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Author has written 27 stories for Twilight, Soul Eater, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club. Hi there! My name isn't something I feel comfortable sharing on the internet but you can call me Zade. My love for reading and the wonder of some books and anime is what led me to this site. The incredible stories are what hooked me, and the talented authors are what inspired me to write. I constantly derp around with my friends, and a good number of my ideas come from them. One fanfiction pal worth mentioning is Sora also known as ProfessorDumbleBrows. A lot of our ideas come from each other and we're constantly working on various collaborations together (though we seem to have a hard time actually completing anything) so keep an eye out for anything that interests you on our joint account: Zade-And-Sora Ships that I write/am willing to consider writing for: -Spamano, USUK, FrUK, FrUKUS, PruCan [Hetalia] -Rintori, MakoHaru, Reigisa [Free! Iwatobi Swim Club] -Roxas/Namine [Kingdom Hearts] Twincest [Ouran High School Host Club] -SoulXMaka [Soul Eater] I know that a lot of people come here and post stories because they had fun writing them or they want to share something they wrote with other people. That's true with me. But I'm also one of those people that enjoys writing for what it is, I love it and it's something I'm very passionate (although sometimes insecure) about. I dream of becoming a better writer and someday publishing something that tons of people will love. I know a lot of people on this site share this dream, so why don't you all do us a favor and review more please? We don't know how people feel about our writing if you don't review, and constructive criticism is really very helpful. So please, whether you're just a reader or a writer who shares these sentiments, please review more often. Check out some of my stuff on Fictionpress or AO3 my pen name on both is: MyManIsFictional I also write a lot of rintori fanfiction on tumblr, so if you'd like my url, just send me a message! Hell, if you just want to shoot some ideas, discuss a request, or even roleplay, just sent me a message anyway. My friend Austin made this account for me when I couldn't make one so thanks to him! Let's give him a big hand for helping me out like that! *applause* now its my turn haha, this is austin btw, im really a big nerd at heart. you can pretty much call me what you want, wether it be tex, abel, rain, whatever each has a personal meaning behind it, cept rain thats just my last name shortened haha i am very into forgotten realms books, especialy drizzt, and im also a big orson scott card fan. unlike my fne friend kono i do not like twilight, although i dnt hat it either not much else to say really -I'm back again! This time it's Kono. I just wanted to say something very important...Psh, I'm sooo getting Austin into Twilight. now its my turn... again... its my own choice and kono has nothing to do with it!! mostly -It's Kono again! Austin! You know I like getting the last word in! Besides, we both know that you got into Twilight because I made you start reading the fanfics! now its my turn again... again... i will get the last word!! and you made me do nothing!! i did it out of the kindness in my heart, that i later gave to charity -AUSTIN! Stop ruining my moment! Anyway, stop lying to the people! You had given the kindness of your heart to charity BEFORE I got you interested in Twilight. . wel... shu' up foo!! -Nice comeback, smart guy. i hate you xP i should take this back and change the pass word i am the owner of this account technically -You know you don't hate me. Besides, you did this as a favor for me, remember? Most of the favorites were picked by ME, and our stories were written by ME, so back off! grrrrrrr your mean and your lucky i gave most of my hate to charity the second i was born!! xP -Sheesh, did you give all of your emotions to charity? im very even tempered thank you very much -So you claim. last post... i do claim, im just very sarcastic -That means I get the last word. I win, Austin! I always win. ;D but no... victory is mine, i bided my time muaahahahahaha xP -Pfft, I don't think so! What part of I always win don't you understand? I knew that you would wait until you thought I forgot about you. I WIN! |
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