![]() Author has written 5 stories for Song of the Lioness. Hello, my name is Ellie and my pen name is lilacmage or Lilac. I am from Australia. I enjoy reading, writing, playing with my dogs and cat, listening to my ipod, playing my clarinet and saxophone, playing waterpolo and badminton. I write mainly humor fanfiction at the moment, but am currently focusing on some more serious fanfiction. I write mainly Tamora Pierce fanfiction, and I read Harry Potter, Star Wars, NCIS and Teen Titans fanfiction too. At the moment I'm getting into the Harry Potter fanverse and am a part of a wonderful HP forum called King's Cross Station on Proboards. We're really welcoming here and there's a new House Competition just starting, so feel free to come over and get sorted (hopefully we'll see some more Hufflepuffs soon!). Here's the link: http:///index.cgi I have written a piece called Daine's Awkward Situation. It's a bit strange, but hopefully it is quite funny too. I wrote it quite a few years ago, but I hope you enjoy it. I have also written Much Shortened and Edited SOtL. It is basically my funny interpretation of the SOtL series. My most recent fanfic is The Cursed Jar of Peanut Butter. Neal was working on a spell when he makes a mistake and ends up accidentally reverses everyone's personalities. I swear it is funnier than it sounds. Crack!Fic I would appreciate it if people could find the time to review my fanfics please. It really encourages me to write more if I know that there are people who like my work. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my profile. -lilacmage |