Author has written 13 stories for Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Pride and Prejudice. aol screenname: persefonae --feel free to drop me an im! This is as good a place as any to meet potentially awesome people. You are a potentially awesome person, aren't you? :D About Me: I don't seem to have enough time to do anything, but find way too much time to write. I'm not an over-achiever, nor do I have anything to prove. I'm sarcastic as all hell, and it usually runs on overload. In a typical day, I'd say I inadvertently piss of at least a dozen people. I've been all over the world. Likes: People who have a sense of humor, consideration, open-mindedness, FUN, art, sleep, FOOD, and anything that involves NOT being a douchebag to others. Dislikes: People who hate things just to hate them. This is a place for people to enjoy reading/writing. Do not bother me if your goal is to feel shitty enough about your life to make others feel badly about theirs. I do make mistakes, that much I am sure of, but I can justify things that you may find to be inconsistent or unreasonable. Try asking. I also thoroughly enjoy the narrow-mindedness of some on here that think THEIR way of thinking is the ONLY way. We each perceive the characters differently, and I applaud those that choose not to make stories that consist of characters slinging words at one another with no real emotion or behavior to fill it in. Building between the cracks of the little characterization we see in our favorite manga--now THAT takes talent. There should be more support from readers and authors alike toward one another. This is a fanbase, folks! Get along! Go be an ass elsewhere. (PS: I bet I can read your stories and find a million reasons why you should shut the hell up! Or did you not write one? Right...) My preferences on this issue stand as this: do NOT post a review that is degrading to either me or my reviewer(s). I will NOT read it. I WILL delete it, I can promise you that. I won't put up with childish behavior. I only converse with mature human beings, thankyouverymuch. Simple FF Guidelines from Moi (I totally created these, so if you use anything below, please reference--it's only polite) 1. Deviation from canon is perfectly acceptable. If you don't like it, don't read fanfiction. If you want pure canon, then stick with the manga; you can't go wrong. 2. Mary-Sue is a term over-used. No, really, I think 99% of the fandom has no idea what one is. No, every OC is not one. If you want to be really technical, then let me point out how every major character in most writings are indeed just that. Mind-bottling, eh? Ruin your life? And, if someone wants to create one, by all means, let them. Who are you, cowardly reader, to point fingers? All I ask? Make sure it's well-written 3. Get along. This is a f-a-n-d-o-m, emphasis on fan. We are here because we share likes and dislilkes. Do not bash someone for not sharing your POV. No one makes you read a story. If you have constructive criticism, fine, but telling someone their story sucks is your opinion, not fact. Stop being a douche. 4. You have a username, yes, not a free-ticket to be an asshole. Get over yourself. Don't make me get all Freud on you to figure out what makes you come on here and act like a d-bag. But, if you want to talk about how much your life sucks, fine, send me a PM, I'm all ears (in the nicest possible way). 5. Respect the creativity. Let's face it, most readers don't have it, so respect that even if you don't agree. If the planet is a reflection of the people that amass to FF, then we are royally screwed. 6. You review, I have the right to respond. Writers, please, be kind and respond to your reviewers. But, as a reviewer, realize that if you dish it, you must be able to take it. Leave something rude or arrogant, I'm going to respond (unless you are overboard, then your comment is meaningless). I'm tiring of seeing idiot reviewers blatantly flaming others with no reasonable criticism. I know that it's easy to be a moron behind the guise of a username...I get it, really. Types of Flamers (Again, my ingenuity, so please credit me. Though, I should add that I am totally flattered!) 1. The Lurker. Yeah, you know them. You don't hear a peep from them until they try to point out a mistake you may/may not have made. 2. The Manic-Depressive. They continually flip between tearing you a new one and giving you praise. Didn't they learn that "sandwiching" never works? 3. The Giver-but-Can't-Taker. They get all better-than-though with their review, but can't handle it when you respond in a mature manner, even proving your point. You'll know them by how quickly they revert to name-calling. Sometimes, they bring in friends to help flame only to serve the purpose of making them feel better. Heck, they sometimes bombard you with anonymous flames (delete them, much easier than reading). You can usually tell from their signature grammatical mistakes. Usually blurred with #11. 4. The Envious. Take a quick peek at their profile. Did they write a story? Any story at all? Enough said, case closed. 5. The Coward. They troll everyone and anyone, hiding behind the thick armor of an internet username, giving scathing reviews and feeling smug about it. They are first cousins, usually, to Then Envious. Most of the time, they use anonymous names because they secretly dislike confrontation on a more personal basis. 6. The High and Mighty. These morons think that everything they think is right and their small, narrow minds can't handle the idea that there may possibly be something else out there besides their beliefs. They apparently didn't learn anything from Hitler. 7. The Canonist. They can't handle any deviation from canon. Nope, none whatsoever. It's as if their brain will explode with the simple notion that transcends canon. Let's hope they never read an AU fic. Boom! 8. Mary-Suer/Gary Stuer: They look for "OC" and immediately begin hating on anyone's creation by throwing around the words "Mary Sue/Gary Stu". (Why can't an OC be as strong as the main characters? Why not stronger? It's no different than, say, the manga author introducing a newer character...) Don't fret, most of them don't even truly know what one is, nor do they realize their favorite characters fit just that description. Another mind explosion in the making, folks. 9. The Concrete-ist. Yup, these people flame you because they can't read between the lines. They can't catch the subtle character communications that some authors prefer to use instead of making it plain as day. They usually don't have a reading level above a Neanderthal--as that part of the brain for detecting subtleties has never developed. Shame, what a waste of 9 months of someone's life. 10. The Impatient. They can't wait for you to write your story. They jump all over any diversion or misconception you purposely set up--claiming you are incorrect in your writing instead of waiting for you to clear it up in your own story. Their only purpose for reviewing is to point those "facts" out. 11. The Empty Flame. They usually claim you are wrong, but have no real basis or evidence to back it up, other than their own opinion. Makes for a shallow person and a moron reviewer. I love my reviewers! Very few readers review, and I appreciate the time mine take to leave me something--anything! Our stories live off of reviews, so the more, the merrier! |
Saigo no Hajime (7) | SkyMaiden (81) | tosakuai (7) |