Author has written 55 stories for Teen Titans, Legion of Super Heroes, CSI: New York, House, M.D., Twilight, Artemis Fowl, Transformers, NCIS: Los Angeles, Wizards of Waverly Place, NCIS, Justice League, Chronicles of Narnia, Merlin, Teen Titans, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Green Lantern, Legion of Super Heroes, Lord of the Rings, Flash, Star Trek: 2009, Harry Potter, Legend of Korra, Ghost Whisperer, and Young Justice. Welcome to my humble abode on FanFiction. I apologize in advance for the long bio, but really this is the only place I can put all this stuff. Feel free to skip to the sections you find relevant. Please note: my fanfiction exploits have taken a backseat in recent years due to work and the general wonderful busy-ness in my real life, but I fully intend to continue writing fanfiction, even if a lot of my focus has now shifted to being a functioning well-adjusted adult, producing original content, and hopefully getting published. I just have to pace myself, so please be patient if you're one of my regular readers =) As you can see, I have a wide range of fandoms. I tend to flit from one to the other on occasion, and I'll usually go through phases when I devour anything and everything in a particular fandom on a particular subject. More often than not I tend to write stories for that fandom too - but they usually don't make it to completion. I will candidly admit that I have a whole host of unfinished stories on my hard drive and I have no idea when or if they will be finished. (There are, of course, stories that will never see the light of day because of various reasons). My publishing and update frequency has drastically reduced in recent years, but I do still make it a point not to post any story that doesn't make it from beginning to end within a reasonable amount of time. Or sort-of end, in the case of stories/series with potential and plans to continue (like my Merlin Knowledge universe and my Harry Potter Argentum et Aurum) - but even those I will not stop posting at a cliffhanger and will at least complete a story arc before going on hiatus. About Me Some things to know about me: I am passionate, joyful, and confident, and I strive for excellence in everything I do. I like animals, and have three rabbits and two dogs of my own. I enjoy watching football - I'm a fan of Liverpool Football Club - but the sport I play is dodgeball. I am a huge, HUGE DC comic geek and as well as a proud nerd - my head is full of academic knowledge and tons and tons of minute details about many, many different fandoms. As for my writing - I am a writer (obviously), and I enjoy the process of crafting a story as much as I love hearing from people who read my work. I consider my main strengths to be plotting, characterisation, and dialogue. I am not great at nonfiction writing - I can do it, but much of my time has been spent developing fiction, and that is what I excel at, hence my presence on this website. My Fandoms - Just a little bit about my fandoms. FF is one of the only sites I can actually talk about this stuff to other people who will totally get it, so I'm taking full advantage. You don't have to read it if you're not up for it. First, though, my favorite pairings! Favorite Pairings (a.k.a. the fictional couples I am way too invested in and whose hills I will die on) Avatar universe: Zuko/Mai, Sokka/Suki, Korra/Mako Doctor Who: 11th Doctor/River Song; Amy Pond/Rory Williams Harry Potter: Harry/Ginny DCU: Superman/Lois Lane; Batman/Wonder Woman; Green Arrow/Black Canary; Huntress/Question; Wally West/Linda Park; Nightwing/Starfire; Lightning Lad/Saturn Girl Now, for my fandoms. I'm not going to talk about all of them - I have way too many and a lot are really just minor fandoms that I fulfilled a whim to write for. This section is for my favorite fandoms. So, here we go. Oh, and by the way...SPOILER ALERT! You have been warned. Avatar: I've not actually written anything for The Last Airbender, but I've dipped my toes into writing for Legend of Korra, I have watched both series and read some of the comics and read quite a bit of fanfic. In ATLA, I am more or less equally fond of all the Gaang (with a slight preference fro Zuko) and my favourite pairing is Zuko/Mai (I am a Kataang shipper less because I am super invested in it and more because I want Maiko). In TLOK, Mako is my favorite character, and I ship Makorra and ocasionally Korroh (Korra/Iroh II). The universe is incredibly rich and detailed, the storytelling is superb, and as an Asian myself, I highly appreciate that it is a fantasy based on Asian influence rather than Western, for once. I'm looking forward to what Avatar Studios comes up with. Chronicles of Narnia: I like the 2nd, 4th, and 5th books. Basically, anything to do with the Pevensies as the main characters. I quite like The Magician's Nephew as well, and I don't mind The Silver Chair, but I absolutely loathe The Last Battle. I get that C.S. Lewis was trying to write in the Book of Revelation and truly complete his Narnia series, but I just don't like it. It has none of the fairytale, adventure feeling of the previous books (which kind of petered out even during Silver Chair) which made me like the series in the first place. And I will forever wail about what he did to Susan. I just don't believe that after 15-something years of ruling Narnia as the Gentle Queen she would simply ignore all of it. It's like she did a complete one-eighty, because there really wasn't anything to suggest that she would turn her back on Narnia in her previous appearances. Not to mention, it left the Pevensies bereft of a sibling and Narnia short of a queen. Unfortunately for me, my favorite part of the Narnia books (and unfortunately the most unelaborated in canon) was the Pevensies' reign during the Golden Age. Doctor Who: I loved this show during the Moffat era. I watched all of New Who up to the Twelfth Doctor, my first ever episode was Curse of the Black Spot, my favorite Doctor is Eleven (because I saw him first, he's cute, he's just so excitable, and Matt Smith is amazing), and my favorite companions are the Ponds. My favorite season is Series 5 - because the season-long story arc was so well done. And my Who OTP forever is Eleven/River - I don't care if he's the same Doctor no matter what body he's in, Eleven IS River's Doctor. I just love their relationship - a woman who knows as much about the Doctor as the Doctor himself, who's part Time Lord, and the daughter of his companions - and their flirting! My gosh, their flirting is just too witty and adorable not to enjoy. But I get blue whenever I think about how tragic their love story really is. And I get blue when I realize Eleven is gone... Harry Potter: I have for a long time been, am still now, and will always be, a proud Potterhead. I've read all seven books several times over and seen all eight movies several times as well. Along with DC, this is the fandom I am most well-versed in, as I know a truly staggering amount of detail about it. The world JK Rowling created is incredibly rich and full of potential, and there is so much scope for fanfiction. I thoroughly enjoy well-written AUs, stories that explore minor characters, and crossovers with Narnia and Merlin (unfortunately, pickings are slim for both). Merlin: Another BBC production I really like. Unfortunately, they totally ruined the warm, funny tone of the show with the finale - in fact, I like to pretend the fifth season doesn't exist. Why, oh why, after changing so many aspects of the original legend, did they have to follow it so strictly at the end? I adored the bromance between Merlin and Arthur and was so looking forward to the big reveal - I was waiting for Arthur to accept Merlin's magic and begin ushering in Albion (speaking of which, would someone please explain to me how he's supposed to do that when he's DEAD?) - and then they went and did it in such a heartbreaking way that totally didn't do it justice. I really liked Gwaine, and was hoping he'd be next to find out about Merlin's magic, and then they freaking killed him - and Elyan too, let's not forget (so much for the Round Table). I liked Morgana - she was such a sweet, kind soul - and I was so pleased when she discovered her magic and learned not to fear it and actually SAID she had hope it would one day be seen as a force for good, and...well, we know how THAT turned out, don't we? I liked Lancelot too, and I like how he knew about Merlin's magic, and how he didn't actually betray Arthur with Guinevere (I point out that that wouldn't even have happened if Merlin had told Morgana about his magic and Morgana had not gone evil in the first place). I liked Arthur growing up as a prince instead of as a farmer's son. Heck, I even liked Uther - cold and prejudiced bastard though he was, Anthony Head played him so well that I felt his pain about Ygraine and his fierce love for Arthur and Morgana, and I remember how lenient he was with Merlin's idiocy at times, and even how he came to view Merlin as a loyal servant (how's THAT for character development?). And then when they had everything lined up so beautifully at the end of Season 4, they spoiled it with Season 5, completely disregarded all their original changes to stick to the legend in the worst possible way at the worst possible moment. Therefore, don't be surprised that none of my Merlin stories take Season 5 as canon - because in my head, canon is up to Season 4, and fanfiction fills in the blanks after that. Sherlock: Love the setting of Sherlock and John in the 21st century, and Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are perfectly cast as said characters. Mrs. Hudson is a dear, Molly's sweet, Mark Gatiss has made Mycroft my favorite character, and Lestrade is great fun. I like how Moffat and Gatiss have altered the original Conan Doyle stories and I'm very intrigued by the liberties they're taking with the characters and their stories. The episodes are works of marvel, with Sherlock rushing on at a mile a minute with his incredible deductions and John slowly but surely humanizing the Great Detective - and the plots are glorious! Regrettably, being a Sherlock fan means that I have to bear with having only three episode per season, and a two-year wait between each season. And now after Season 4, it might just be over forever. Again, BBC - why must you torment me so? Justice League: Justice League and Justice League Unlimited were the first cartoons I ever followed - they were my introduction to the world of DC, and the springboard into my obsession with comic books. Before JL, the only comics I knew were my dad's old Marvel comics - I did like reading those, but once I got into DC, I never looked back. My favorite character here (actually, my favorite character in all of DC) is Wally West. I adore Wally West - he's so fun, and optimistic, and friendly - and call me sadistic, but I like the fact that his past contains a lot of tragedy and pain; I think it serves to flesh out his character really well, and it makes for delicious backstory. What can I say about the Justice League itself? The animated series was superb, and I still keep an eye out for the animated JL movies. As for the heroes in the League, my introduction to them was via the animated versions of the characters, but as time has gone on I've found that you can really only fully appreciate them if you know the comics they come from. There's over eighty years of history in DC's archives, and a lot of terrific elements - e.g. the Flash family, coordination between different superhero teams, the general togetherness of the superhero community, Blackest Night - have yet to be adapted for TV. But I am so, SO pleased with DC's Rebirth initiative! After the travesty that was the New 52, they've finally brought back my favorite character and the flavor of the pre-52 comics, which is a BIG step in the right direction. And after putting Wally through a massive trauma conga line, it seems like he's finally gotten his family back and is now the lead Flash in the main universe once again - which makes me so happy because he deserves it and it does his character justice. Teen Titans: The second animated series I followed. To be honest, I wasn't keen on it at first. When my TV station took Justice League off air and replaced it with Teen Titans, I'll admit, I was pretty upset. I knew nothing of the Titans - the only one I recognized was Robin, and I wasn't very fond of Robin at the time - and I couldn't see how a bunch of teenagers would be as cool as the Justice League. So, I resolved not to watch it. In my defense, the promos for it on my channel weren't that exciting. Fortunately, though, my dad had read the New Teen Titans comics, and he convinced me to give it a go. I did, and I was hooked. I loved the Titans, and even related to them better because they were closer to my age. What a mistake I almost made. Thanks, Dad. Anyway, my preference for the Titans is sort of split equally between their animated and comic versions. The cartoon's portrayal of the characters were a huge influence on a whole generation of kids and eventually the comics themselves, so I'll always have a soft spot for the animated characterizations - but I also like the more mature tone of the comics. Starfire is my third-favorite DC character, and I'm a Dick/Kori shipper all the way. I prefer Dick Grayson as Nightwing, but I prefer Terra as she was in the cartoon (considering her original comic incarnation, no surprise, right?). I still have very fond memories of the original Teen Titans, and I would love for some network to develop a really good, solidly-written, live-action TV series with the flavor of the Perez/Wolfman era (the current Titans series does not have that flavor, sadly). Legion of Superheroes: This was - you guessed it - the third cartoon I followed. Legion of Superheroes succeeded Teen Titans on Saturday morning TV. Having learned my lesson with Teen Titans, I watched it before judging it, and I liked it. Now, this is a franchise that's really been shortchanged in modern times. Despite the facts that it: (1) was one of the first superhero teams in comics; (2) was revolutionary in that it was set in the far future; (3) was perhaps the most inclusive title in terms of having a fair number of characters of various gender, race, sexual orientation; and (4) it had an essential role in the origin of Superman - the Legion is almost unheard-of when compared to the Justice League, the Titans, or even the Justice Society. Even longtime DC fans may not know of them, simply because the Legion's peak was during the Silver Age. The current Legion book is a disappointment - why have they made Lightning Lad black? - and I do not like CW's version of it (the Legion was founded by Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Lad, not Mon-El), but I still live in hope for a Legion of Superheroes TV series before a Teen Titans one. With the huge cast of characters and the futuristic setting, can you imagine the stories producers could tell with a franchise like the Legion? They could feature a whole new set of Legionnaires every season! MY STORIES (those which I feel I need to elaborate on): A Hero Prophecy Series: My take on a possible turn of events picking up at the Legion of Superheroes Season 2 finale. I'll be honest, I cringe a bit - okay, a lot - when I think of this, and even more on the extremely rare occasions when I actually read it. It was my first actual piece of fanfiction, and I was twelve when I wrote it. That's not to say that it's completely terrible, but my writing has improved by giant leaps and bounds since then, and I'm sure any author will agree that looking back on old stories sometimes makes you wonder what on earth you were doing/thinking writing that way. So, yeah, I'm not a big fan of this series because of the flaws that are obvious to me now - a plot that rather went overboard, stilted development, too much unjustified character torture, underdeveloped OC villain, plotholes, a rather weak integration of the fandoms, take your pick - but I still leave it on here because it's part of my journey as a writer, the first step that got me to where I am as an author today. Just don't judge my writing ability based on this series, yeah? Stories (in chronological order): Youtube Videos: Cross-Country Case: A CSI:NY/NCIS/NCIS:Los Angeles crossover trilogy, composed of the following stories: Phone Calls: A series of loosely connected Transformers oneshots featuring Captain/Major/Colonel Lennox. Status: Posted, essentially discontinued. Compilation of Knowledge: An ongoing collection of loosely connected Merlin fics set in the same mini-universe. I cannot promise when the next installments will be published, but this is one project that I definitely would revisit. Additional oneshots will be written and posted as and when I get the ideas, inspiration, and time to write them. The series will also (eventually) include a multi-chapter story called Knowledge of Friends. Current stories are: POTENTIAL STORIES (Note: As I've stated before, only a few of my story ideas actually make it to completion; thus, there is no guarantee that even those listed here will become full stories - these are simply the most likely candidates, but they are still subject to change - I tend to bite off more than I can chew when it comes to writing fanfiction. However, do not fear the "On hold" label - this merely means that I'm not currently actively working on these stories, not necessarily that they will be on hold forever): Flashback (working title, may change later): DCAU crossover between Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans (Yes, I know TT isn't technically part of DCAU, but for the most part they fit really well together). Wally's days as Kid Flash, and as a Teen Titan, are behind him, buried under a double tragedy that left him bereft of both his uncle and the only girl he's ever loved. However, a mysterious message to the Watchtower leads him to reconnect with the Titans, and he discovers that Jinx is still alive, and needs his help. Meanwhile, his League teammates are along for the ride, and they learn things they never knew about their fastest member. Status: On hold. The Place Where Magic Runs: A Chronicles of Narnia and Merlin crossover. While chasing the mysterious White Stag, Arthur and Merlin suddenly find themselves transported to a realm they've never heard of, but where magic runs free and unchecked in almost everything. Even more bizarrely, this 'Narnia' is ruled by not one, but four Kings and Queens, all of whom are younger than even Merlin himself. With no way to return to Camelot, adrift in a land alive with the force Arthur doesn't trust but Merlin loves, and faced daily with Talking Animals, magical creatures, and moving Trees, this was never going to be easy even without the unspeakably evil plot simmering to a boil in the darkest regions of Narnia. But there was a reason they were brought here, and Aslan isn't going to let them leave until both sides have learned what they're supposed to. Status: On hold. The Fire Within (title may change): Possible multi-chapter Legend of Korra story dealing with the Fire Nation Royal Family (it's criminal how we saw so little of them in the show) and a post-Book 4 Krew. Status: In planning stages, snippets written. ARGENTUM ET AURUM Overview: Massive, massive Harry Potter AU revolving around the premise that the Malfoys quietly defected from Voldemort during the First Wizarding War and raised Harry in secret from the time he was seven years old. This has been in the works for literal years, and will probably continue to be in the works for several more years. It explores both Harry and Draco's time at Hogwarts and the history of their parents' generation. I have plans for a trilogy and a detailed outline - but I am making no promises about when it will all be published. More information can be found in the prelude in the first chapter of Argentum et Aurum, which is currently posting! Argentum et Aurum: First of the intended trilogy. Will cover 1991-1995 (Harry's and Draco's first year to fourth year of Hogwarts). In the present: focus is on the relationship between Harry and Draco, their relationships with their schoolmates and professors, and accounts for the events of the first four books. In the past: focus is on early relationships - between Harry and Draco, between the Marauders, between Lily, Lucius, and Snape - and the events in the previous generation's time at Hogwarts that have ramifications in the present. Status: First year completely written, currently posting once a week. Lux et Tenebrae: Second of the intended trilogy. Will cover 1995-1998 (Harry's and Draco's fifth year to seventh year of Hogwarts). In the present: focus is on the rise of Voldemort, the Second Wizarding War, Dumbledore's Army, and the Order of the Phoenix. In the past: focus is on the events and characters from the First Wizarding War, with spotlights on various Order members and Death Eaters. Various side characters in the DA will also be explored. Status: Planned and plotted. Vita et Morte: Third of the intended trilogy. Will cover the period beyond 1998 (post-Hogwarts for Harry and Draco). Status: In planning. TALES OF DIAMOND EARTH Overview: Probably my most ambitious project ever, Diamond Earth is the name I have given to the DC universe which I have modified to suit me. I call it Diamond Earth because a diamond has four sides, and I have incorporated elements from four different universes - cartoon, comic, movie, and TV - to create it. It will be the setting of many stories in fandoms such as Justice League, Teen Titans, and Legion of Superheroes. Diamond Earth was launched in 2012, and I'll probably be writing stories for it for years to come (I have so many ideas!), but there also tends to be long gaps between stories (sorry). It's a slow burn. The in-story timeline also starts in the year 2000, so it's rather outdated by now, but I can't retrospectively alter the dates without screwing up the timeline, so just think of it as an alternate Earth with superheroes and advanced tech in the 2000s (and really, isn't that the framework for all the comics anyway?). The Diamond Earth universe is currently split into two separate, but connected series of stories: the majority of the tales so far take place in the 21st century, but I've also written the first installment of the Legion of Superheroes' 31st century adventures. 21ST CENTURY Origins: Justice League/Teen Titans crossover. Detailing the birth of the Justice League and the Teen Titans, Origins explores the rise of the second generation of heroes, from legends like Superman and freelancers like J’onn J’onzz to successors of a legacy like Flash and new heroes like Green Lantern. At Earth’s hour of peril, these heroes band together to defeat the menace of the evil that plagues the planet, and in doing so, the foundation is laid for a new Age of Heroes. Status: Posted, completed. Secrets of State: A Teen Titans story. Starfire’s origins are secret even from her own team, but when a group of Gordanian bounty hunters come to Earth and capture her, the Titans travel to Tamaran to rescue her. As they progress, bit by bit, they discover the truth of their teammate’s history, and learn that her secrets are wrapped in a deep, dark plot of political intrigue and alien mystery. Status: Posted, completed. Joy to the World: A Diamond Earth Christmas anthology with chapters that feature various characters, major and minor, current or future. Set at Christmas 2002 in DE-verse, each chapter focuses on a different character and revolves around varying themes that all tie in somehow to that magical time of the year when everyone manages to forget their differences and reach out a helping hand. Status: Posted, completed. Legacy: Justice League story. Wally West is the third speedster to be known as the Flash. Not only is he one of the Justice League's Original Seven, but his two predecessors were both well-respected heroes of the League's forerunner, the Justice Society. Thus, Wally has a great legacy to live up to - and it is one he is proud to have. However, as he faces a foe who matches his speed in every aspect for the first time, this same legacy might just be his ultimate downfall. Status: Posted, completed. Faster Than Light: Oneshot tie-in to Legacy, following Barry Allen's POV during Chapter 14 of the story. The Witch's Brew: Justice League story. Years ago, Giovanni Zatara vanished without a trace. His daughter Zatanna attempted to find him, but she never could and was eventually forced to abandon the search. Now, though, a new piece of evidence has come to light, bringing with it the chance for Zatanna to finally locate her long-lost father. However, the question she may not want to contemplate is why he left in the first place. Status: Posted, completed. Fall From Grace: Oneshot prequel to Brightest Day, Blackest Night. A single, shocking event sets into motion a series of further events that sees Hal Jordan, Thaal Sinestro, Hector Hammond, and Carol Ferris all on their own twisting paths, which will eventually come together in a devastating way. Status: Posted, completed. Brightest Day, Blackest Night: Justice League story (could also be considered a Green Lantern story with JL characters given significant supporting roles and subplots). A staggering betrayal within the Green Lantern Corps leads to the near-destruction of Oa and the disarray of the greatest peacekeepers in the galaxy. In the aftermath of the tragedy on Oa, Earth's Green Lantern Hal Jordan struggles to cope with a devastating series of events. The breakdown of his relationship with Carol, the appearance of a mysterious new meta-being, the behind-the-scenes machinations of both an old acquaintance and an unknown enemy, and the death of a friend all cause Hal's life to spiral increasingly out of control. Green Lanterns have great strength of will, but there's only so much that one man can take before he breaks. Status: Posted, completed. 31ST CENTURY Knights of the Future: First Diamond Earth Legion of Superheroes story, introducing the in-universe 31st-century timeline and an adventurous twist on the classic Legion origin story. What if Rokk Krinn, Imra Ardeen, and Garth Ranzz didn't meet in space saving R.J. Brande, but on Earth in the most mundane-turned-extraordinary circumstances? What if was a different assassination attempt at a public event in New Metropolis that drew them together? The journey is different but the destination is the same: R.J. Brande still waits for them at the end of the road, they are still three people of very different backgrounds whom the fates have seen fit to push together, and they are still the beginning of a majestic group of individuals united towards a common goal: championing justice like the knights of old. Status: Posted, completed. Chiaroscuro (title may change): The next Legion of Superheroes story, picking up almost immediately after Knights of the Future. Chiaroscuro will span four years in-story, have multiple story arcs, and chronicle how the Legion grew from the small original group to the team we all know and love. Status: In preliminary writing stages. |
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