Author has written 19 stories for Thunderbirds. Well, it's me. I haven't touched any of my stories since at least 2004, which makes my unintended hiatus about four years. I've grown, I've matured, and while I am still very attached to my stories, I think they need to be rewritten to fit my current writing style. I've always loved to write, but when I was younger, sometimes I took it too seriously. I used fancy words when normal ones would have done just as well. Now, pursuing an English degree, I am much more aware of what makes "good" writing and I want to make an effort to hone my skills and make my stories better. Thanks to all that have reviewed my work since it was originally posted in 2002. Reading your reviews has inspired me to take up writing in my favourite fandom again. I will, as always, be focusing strictly on the Thunderbirds TV series and not the film, which I found to be an immense disappointment. However, as many of the characters are the same, I don't think any movie fans would have a hard time understanding my stories. :) I am currently rewriting Torn, which received rave reviews when it was written. I could never have asked for anything more than such fantastic and loyal readers. I am hoping the new, fleshed-out version of the story will be as well received, so if you were a fan of the old Torn, or even if you have never read any of my work before, please go give it a read and let me know what you think. I am going to leave the old version up as the new version will be quite different and nearly its own story, though the underlying emotions and events may be relatively the same. Thank you for visiting my profile. It is great to be back! |
bandj4ever (5) cathrl (74) | NovaGirl (44) quiller (59) | Ship's Cat (42) |