Author has written 20 stories for Twilight, and Harry Potter. Thank you so much for stopping by! We are Naelany and SorceressCirce, and we created this profile originally to house our first collaboration, Marked. It started as an entry in the Tattward and Inkella Contest and just grew from did our happiness at working together. In fact, we work together so well that we have a few other stories coming up soon as well! Please add us to author alert if you're interested in receiving notification when those are published. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy Marked. It's our first joint Jasper and Edward fic, and we're stupidly in love with our boys. We really appreciate all the support we've received, and we love each and every one of our readers and reviewers. -=Important Information=- We have created a blog to host our collaborations, and we are in the process of getting it looking exactly the way we want and running smoothly. Please stop by there and sign up for an RSS feed or check in often if you'd like to receive notifications of when we update. All future chapters of Marked, Be Careful What You Wish For, and any one-shots will be posted there in their entirety. The stories left here on ffnet will eventually be edited to conform to the ToS, so if you would like to read the uncensored versions, check us out on the blog or at Twilighted. We appreciate your support, and we hope to see you there! You can also find us on Twilighted, or on TwiWrite. Follow us on Twitter: @WhitlockMasen For the Record: We're working on getting ahead again on Marked. We will begin posting again as soon as we are able. We apologize for the delay, but real life comes first. We are sure you understand. Be Careful What You Wish For is on hold until we are done with our FGB obligations. It is not forgotten, and we will continue it. FGB is just taking us longer than expected (bare in mind that this means the story will be more than was bargained for, for you as a reader, as well ;-) ) Eye Candy is posting daily on the blog and on TwiWrite, so please check there if you're not seeing it on . ETA: Just a head's up for our Marked readers. Life's been all kinds of crazy still this past month, and isn't looking like settling down for a few more weeks. Because of this, we've decided to put Marked on indefinite hold (same goes for Be Careful What You Wish For, of course). We apologize for the break, and are sincerely sorry that it's even necessary, but our sanity comes first. We are doing everything we can to get back into a writing groove (something that's proven to be elusive beyond the occasional drabble here and there) so that we can get back to our boys. We miss them even more than you do. Thank you for all your patience and kind support. Eye Candy will continue to post daily, and you will see an update here and there if we have one to share, but not for our chaptered stories. We will be back. |
naelany (48) | SorceressCirce (15) | theladyingrey42 (31) |