Author has written 25 stories for Batman/Superman Adventures, DC Superheroes, X-Men: Evolution, Young Justice, Batman Beyond, Batman the Animated Series, and Teen Titans. Quote of the Day: "Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand - sometimes you turn your back to the wind. They knock me down, I'm back up again. There's no load I can't hold, the roads are rough, this I know. I'll be there when the light comes in, just to tell them we're survivors." Fanfiction Notice: All my new fanfiction is under the name The BatThing. There was a time when I had trouble uploading things to this name so I created a new one, so now I have two. Though, I won't be using this one to post any new stories. Oh Silent Prayer of My Thoughts: My longest lasting fanfiction, with a running of four years. It's the only fanfiction that will probably last without any reviews, considering how much I adore writing it. I'm currently in the process of re-working the first seven chapters, because let's face it - they suck. Anyhow, if you enjoy this fanfiction, you might try Ghosts in the Closets, For Who You Are, That's WhatThey Sayor In My Arms Again under my other penname. XD -Cas |
Piotr's girl (5) | Tatsuyuri (7) |