Author has written 51 stories for Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sly Cooper, Dragon Ball Z, Flint: The Time Detective, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Rise of the Guardians, My Little Pony, and Avengers. Hey everyone, Welcome to my account or as I like to call it; the madness that is my mind. One warning before you read any of my stories: I ALWAYS SWITCH POV'S WHENEVER POSSIBLE, preferably every chapter or so! If you're looking for stories that are just from one person's POV, my stories are not for you! Also, one Important Update. As of June 2019, I stopped my monthly updates. However, I have NOT stopped writing. I am very much busy on a new story and that one, for as much as it is finished, will be posted on Christmas of 2019 along with any other chapters that are/were pre-written. Also, once the new story is done, I will focus on finishing certain parts of certain stories, such as the KH I part of To Read and To View and the OotP part of To Read Into The Universe. I have a schedule in mind and will continue posting, just whenever a certain story is either entirely finished or finished up to a certain point that I am happy with. Update as of November 2020: I am currently rewriting three old stories of mine and putting them in a new coat, so to say. I am also editing the CR stories and getting rid of the whole PoA - chapter ..., page ... - PoA thing. All of this will be posted at around Christmas. After that, I cannot say what I will do as my muse seems to have a different mind than me. I want to get back to my old stories and finish them, but, like most writers on this site probably know, if my muse has other plans, you can't get much done. However, I have one goal in mind: FINISH EVERYTHING! Update as of January 2022: Several stories of mine have been put on Hiatus! I have no inspiration or motivation for them at the current moment. My mind is focused on other stories - both new and old - and I want to give myself the proper time and chance to work on the stories I have the strongest bond with. Right now that's my CR stories and I plan/hope to have a part of them all updated by the end of 2022. You can find a list of what I want to work on in 2022 down below. Update as of October 2023: As most of my readers have realized by now, I'm sure, I'm back to the monthly update schedule. HOWEVER I won't update a chapter per story every month. Even if it takes me 10 years, I WILL finish all of my stories! Now about me: I write quite a few stories and sometimes accept story ideas from others that will usually find their way into Venquine's Mind. This is where you will find just how crazy and widespread my imagination can go. I hope that this has successfully informed you of what my stories are like. As you can see if you scroll down, I have some stories outside of the HP fandom, but most of them really are crossovers with that brilliant series. I also want to make it abundantly obvious that, while I LOVE the Harry Potter series, I do NOT agree with the behavior of JK Rowling in 2020 and after. I am the kind of person who can separate the author from the story and I do. If there is anything in my stories that you don't like, let me know. I might make an adjustment, but only if you have a valid reason behind your dislike. If you say: I don't like (example here), so change it. you can expect that statement to be ignored. The same can be said for reviews that are nothing but curse words and negative bashing. Leave that for your own stories. If you want to bash someone, have it be someone fictional, not a real human being. Also, I have a very specific way in which I write my CR stories. They are written this way to avoid copyright problems. They may not be ideal and you might need to have the HP - or in one case PJ - books next to your screen or on a different window, but I won't change it. If I do, I run the risk of losing my stories. This happened once before and I will not take that risk again. Venquine1990 |