![]() Author has written 49 stories for Dragonlance, Cats, Yu-Gi-Oh, Furcadia, Gundam Wing/AC, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Harry Potter, M*A*S*H, Silmarillion, ElfQuest, Monk, Land Of The Lost, StarTrek: The Original Series, Touched by an Angel, Beauty and the Beast, Pokémon, Adventure Quest, Incarnations of Immortality, Watershed Trilogy, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Crest of the Stars, DragonFable, Independence Day, Gatekeepers 21, Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, StarTrek: Voyager, Princess Bride, and Xena: Warrior Princess. Please do NOT private message me to ask me to commission artwork from you. All spam I receive is being REPORTED To Fanfiction.net - you have been warned. The picture on my author bio is Princess of Tsurugi from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters game. She is featured as a character in my Ancient Egypt Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic that I'm currently working on. It's going to be long, so it will take me quite a while to write it. Once it's done, however, I expect it to be my masterpiece. (I'm estimating it will be 100,000 words -- novel length.) Here is a bit of a teaser about the plot. It begins in Ancient Egypt, and deals with a lot of politics, fate, 7 types of magic, the Millenium Items, etc. The story will end up in the present time that the show takes place in and include a lot to do with the "hikaris" of the ancient characters. There will be a back-in-time version for only ONE of Yugi's friends aside from his own "yami", the Pharaoh. Not Joey, not Tea -- Tristan! If you've seen the whole show, you may giggle when you see his back in time counterpart's name! November 3, 2010: Okay, so I lied. I've since come up with an idea for an Ancient Egypt version for Tea, and it's complicated, but Joey DOES have quite a bit in common with at least one character from my Ancient Egypt segment. I just didn't think to mention it before! Well, you'll see! Here is a list of how many fanfics I've posted for each setting so far: AdventureQuest -- 1 Story What to expect in the way of updates from my In-Progress fanfics: Aim for the Stars: I've posted the first two of four chapters so far for this. Since it's not too long, especially compared to a lot of the rest of my In-Progress fics, hopefully I'll be able to complete it reasonably soon! It'll depend on how much time I spend on this fanfic without getting distracted by my others, though. It's in a pretty obscure setting, so I'm not in a big rush to write it if I can update something people are waiting to read -- I'd just as soon leave just a bit of time between updates on this one to give people a chance to find it. My plot is fairly well mapped out, including chapter titles and everything! Artificially Bio-engineered Human - The Origins of the Abh Race: Wowee, who knows. I'm kind of working on this story out of order, but I do have part of the next chapter, chapter two ready. I am planning on a total of 9 chapters when it's finished. Changing the World: Chapter 1 out of 4 total chapters posted so far. Not really sure how long this'll take to write, but I've got at least a vague outline in my head for the whole story and an idea how it all ends. Dear Diary: The first chapter that I've got posted so far I wrote way back in '03 or something! I'll update this eventually -- thanks to all my reviewers! Do I Know You: YAY!!! After 6 and 1/2 years, finally an update! 4 chapters out of 49 total now posted! Wheeee! I'm hoping to get chapter 5 written and posted in the near future as well, but after that I *really* need to watch the show again, if not sooner. Gerudo's Winter: This is one of those fanfics that I'm mostly making up as I go, so updates should be fairly quick when I'm not busy doing something else and/or writing another fanfic! I haven't picked how many chapters there will be in total when it's finished. Right now, I've got Chapter 1: "Leading Edge" posted so far -- stay tuned for Chapter Two: "Ice Valley"! Jellicles Old and Jellicles New: Expect updates on this fanfic to be EXTREMELY sporadic and random. I have a few chapters of this already written, but I still have most of it left to write, and what I do have is out of order. I'm trying to go through a lot of old jumbled notes that I've got for various chapters, but overall the farther along I get in this fic, the quicker the updates should be. I may update in clumps sometimes as I complete chapters that have already-written chapters that are supposed to come right after them. (I don't know how many parts will be in the current chapter, "Knockabout Clowns" -- part 1, which is posted now, was written several years ago and I'm picking up from there for this chapter.) Lord of Three Waters: This fanfic is based on the Watershed Trilogy (A Breach in the Watershed, Darkenheight, War of Three Waters) written by Doug Niles. I hope to update the next chapter soon, but I don't know how long the chapter will be so I don't really know how long it will take me to post it. After chapter 2, who knows? Monsieur Gaston: Updates on this fic are likely to be at random times as well! I don't expect this to turn out to be an extremely LONG fic, though, but it could well go on for a bit. Tears of the Nice Guy: Originally intended as a one-shot, but I'm eventually going to continue it. Once I start updating again, I'll probably have a better idea of how regularly updates will be forthcoming. The Ebil Handbook: I've posted the introduction so far -- I've got 6 more chapters on the way. Who knows when? They Are My Future: I have to watch my tapes of the series again sometime to familiarize myself with the show again before I can really start to work on this fanfic beyond the theme song that I have posted for it so far, so don't expect an update too quickly. YAY! I've now posted Episode One! Too Far: Okay, I really hope I update this one in a hurry -- I already have a bunch of notes for chapter two, and a bit for chapter three, and I know how the final chapter (four) is supposed to go. I just have to put what I've got in order and finish chapter two, and you should see it soon if all goes as planned! (Famous last words, right?) Trudy Monk: It may take a while for the next update, but I'm planning on making the rest of the chapters longer. Thanks for everyone's patience! Walking a Mile: Well, looks like I've finally gotten back to this one! I've now posted chapter 4 out of 6 in total I'm planning on -- so just 2 left to go! Weehee! I've got a pretty good idea how those last two chapters will go, and they're titled and everything, so if this roll I'm on keeps going, it may not be too long before I get to writing them. Where the Curtain Leads: This fic will be updated at random whenever I write chapters for it! I'm not sure how long it will be yet. (Oct 12, 2013 - OMG, an UPDATE? I promise to take better care of my stories... :P I hope.) I just did two searches on fanfiction.net for story, under category (all): I looked up the word "love." I found that there were 305,664 instances of the word "love" appearing in someone's fanfic title or summary on fanfiction.net Then I looked up the word "hate." I found that there were only 37,355 instances of it appearing in a title or summary. This means that every time 1 person puts up a fanfic with the word "hate" in the title and/or summary, 10 people put up fanfics with the word "love" in the title and/or summary. This only goes to prove something that, apparently, about 10 out of 11 of us here on fanfiction.net already know -- love is stronger than hate! I know which side I'm on! -Razzle (June 07, 2009, 11:57 p.m. central time) People ought to give Mary Sues and OCs a break, and be nicer to the fans who write them! Take the Lord of the Rings setting, for instance. Let's say you want to write a romance fic about Legolas, and you're looking for a female canon character to pair him up with. The most likely match for him (in other words, someone clearly not near the beginning or end of her lifespan, and who is not already in a stable romantic relationship with someone else) would be Shelob. Yes, that's right, the giant spider. If you agree that this means we should all cut Mary Sue some slack, copy and paste this into your profile. -Copy/pasted on August 27, 2009 I, Razzle, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I enjoy, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the Review Revolution. Post this same thing in your profile and spread the love! -Copy/pasted on August 27, 2009 |