Author has written 38 stories for Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon X-overs, Ouran High School Host Club, Life With Derek, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Smallville, and Proposal, 2009.
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The Author
My name is Krys, I'm a 22 year-old female, even though I still feel like an awkward teen. I love to write, but I have a hard time with updating. Basically, I suck at it. I'm much better at one-shots than I am at multi-chaptered fics. It's rather sad, really. I still don't know what I'm going to do about that.
For my junior year of college, I studied abroad at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan. I want to drastically improve my Japanese - one of many dreams is to one day speak Japanese fluently. Let's see how that works out, shall we?
If you'd like to be friends with me, I'd love to meet you through LJ, but I'm a very shy person at first. When people first meet me, I may appear aloof and cold, but I have social anxiety, methinks. Really, it's not cool. I'm extremely shy. Trying to work on it.
My latest obsession as of Fall '08 is the Smallville fandom. I fell completely head over heels for Clois. Most of my current fanfic activity deals with them.
I'm an avid shipper - I support all types of pairings: het, yaoi, yuri, etc. I tend to like crack pairings, or I pair off my favorite character in a series with anyone and everyone. If there's a love triangle going on, I'll most likely be supporting the guy you know will lose. And if a pairing I like doesn't really make sense in life, who cares? It's fun to me, and it's what I like. -shrugs-
Oh, and I love crossovers. Especially Sailor Moon ones.
Ouran High School Host Club: Tamaki/Haruhi, Tamaki/Kaoru, Tamaki/Hikaru, Hikaru/Haruhi, Kaoru/Haruhi (really, any variation of these four together, lol)
Twilight: Bella/Jasper, Bella/Jacob
Life with Derek: Derek/Casey
Avatar the Last Airbender: Zuko/Katara, Toph/Aang
It Started with a Kiss: Ah Jin/Christine
Hana Yori Dango: Rui/Tsukushi
High School Musical: Troy/Sharpay, Ryan/Gabriella, Troy/Ryan
Harry Potter: Harry/Hermione, Harry/Anyone, Harry/Blaise, Ron/Luna
Naruto: Naruto/Hinata, Naruto/Anyone, Hinata/Anyone, Naruto/Sakura, Naruto/Gaara, Hinata/Gaara
Sailor Moon: Usagi/Seiya
Beauty Pop: Kiri/Narumi
Skip Beat!: Shou/Kyoko
Crossovers: Usagi/Heero (SM/GW), Usagi/Anyone, Clark/Bruce (SV/BB)
Smallville: Clark/Lois, Clark/Oliver, Clark/Lana, Chloe/Jimmy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike/Buffy, Spike/Tara, Faith/Wesley
Angel the Series: Spike/Fred, Spike/Angel, Spike/Illyria
etc, etc... (Trust me, this list could get really long.)
Coming Soon:
Stupid Risks ~ Usagi/Spike (SM/BtVS) :One-shot: Dedicated to fans of LB and CoTM, but unrelated to either world. Currently writing.
In Progress:
Forever ~ Alice/Usagi/Jasper (SM/Twilight) :Two-shot: Posted Part 3. Currently writing Part 4.
Free Fall ~ Clark/Lois (Smallville) :Multi-chapter: Posted Chapter 11 - Closer. Currently writing Interlude I.
Bewitched ~ ?? Hitachiin/Usagi Tsukino (Ouran/SM) :Multi-chapter: Posted Part 6 - Want.
Love's Ways ~ Heero/Usagi (GW/SM) :Multi-chapter: - Complete, but in all honesty, it sucks. Read at your own risk. -sigh-
The Way You Do ~ Trowa/Usagi (GW/SM) :One-shot:
To Leave Your Heart Behind ~ Ken/Usagi (WK/SM) :One-shot:
Realizing Too Late ~ Ken/Usagi (WK/SM) :One-shot:
Look at Me ~ Hikaru/Haruhi (Ouran Koukou Host Club) :One-shot:
Letter Trouble ~ Hikaru/Haruhi (Ouran Koukou Host Club) :One-shot:
Lucky Me ~ Tamaki/Kaoru, bits of Hikaru/Haruhi (Ouran Koukou Host Club) :One-shot:
Epsilon Timeline ~ Derek/Casey (Life with Derek) :One-shot:
Fool for Love ~ Derek/Casey (Life with Derek) :One-shot:
Anchor ~ Zuko/Usagi (AtLA/SM) :One-shot:
Our Secrets ~ Clark/Usagi (Smallville/SM) :One-shot:
Demon Eyes ~ Itachi/Sakura (Naruto) :Ficlet:
Before There Was ~ Riku/Sora (Kingdom Hearts I/II) :Ficlet
Unforgivable ~ Hikaru (Ouran Koukou Host Club) :Ficlet
Christmas with You ~ Kyoya Ohtori/Ami Mizuno (Ouran/SM) :One-shot:
Hear My Heartbeat on a Staircase ~ Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Smallville) :One-shot:
Unfamiliar ~ Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Smallville) :One-shot:
Popsicle Soup ~ Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Smallville) :One-shot:
Echoes ~ Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Smallville) :One-shot:
One Week Matchmakers ~ Derek/Casey, Marti (Life with Derek) :Multi-chapter: Post-Summer School Blues. Currently outlining Chapter 04 - Monday: Alpha Force Unite!.
Accidentally Yours ~ Derek/Casey (Life with Derek) :Multi-chapter: Future-fic. Currently outlining Chapter 03 - The Way We Were.
Second Chances ~ Usagi/Gaara (SM/Naruto) Currently outlining Chapter 06 - Untitled.
Caress of the Moonlight ~ Usagi/Spike (SM/BtVS/AtS) Currently writing Chapter 10 - Bring Us Together. 10 percent completed.
Love's Bitch ~ Usagi/Spike (SM/BtVS/AtS) :HIATUS:
Profile updated 10/23/09