Author has written 6 stories for Batman, Naruto, Transformers/Beast Wars, Avatar: Last Airbender, Superman, Cartoon X-overs, Misc. Comics, and Marvel.
Real Name: Classified.
Address: Classified.
Gender: Male.
Age: Classified.
I Like a wide variety of media. And it would be a waste of space to list them because that would bore everyone. I'm not one for being labeled as anything. To me, it's just another form of stereotyping, which is just ignorance that hurts people. While some may embrace the label that's given to them, I simply won't allow it to be done to myself. I'm just a guy who happens to enjoy some things that would be considered geeky, but I don't consider myself a geek.
On the matter of stories, there are some things I don't care for, one of which being bashing, as that's a waste of time and story. Others are certain tropes. What is a trope some of you may ask? It's basically a plot device, and there are MANY out there. Here're some of the ones that I personally don't care much for, and in no particular order:
- Flat Earth Atheist - In a world where it is proven on many levels that gods exist and personally created the cosmos, a couple people will flat-out disbelieve these facts.
- Hero With Bad Publicity - A heroic character who is hated.
- The Liar Revealed - main character who lies about something for 2/3 of the story, and in the last third is revealed, causing the other characters to say, "Go away! You can't be trusted!" And then the person walks away feeling sad and mopey before realizing, "Hey! I may've lied about this particular thing, but in a way, it's true!" And then they rush on back to the people they lied to as they all come together to solve the problem.
- The Misunderstanding - when two characters who try to convince the audience that there's no way that they could fall in love with each other, then there's a chance that they will, followed by a misunderstanding that causes them to go to their corners thinking that they hate each other. Then one of them realizes their feelings for the other, and rushes on back to that person before an "It's too late!" moment.
- Dumb Muscle - Strength/size and intelligence are inversely proportional. (I take personal offense to this one because I'm 6'4 and have tall people in my family)
- Downer Ending - ending with no resolve.
- You Can't Fight Fate - when a character tries to prevent a future they don't like, but fails, with their efforts often causing said future to happen.
- Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act - time travelers can do jack squat to change the past; reality itself will conspire against them to ensure that history happens exactly the way it originally did.
- Knight Templar - A villain who is convinced that they are the hero.
- Straw Feminist - A character identified as a feminist expresses extremist misandrist ideology.
- Ron The Death Eater - A canon protagonist is turned into a bad guy, often so that the Draco in Leather Pants looks better by comparison.
- Draco In Leather Pants - A canon villain or morally ambiguous character is embraced by fans and has his/her flaws downplayed or ignored.
- Idiot Hero - A heroic character that is also an idiot. (Overused)
- Poor Communication Kills - when the entirety of a situation could've been avoided if communication between certain characters had been better handled.
- Positive Discrimination - The Token Minority can do no wrong.
- The Unfair Sex - when a woman does something wrong, it's ok; when a man does something wrong, it's just plain wrong.
- The Idiot Ball - characters are stupid whenever the plot requires it, even when this contradicts established characterization.
- Karma Houdini - A villain justly deserving punishment either ends the story without receiving any or receives punishment so minor as to be fairly negligible.
- True Love Is Boring - in a romantic relationship, one or both partners are killed, or the two of them break up for some reason, all for the sake of drama. (Used by jerks who don't think that couples or married people can create compelling drama)
- Made Out To Be A Jerkass - this one jerk is giving you a lot of trouble, and when you finally call him/her out on it, all anyone else sees is you being a jerk to them; so now you're the jerk, and the original one gets away due to misguided sympathy.
That's not all of them, but ones that I felt needed to be said.
From what I've seen in most media, there tend to be two types of villains:
- The kind who do bad things and don't care.
- The kind who believe that their actions are justified.
Which do you think is worse?
Pairings that I like:
- NaruHina (A big MUST, the only way I would allow this to not happen is if she wasn't mentioned at all in the story
- SasuSaku (More "meh" about this than anything else
- The majority of the canon pairings
DC Superheroes:
- Batman/Wonder Woman
- Superman/Lois Lane
- Dick Grayson/Starfire
- Beast Boy/Raven
- Optimus Prime/Elita-1 (All incarnations)
- Jack Darby/Arcee (Transformers: Prime)
- Shinji Ikari/Rei Ayanami (Yes, I realize that she's a clone of his mother mixed with Angel DNA, but quite frankly, that doesn't bother me)
One Piece:
- Monkey D. Luffy/Boa Hancock
Marvel Superheroes:
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker)/Mary Jane Watson
- Mr. Fantastic/Invisible Woman (They're married with kids, and I don't approve of cheating)
- Hulk (Bruce Banner)/Betty Ross
- Daredevil/Elektra
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- Kataang
- Maiko
- The majority of the canon pairings
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
- Leo/Karai
- Donatello/April O'Neil (2012 cartoon version)
- Raphael/Mona Lisa (2012 cartoon version)
I'm not usually one for crossover pairings, but I realize that they can be enjoyable if done really well or amusing enough. However, if I'm to enjoy any, I'm going to have to lay down some ground rules for getting me to enjoy them:
I'm not going to be very open to the idea if I ship the character or characters with anyone else in their respective continuities. The only ways to get around this would be these things:
The characters I ship them with are dead The characters I ship them with are not mentioned (or non-existent to an extent) Also:
- No instances of "Ron the Death Eater," because not only is that crappy character development, it's also an admission that the writers can't get their desired ships to work on their own terms.
- No instances of "Draco in Leather Pants." The same reasons as not wanting "Ron the Death Eater": it's stupid and just completely ignoring things that need to be addressed.
- If the characters are canonically already paired with a character/characters, and if I don't approve of said canon pairing, simply have the crossover-get-together be either:
Before their canon pairing took place After the other, undesired half of the pair has been killed off After the canon pairing has broken up, preferably for non-"Ron the Death Eater" reasons (In other words, no OOC antics) Just pretend the canon pairing never happened With that said, here are some crossover pairings that I'm open-minded to so long as the story is good and enjoyable:
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker)/Avatar Korra
- Jack Darby (Transformers: Prime)/Avatar Korra
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker)/Wonder Woman (Princess Diana)
- Naruto/Avatar Korra