Author has written 4 stories for Ranma, TV X-overs, Robotech/Macross, and Movie X-overs. I am fairly new to actually publishing fanfiction. I hope that any feedback will help me get my stories written better. I'll put a few quotes in here that I rather like and hope to be able to enter into my stories. "The path of the Righteous Man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of Evil Men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and goodwill, shepards the weak through valley of darkness. For he is truly his Brother's Keeper, and the finder of Lost Children. And I shall come down upon thee with Great Vengeance and Furious Anger, He who would attempt to poison and destroy my Brother, For My name is the Lord, and I shall lay my Vengeance upon thee. Ezekial 25:17 Pulp Fiction." I like sci-fi, fantasy, manga, and anime. I don't like yoai, shonen ai, or cheesy horror fics. Current Completed stories: Saotome Ranma ain’t Stupid (This was just a one-shot I had posted, not expecting much, but I received enough reviews that I decided I will continue this. ) (The product of reading succubus Ranma movies, Watching a movie about giant squid, and having little sleep at the same time.) Current In Progress Stories: Friends Vs True Friends (I always wondered why each practitioner of Anything Goes embodied a Sin...) The Cost of Common sense (This is the continuation of Saotome Ranma ain't stupid, as I have decided that if I screw up somewhere the original will still be fine, and I can write multiple avenues of consequences as different stories, using different plotlines and ideas I have come up with. This is the first one, and most likely is going to end up a dark-fic.) Stargate: Rise of the Kitsune Empire (My own twisted amalgram of SI, stargate, naruto genkyuudan, and God-Empress of mankind) T.Y.R.A.N.T. (Because MGLN just doesn't convey epic the way it should, with nordic OMG influence) Ending of Empires (a screwy Stargate/ seriously changed sailor moon crossover) |
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