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![]() Author has written 41 stories for Coraline, Bible, Chronicles of Narnia, Twilight, Divergent Trilogy, Across the Universe, Beth Revis, Misc. Books, Inkheart, and Lorien Legacies. ODDS AND ENDS Hi, I'm Calyn. Girl, Catholic, American, born in the latter half of the 1900s. I don't write a whole lot—I've kind of realized that I find continually messing around with my ideas and universes more fun than actually setting them down in text. I have an AO3 account under the same name (ao3 . org/users/Calyn), but so far the only things I've posted there are two gift arts for BrokenKestral, vocal covers for two of Qoheleth's fics, and Between. I plan to also crosspost the FIF and CCDE fics when they are finished. I also have a Tumblr (calyns-corner) that I use as a sort of fanfic journal, where I post fic-related media and (very) extended author's notes. If you see me mention a tmblr co link, that's where it's sending you. The pinned post has an organized list of links to every other post. Full size versions of all my story covers (and some previous versions) can be found under the tag "image: story cover". Universal disclaimer: none of it's mine, except the bits that are. Current writing priority: finishing unfinished things (order approximate) What's Coming To You (FIF 2) FANDOMS Major: Narnia (book), Coraline (book/movie), H2O: Just Add Water (live action) Minor: LOTR (B/M), Hobbit (B), Harry Potter (B), Hunger Games (B), Sailor Moon (anime and PGSM), Circle of Magic, Twilight, Portal/Portal 2, Supernatural (Seasons 1-5), Frozen II Anti: Walden's "Narnia" movies, Hobbit (M), Mako Mermaids, Harry Potter (M), Brave, Sailor Moon Crystal (seasons 1-2), Sherlock, Supernatural (Season 6 onward), Frozen NARNIA AUs Darkness Universe (DU): This is my personal and primary Narnian universe, and it's most easily defined as "bookverse except this chick called Ailena is also there." For most intents and purposes, it is functionally identical to bookverse. As a basic primer: Ailena ("AYE-len-na") is an ageless teenager (except during GA and AR), has no romantic attachments to anyone ever, is subordinate to Peter (despite the informal title of "high Queen" she ends up with due to seniority), and is partly responsible for Lewis writing the DU Chronicles. She usually exists quietly and almost never alters the canon story in a significant way, a deliberate choice on my part because I love Lewis' Narnia and wish to observe it, not rewrite it. She has a cheesy backstory I've occasionally dropped hints about, and which is not particularly relevant to the main story. Really the whole AU is cheesy, but I've reached a point in my life where I feel comfortable saying "Yes it is cheese; nevertheless I choose to remain committed to it." The DU also has a section that happens on Earth in the 2020s and 2030s, which is dedicated exclusively to dunking on the Walden movies by having Susan's grandson and his family create the complete and definitive (and actually fricking accurate) Narnia reboot film series, by fans, for fans. Cause I can, cause I can do it bet-ter. Fics in the DU: This Is, It Was Chapter 2 (some details are no longer accurate) o Sunshine 2.0 Universe (S2): This is the revised version of the Narnia/Twilight crossover universe I created for Sunshine (1.0) in 2012. Right now it's referred to as 2.0 to distinguish it from the original version, but if I ever manage to actually get Sunshine itself revised and reposted, then the revision and universe will just be called "Sunshine"/SS and the original fic will be relabeled "Sunshine (alpha version)" or something similar. Anyway, S2 is the result of a a totalcrackship taken way too seriously and then massively edited. TLDR: Edward "Ed" Cullen had an almost entirely non-romantic relationship with Lucy Pevensie over her entire life (the "almost" happens very late in her life, is entirely one-sided, and remains unconfessed), which significantly changed his own life because she's just kind of special and I love her, and also Susan Pevensie is Isobelle Swan's grandmother. You can read Sunshine (1.0) for the original 2012 version, but the universe has shifted wildly since then and a significant chunk of that fic is no longer accurate. Fics in S2 AU: Azure Chapter 4 (Viridian) #24 o Last Guide AU (occasionally referred to as LG): This is a bookverse AU in which everything is exactly the same as canon, except that you see certain things from the perspective of Narnia's own Death/angel of death/pyschopomp, who is called Adethrel. When someone dies, on her plane of existence the hilt of a sword appears in his chest. Said swords vary in appearance based on the person and how he chose to live his life. It is then her task to draw the blade from the body, give it to his shade, and guide/counsel him on the passage from death to judgement. The basics of the AU itself, including the swords, were imagined in early 2010. The original drabble (at that point called simply "untitled") was posted in late 2010, and I then promptly spent twelve years not touching it again except for brief references in Azure. Until August 2022, when it gained a real title and cover thanks to a July art challenge. And then Adventures in Narnia 2022 came along in September, and oops, suddenly I was writing some oneshots for the AU. If I ever get around to finishing the whole story—current estimate is that it would be at least seven chapters of varying length—those oneshots will be incorporated into it in some fashion. Fics in LG AU: The Last Guide (some details potentially inaccurate) THE FIF AND THE CCDE I have two groups of spitefics posted here: the Fix-it Files (FIF) and the Confederation of Crappy Denouement Eliminators (CCDE). (Or at least, most of them are spitefics—Inkwoven happened because I was disappointed, rather than angry; Had I Lain happened because I freaking sobbed.) They were and are intended primarily as personal catharsis, so they aren't necessarily the highest quality stuff. The FIF are an otherwise-unrelated collection of in-universe "this is the way it should have happened," whereas the CCDE are a chronological series of "I am sending multiverse agents into this to fix it." The CCDE also has a sister organization, the Coalition of Canon Defenders (CCD), who make similar journeys into fanwork instead of original work. While I have yet to write any CCD fics (and likely wouldn't post them here even if I did), since they are closely related groups, CCD agents sometimes appear in CCDE jobs. Fix-it Files FIF 1: Gonespell, AU scene (Nightspell, Leah Cypess) FIF 2 is technically also a Supernatural fusion crossover, but no canon characters appear and no SPN knowledge should be required. CCDE CCDE 1: Venient Vengeance, AU scene/sequel (Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn) ABOUT THOSE "INCOMPLETE" FICS... The Muse persists. It goes on living, though neglected, waiting for you to give it air or die without giving it utterance. CCDE and FIF fics: Although these WIPs have no actual presence on the site yet, they are my top priority at the moment. (For whatever value of "priority" there is.) Azure and Azure Expanse: These will never be marked "complete", as they have no defined end or overarching plot. Further chapters will be added if and when I write them. Call Me Katie: Man, this was the first fic I ever posted on FF, and I had all 38 chapters of it named and outlined way back in 2009, as well as a multi-story AU version (the Severed Souls Saga) planned. It still gets favorited and followed once in a while, which both amuses and mystifies me. I was a fanfic noob writing it though, and I am no longer a noob. While it holds a special place in my heart, and I'd really like to finish it one day, the truth is I probably won't. If it's ever updated, it will likely be "I am abandoning this but here's what I had planned." Sunshine: Hoo boy, this thing. I think I can safely say this is the most divisive thing I've ever written (even more than Dear Authors), mostly between people who understood what I was going for and people who really, really didn't. I created this Narnia/Twilight AU for kicks from a random contest prompt at the height of my anti-Twilight phase. But then I started wondering what would happen if I took it seriously, and kept wondering, and then screwed around with a lot of Twilight stuff for fun, and the result is that the AU has changed and expanded significantly since I wrote and posted this original oneshot—and it's the kind of "significantly" that means almost nothing in the Twilight books still happens. I do have the beginnings of a Susan POV sequel called "Sundark" that I started before the AU changed so drastically, but I'm reluctant to post that without being able to also direct people to the new and improved Sunshine, and honestly? I'm not sure I'll ever get around to actually writing it down. The Last Guide: As mentioned in the AUs section, I'd like to finish this one day. Current projection is for at least seven chapters, some of which have already been drafted as part of Amber and Adventures in Narnia 2022. The fact that I have finally actually written stuff for it inherently increases the chance that it might get finished at some point, but I can't promise anything. Father of Aslan, lead me. ~Calyn |