Author has written 22 stories for Life With Derek, Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Nikita, Gossip Girl, and 100.
TWITTER: tamilnadu09
GOODREADS: tamilnadu09
About Me
Due to the vast number of fics out there, I tend to only read the fics that people recommend to me either through PM or on twitter. That being said, if there's a fic you think I'd like, feel free to tell me about it! I read either T or M, and fics with an interesting plot & good grammar/spelling :)
My Stories
I write whenever I have time and am feeling inspired. Note that I'll never leave a fic unfinished, and I do my best to update frequently. And like any author, I love reviews ;) Be sure to let me know what you think!
LIVEJOURNAL: tamilnadu09 (additional fics, such as one-shots, can be found here).
New Amsterdam: Helen/Max
Nancy Drew: Ace/Nancy
TVD/The Originals: Elena/Elijah
The 100: Bellamy/Clarke
Gossip Girl: Dan/Blair
Veronica Mars: Logan/Veronica
Gilmore Girls: Rory/Jess
BtVS: Buffy/Spike
Angel: Cordelia/Angel
LWD: Casey/Derek