![]() Author has written 8 stories for Twilight, Hunger Games, Legend of Korra, Soul Eater, and Izetta: The Last Witch/終末のイゼッタ. Hey everybody! Thanks for stopping by my profile! :) So, I’m sitting here typing this at 3:43 in the morning, having just created my fanfiction.net profile. I’m wondering what the hell to write here and wishing I had something cool to say. I don’t. Sorry. I'm can be a bit of a lurker, but I try my best to review. Mostly I just love to write, although I wish I could find time to do so more often. So, I guess I’ll continue by just listing random pieces of information that pop into my head. Because I can. Things I like: -My cats. -Going to Kroger at 2:00 am to get chocolate. -Laughing when I’m not supposed to. -Food. -Using the “switch background every minute” feature on my my Mac in order to watch my 76 backgrounds flit across my screen in quick succession. -Turning Paramore up in the car loud enough that I can’t hear the the ambulance in the left lane. Good thing they have lights too. -Girls. -Musical Theater. -Naming inanimate objects. -Cons -Cosplay -England. Lived there for a year and miss it terribly. -Eyeliner and Clinique Mascara...lots of it. -Bumming wireless internet off the neighbors. They hate us. But I’m stealing their internet, so it’s all good. Things I dislike: -Spiders. My number one fear in life. -Knowing I’m going to have to sit and wait somewhere boring for a long time and having my iPod die five minutes into said wait. -Five source threads coming out of a piece of fabric and wondering how my sewing machine managed it. -When my car smells like it’s burning. It does that a lot. -Math. -The word “residue.” -Seeing a shirt/pair of shoes I love only to be told that they don’t have my size. I have big feet and and a full figure. It happens a lot. -Homophobes. Obviously. -Thinking of a sentence or an idea and not having my computer or a notebook around to jot it down. -High heels. I don’t have a good track record with them. And they hurt. :( -Bad reception/wireless signal -Waiting for new episodes/seasons/books/movies of anything The five people I’d marry right now if they asked me to: -Emma Stone -Hayley Williams -Emma Watson, if I can beat my friend to her first. -Idina Menzel -Jennifer Lawrence -This girl who works at Starbucks. It's a "Taylor the Latte Boy" type relationship. If you don't know what that means, Google "Taylor the Latte Boy" Kristen Chenoweth. HILARIOUS! -Mary Elizabeth Winstead My Fandoms (I don’t necessarily read/write fanfic in all of these.) : -Harry Potter -Lost -Wicked -Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra -The Hunger Games (Although I have only written for this fandom. Haven't read anything in it yet.) -Scott Pilgrim. All you have to do is read those comics to know EXACTLY how my brain works. -Adventure Time. I believe that I was LSP in a past life. -Sailor Moon -The Lord of the Rings -X Men -Twilight Favorite Pairings: In Wicked: Elphaba/Glinda In The Hunger Games: Peeta/Katniss In A:TLA: I'm not too picky on the ships. I tend to multi-ship. Favorite is Tokka, though. In LOK: Again, I multi-ship. The only thing that's really not my cup of tea is Makorra. Sorry to any Makorra shippers out there. It's just not my thing. In Harry Potter: Harry/Hermione In Sailor Moon: Pretty much anything femslash In Twilight: Alice/Bella Other places to find me: A03: /users/belmione/pseuds/belmione I'm super terrible at updating on it though. D: So, it’s 4:42 now and my brain is mush. Yeah, it took me that long to write this. I would say I’d write more on this later when I thought of something good, but I know I won’t. I’m amazed I got my ass moving and did even this much. So, hope you enjoyed reading these meaningless tidbits of information I provided. If not, I don’t blame you. Thanks for stopping by! :) Belmione |