thought about what Harry said in Deathly Hallows about them being kidnapped to make Harry rescue them, and wandered what would happen if they really were captured... but i didn't really want to vary from the storyline, so I added them into the Malfoy manor part, and showed a bit about what happened before there, and what it was like being locked away like that. THANKS FOR READING, IF YOU HAVE I AM IMPRESSED! Very impressed; does anyone still come here? 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