![]() Author has written 16 stories for Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Game of Thrones, A song of Ice and Fire, Pokémon, Naruto, Fairy Tail, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Dragon Ball Pact: Favourite Movies: 1. Lord of the Rings - Who doesn't have the Lord of the Rings trilogy at the top of their top 5 movies? I think that is all I have to say about it, the movies speak for themselves. 2. The Hobbit - I loved the entire prequel trilogy. Truly it was prequels to the Lord of the Rings films. I absolutely love Smaug. He is easily the greatest dragon ever to hit the cinemas. 3. Pirates of the Caribbean - I don't understand why the movies are held in a negative view by majority of people. The 4th, I'll admit is clearly the weakest, but I loved the first three. Johnny Depp's performance as Jack Sparrow is clearly the stand out of the movies, one of the funniest characters I've ever seen on a movie screen. Favourite Animes/Manga: 1. Dragon Ball/Z/Kai - It was DBZ that got me into anime and manga. First off, I much prefer the anime over the manga mainly because a lot of the filler fights such as Vegetto (Base) vs Super Buu and SS2 Goku vs Kid Buu are bad ass. While the story lines are pretty straight forward, the battles just blow all other anime's out of the water. Plus I love a lot of the characters. It also has the best soundtrack. I also like DBZ Kai, waiting anxiously for the Buu saga to be dubbed. As for the Dragon Ball anime, I really enjoy it for many reasons such as Kid Goku who I found hilarious along with the likes of Roshi, Tien, Krillin etc all playing good roles. Thank God for the release of Dragon Ball Super, officially making Dragon Ball GT non canon and rightfully so with how terrible it was. They had some decent plot lines, but reverting Goku back into a kid was terrible, he just didn't have the same nativity and innocence he had when he was a true kid. The main issue with GT is the battles sucked! I prefer a lot of the main Dragon Ball anime battles over that. Waiting for the eng dub of Dragon Ball Super before deciding where I think its ranked. So far, not as good as DB or DBZ, but better than GT. 2. Dragon Ball Z TFS - Funniest parody ever! Enough said! 3. Bleach - My favourite current Manga and I am definitely missing the anime. I hope they start creating it again soon, because this final arc has been awesome so far. The Soul Society arc is my favourite, it was that arc that really got me hooked onto it. Really anxious for the anime to come back... surely when Naruto Shippuden finishes, then Bleach is the immediate replacement. 4. Shingeki no Kyojin - This is currently my favourite manga just behind Bleach. Absolutely love the story and the characters. I don't dislike a single character in the entire manga, which is rare for me. Second season comes out this year! YAY! Attack on Titan Junior High was freaking hilarious and awesome, I love it. 5. Fairy Tail - I like it. Although I prefer the studio that did the first 175 episodes, I still enjoyed the rest of the GMG's arc. Forget about the current filler arc. Admittedly, there is way too much fan-service, that it loses it's appeal and just becomes annoying. Also, there is too much nakama power ups, however despite that, I still read the current manga and watch the anime. 6. Psycho-Pass - Freaking love it. I loved both seasons, although I'm annoyed that the second season was only 11 episodes long. 7. Naruto - A good, solid manga that I enjoyed for many years. Annoyed by the final pairings, but it's not that big of a deal. I don't mind the manga length, but the anime length is ridiculous. Too many fillers!! 8. Akame ga Kill - I haven't really read the manga, but I have seen all 24 episodes of the anime. I was surprised to discover that the anime diverged by a large extent and created its own ending. I liked the anime, even though at times it was difficult to get into a really intense moment, with slip in jokes. Still, I enjoyed the fights. 9. Pokémon - I love the anime up until the start of the Unova arc, despite how stupid Ash is at times. Advanced series had the most potential for Ash to really grow up as a trainer but they failed in that aspect. Diamond and Pearl was hands down the best saga! I skipped most of Unova, to be honest and I have watched bits and pieces of his adventures in the Kalos region. Not hopeful on him winning a tournament anytime soon. Favourite Books: 1. Inheritance Cycle - Thoroughly enjoyed reading them. A bit disappointed in the ending. Eragon and Arya can share their true names with each other and yet they don't even have one bloody kiss! Come on! Even Saphira scored! 2. Harry Potter - They were enjoyable to read and it has such a huge fanbase that this site is loaded with HP fanifcs. 3. A Song of Ice and Fire - A great series but I am annoyed that it is taking so long for the next one to be released. Favourite Super Heroes 1. Spider-Man - The greatest Super Hero! 2. Batman - Is pretty cool! 3. X-Men - They're alright I guess. Favourite Cartoons: 1. The Simpsons - Who doesn't love the Simpsons? 2. Spectacular Spider-Man - This was the greatest Spider-Man cartoon with the '94 series a close second. Despite the drawings not being the greatest, the characters, the action and the plot more than made up for it. I hate that it was cancelled especially with the current Spider-Man cartoon which isn't that great. 3. Family Guy - Very funny. Peter is awesome but Stewie is the best character. 4. Futurama - Enjoyable, not as good as Simpsons or Family Guy but still funny. Favourite Bleach Pairings: Ichigo/Rukia - I love this pairing, they just have great chemistry and they have both changed each others worlds. My OTP! Ichigo/Tatsuki - I've always liked the whole childhood friends becoming something more and it's a shame that Kubo hasn't developed Tatsuki further. Considering that she has known Ichigo the longest and she has the passion to fight, you would have thought that she would have gained some powers. Ichigo/Nel (Adult, obviously) - If Ichigo was to be paired with a female Hollow, it would make sense that it would be with Nel. She is after all the only female Hollow that he has associated with. Plus its clear to see how much Nel cares about him. Ichigo/Tatsuki/Orihime - I only like Orihime paired with Ichigo when she is part of a group, and her character is stronger, and more battle mature than her canon version. Ichigo/Senna - They had a movie to bond which ended by her sacrificing herself for Ichigo. Isshin/Masaki - Canon pairing that gave us Ichigo. The Isshin past arc was one of my favourites and seeing the two of them connect was enjoyable. Kisuke/Yoruichi - Childhood friends and honestly, I can't see them being paired with anyone else. Most Hated Canon Bleach Possible Pairing: Ichigo/Inoue - I really hate her character in the manga and anime. She is annoying, weak, useless and does nothing but cry and moan, 'Kurosaki-kun'. I will only read an Ichigo X Inoue story if the pairing isn't the main focus of the story and Inoue is actually good in a fight. Plus unlike Rukia, she hasn't been given a movie that showed how deep her bond with Ichigo goes. Favourite Naruto Pairings: Naruto/Temari - The sister of a fellow jinchuriki who he had saved from the darkness = equal's very grateful sister. Also is a good pairing for political stories. Naruto/Fem Sasuke - Sasuke should have been made a girl instead. It would add far more interest to the story with how obsessed Naruto is at getting him back. Naruto/Ino - Naruto with Sakura's rival, what better way to get payback for how Sakura has treated him. Naruto/Yugito or Fuu - Naruto with someone that can understand his burden. Hated Naruto Pairing: Naruto/Hinata - Hinata is far too much like Inoue for my liking and her stuttering and fainting is just plain annoying. Favourite Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu/Lucy - If either of them was to get in a relationship, it will obviously be with each other. The chemistry between them is great and they care deeply for one another. Natsu/Erza - If for some reason Lucy is paired with someone else, then I like this pairing. Gray/Ultear - Being with the daughter of the woman that he admired most. Favourite Dragon ball Z Pairings: Canon - The canon pairings are great, I don't really have any dislikes. Chi-Chi can be very annoying though. Vegeta/OFC (Goku's sister) - Vegeta with his rival's sister, enough said. Goku/Bulma - The first two characters introduced in Dragon Ball. Best friends, they can be good together. Goku/OFC (Vegeta's sister) - Goku with his rival's sister, again, enough said. Kakarot/Android 18 - If Goku had never hit his head, then I prefer him being paired with the hottest and strongest girl in DBZ. Favourite Shingeki no Kyojin Pairings: Eren X Mikasa - Mikasa's feelings can be interpreted in two ways. She is deeply in love with him or simply is obsessed with protecting the only family she has left. Still if there were to be any pairings for either of the two, it makes most sense for them to be together. Favourite Harry Potter Pairings: Harry/Daphne - Harry being paired with a Slytherin is always an interesting story. This pairing is my favourite because there is so little information about Daphne that she can be portrayed in so many different ways. Harry/Ginny - As long as her character is explored thoroughly. Plus Harry marrying her official ties him to the Weasley family. JK Rowling should have explored Ginny's character more though so we could have seen why Harry fell in love with her. Harry/Hermione - They may have a sibling relationship in the book but they could have easily been something more and they probably should have been. Favourite Pokémon Pairings: Ash/Dawn - Is my favourite pairing for Ash. Thought there interaction was great throughout the Diamond and Pearl Series. Ash/May - Is my second favourite pairing behind Dawn. To be honest, I don't really have a problem with any girl that Ash is paired up with, as long as they're written decently. Favourite Spider-Man Pairings: Peter/Felicia – Got to love Black Cat. I especially liked her most in the 1994 Animated Series. Peter/MJ – As long as she is done right. Like in the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon and not the portrayal of her in the movies. Peter/X23 – Just like the stories where this pairing is used. Peter/Kitty – I liked them in the Ultimate Comics. Favourite Crossover Pairings: Ichigo X Fem Naruto - The two main characters of two series been joined together. Would be nice to read. Ichigo X Fem Sasuke - Ichigo paired with the female avenger. He understands the need for vengence but he could help her see that their is more to life than revenge. Ichigo X Fem Naruto X Fem Sasuke - I like Ichigo with either of the two and so it makes sense that I would like to see him paired with both. Ichigo X Erza - Erza is my favourite female character in Fairy Tail and so it makes sense for me to like her to be with my favourite character in Bleach, Ichigo. Ichigo X Kagura - Ichigo understanding her need for revenge and he could help her train with her sword. Ichigo X Erza X Kagura - I like Ichigo with either of the two and so it makes sense that I would like to see him paired with both. Ichigo X Mikasa - Similar to the Ichigo/Erza pairing. Plus Mikasa looks a lot like Rukia. Ichigo X Annie - The more I watch the Attack on Titan anime, the more I like Annie's character and I think Ichigo is one that could help her change sides :) Ichigo X Mikasa X Annie - I like Ichigo with either of the two and so it makes sense that I would like to see him paired with both. Naruto X Erza - Same with Ichigo/Erza Erza X Gohan - One of my favourite characters in DBZ being paired with my favourite female in Fairy Tail. Favourite Bleach Characters:
Favourite Shingeki no Kyojin Characters:
Favourite Fairy Tail Characters:
Favourite Dragon Ball Z Characters:
Favourite Dragon Ball Z Abridged Characters:
Favourite Pokemon Characters:
Favourite Pokemon from the Anime:
Here is my Friend Code: 2681-0201-6497 Favourite Game of Thrones Characters:
Favourite Naruto Characters:
Favourite Harry Potter Characters:
Favourite Star Wars Characters:
BEST CHARACTER OF ALL TIME: CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW Schedule: Current Stories: Future GT Chronicles: Return to the Past arc (Three Chapters in Total): King Cold vs. Future Super Saiyans! The Return of Goku!Conquering Hoenn: Preparation and Training arc (4 Chapters in Total): Reflecting and Planning (Chapter 3) - 8,264 words (Complete) Reunion in Sinnoh! (Chapter 4) - 8,774 words (Complete) An Aura Bond! (Chapter 5) - 6,067 words (Complete) Fighting Back the Darkness! (Chapter 6) - 1,215 words (Incomplete)Rise of a Champion: Charizard's Pride (Chapter 2) - 1,040 wordsStories in the Planning Stages! Dragon Ball Z: Taking up the Mantle! Summary: Only a couple of weeks since the battle with the monstrous Cell, Gohan is lazing about, not really focusing on his studies when he senses the life growing inside of his mother. With the knowledge that he was about to become a big brother and that possibly his younger sibling may need to depend on him like he used to depend on his father, forces Gohan to resume his martial arts training. However he knows that he couldn't possibly convince his mother to allow him to train, and so he must discover a way to keep it a secret. This leads him to Tien Shinhan. This story covers from post Cell all the way through Dragon Ball Super. Pairings: Canon: Gohan x Videl, Krillin x Android 18, Bulma x Vegeta. Dragon Ball Z x Fairy Tail: A Saiyan in Fiore! Summary: In a world known as Earthland, is a land filled with humans, Saiyans, Demons, Gods, Tuffles, Namekians, Beasts, Monsters, Dragons, Exceeds, Giants, Spirits and of course, Magic. Saiyans, Mutants, Tuffles, and most Gods were separated from the other species, and over centuries wars erupted in between their continents. Saiyans lived in the Country of Vegeta, ruled by King Vegeta and were constantly trying to take over the Tuffle Country, and were at war with a mutated Demon’s empire. The overlord was known as Freeza. In another part of Earthland, there was the very large peninsula known as Ishgar that was connected to the country known as Namek. There is a peace treaty between the humans and the Namekians, and neither was allowed to enter the other’s country. To the west of Ishgar, separated by the ocean, is a powerful military-run country known as the Alvarez Empire. Humans dominated the populace in Ishgar and the Alvarez Empire, but Demons, Giants, Spirits, Monsters, Beasts, and Exceeds could also be found. Dragons were the only beings that could be found anywhere in the world, as they used to ruled it until a brutal civil war changed that. Now they were believed to be extinct. Just off the coast of Fiore, legendary human marital artists – referred to Master Roshi, the Turtle Hermit – was the first human in existence to unlock the power of Ki magic. The magic that was believed that only Saiyans, Gods, Namekians and some Demons were capable of. In X764, his old student, Gohan, arrives at his island with a young Saiyan baby in his arms. Taking in the boy, Master Roshi will raise this child to fight for those that cannot protect themselves. This child is the first step in a revolution that would change the world, especially when he and a few others discover the secret of seven mystical orbs. A secret that not even the Immortal Black Wizard had discovered. Seven balls that when they’re brought together, summons an ancient dragon that will grant any wish. Bit by bit, the desire for the orbs will bring together species that have never been brought together ever into a large battle for their possession. Some want the mystical orbs for their own selfish desires, others want to use them for destruction and other evil acts, while others want to use them for pure and unselfish desires. The fate of the world rests on the fate of the mystical orbs. Story will also commonly be Goku-centric. This is the first part in a trilogy series. There will be two sequels following the conclusion of this story. There may be a fourth, but that isn’t guaranteed. Pokemon: Ash the Assistant! Summary: Sick of the stories where Ash is constantly betrayed by his friends? Well you're in luck, this is the series for you! One month out from starting his Pokemon Journey, Delia Ketchum is killed in tragic circumstances due to a mishap at the restaurant. Ash falls into a state of depression, and with growing concerns, Professor Oak fears what Ash might do. However thanks to a special electric mouse, Ash is able to gather the strength to move on. The person responsible for his mother's death... a man who went out on a Pokemon Journey when he was ten years old, skipping school and failed badly on his journey. Seeing how his mother is taken from him due to incompetence, Ash doesn't go on his journey, instead he continues going to school and becomes an assistant to Professor Oak. With Ash not going out on his journey, it changes the lives of those he was supposed to befriend drastically. So what does that mean for Brock and Misty? If there was no Ash for them to journey with, what has happened to them? Without Ash, does Flint come back to Pewter City and to his family? Is Brock still Gym Leader? Is Misty any closer to becoming a Water-type Pokémon Master? Also what has happened to Ash’s other travelling companions that he met while journeying to the region? Has May come to like Pokémon even without the influence of Ash and Pikachu? Or is she only travelling the world like she initially wanted? Is Max still a cocky know it all? Has Dawn been able to become a successful coordinator without Ash’s aid? Has Iris been able to open up and mature as a Pokémon Trainer? Is Cilan still stuck as a Striaton Gym Leader? What’s happened to Clemont and Bonnie? Is Clemont a more confident Gym Leader? Is Serena forced to be a Rhyhorn Racer? What about the others that he had influenced in his journey? Paul, Gary, Cameron, Barry, and the Gym Leaders he helped, etc. What about Jessie, James and Meowth?! At the age of fourteen, finally feeling ready to go out on his journey, Ash sets out from Pallet, with Pikachu and a full team already at his disposal, to fufill his dream and make his mother proud. Unknown to him, he would also have a tremendous impact on the friends he was destined to meet as what they all didnt know, is that they needed Ash. Pairings: Pearlshipping (Ash x Dawn). Pokemon: Journey through Unova! Summary: Iris doesn't travel with Ash and Cilan, leaving after Ash's Striaton Gym Battle. Why? Because unknown to Ash, she's the Opelucid City's Gym Leader specializing in Dragon types! Ash and Cilan journey together and soon comes across another trainer just starting out, a young teen girl named Rosa who wants to compete in the Unova League. Together with his friends, Ash journeys through Unova collecting new Pokemon and Gym Badges alongside Rosa and he'll meet new friends and new rivals. One rival in particular will form a rivalry with him which Ash has never experienced before. He doesn't like her, but he can't stop thinking about her. An aged up, and matured Ash that will rotate all of his Pokemon throughout his journey through Unova. Pairings: Cilan x Rosa, Ash x Hilda Adopted: Fairy Tail Z - Has been adopted by natsuki DDS. Adventures in Hoenn - Has been adopted by Child-Of-R'lyeh. Rise of a Legend: Kanto and Orange Islands - Has been adopted by Tomoe Mami |