I'm a mass of contradictions I'm an angry kind of girl I'm an over the top I'm seventeen years of I'm sad sometimes I'm a mass of contradictions Let's be nineteen, nineteen raucous arrogant queens with false self-esteem Let's be nineteen, nineteen stuffed with glitter and pink and forget how to think Let's be nineteen, nineteen just a tad bit slutty turning men to mush, and boys to putty Let's be nineteen, nineteen mature and sugary sweet flighty with cheek Okay, so it's been a while since I have ventured out into the fandom. Other than reading and reviewing I have been strictly an outside fixture. After I deleted all of my stories I thought I would jump right back in, but that didn't happen. I realized how bad a writer I was. I know, shocked the hell out of me, but it was good, too. My stories were so mediocre and immature, which was fitting because so was I. I've learned some things however and have experienced some things and had a lot of time for self-reflection and finding my zen place, but now I'm back and I'm ready to write, and I hope to learn about who I am as a reader and a writer messily with all of you. And so here is my promise to you: I promise to be true to my story and true to my characters and give all of you the best of me and my ability if you promise to always be honest and never pander to my delicate sensibilities. Some of my favorite quotes: “Grasping my truant pen, beating myself for spite. “Fool”, said my Muse to me, “Look in thy heart and write” --Sir Phillip Sydney Read for sheer wonder mere surprise then turn the page --e.e. Cummings Run mad as often as you choose, but do not faint. --Mansfield Park Favorite song at the moment: Never had-- Oscar Isaac (from the movie 10 Years) Favorite Movie at the moment: Stardust |
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