Author has written 53 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Harry Potter, Tin Man, Robin Hood BBC, Alice, 2009, and Primeval. 'The flapper awoke from her lethargy of sub-deb-ism, bobbed her hair, put on her choicest pair of earrings and a great deal of audacity and rouge, and went into battle.' - Zelda Fitzgerald I'm probably much too old to still be on this site (just go ahead and look at when I joined). But I do it anyway because life's too short to go to bed early, match your socks, and avoid fanfic. I've only recently gotten back into reading it after a long absence of several years. Writing may be a little iffy but I'm hoping I can manage it. Just coming back and remembering how happy it all made me is enough to make me want to start again. Probably in a different fandom than the ones I've written in before. That tends to be my way--I exhaust whatever creative juices I have toward a particular fandom and then scarcely write for it again. This probably says an awful lot about me. None of it good. I'm a hopeless romantic in my own extremely warped way. I survive solely on 'ships. I have some OT3s. I love well-written OCs and AUs even though I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to. As for me personally, I'm helpless against my own weirdness. I'm simultaneously really old and really young. I say 'KIDS THESE DAYS!' a lot. I sleep with stuffed animals. I have a really weird job. I dye my hair half red and half purple because screw ever getting a 'real' job again. I'm into film history, etymology, psychology, and Disney Princess colouring books. 'Of all the things I'm not very good at, living in the real world is perhaps the most outstanding.' - Bill Bryson |
KamikazeCreamPuff (23) | Sar-kaz-m (56) Spoons1899 (62) teaandchess (17) |