Author has written 12 stories for Harry Potter, Hey Arnold, Hunter X Hunter, and Nosatsu Junkie/悩殺ジャンキー. Hello there. Thanks SO MUCH for visiting this silly profile of mine! *grins maniacally* First of all, I want to thank ALL of you who reviewed my stories and/or added it to favorite! You have no idea how much it means to me! I am really sorry because I have to say that maybe I'm ON HIATUS (especially at writing a Harry Potter fanfiction). I'm really, really, REALLY sorry because I haven't been feeling like writing a fanfic or anything. I apologise if you find me kind of abandoning my works. Little things about me: An unmotivated writer, full-time procrastinator, movie freak, coffee addict, nocturnal. Favorite Pairings Draco and Hermione (Harry Potter) Arnold and Helga (Hey Arnold!) Jimmy and Cindy (Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius) Killua and OC (Hunter X Hunter)Genre Love (to write): Angst, tragedy, mystery, dark, depressing fics XD Love (to read): Depends on my mood :PContacts All is hereForgive my grammatical errors. I'm still learning English. Hopefully I will be able to write again and continue my stories and not disappoint you all! Thanks for reading! Regards, V. Vichi L. P.S. Enjoy my stories, guys! Don't forget to review or I will haunt you. ( O_O) P.P.S. Avatar credits to selfhaircuts@deviantart. |
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