Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. I AM PRESENTLY (AUGUST, 2023) TRYING TO WOO SOMEONE AT WATTPAD BY MIGRATING THIS STORY OVER. I have not been plagiarized on Wattpad (yet, lol)...that is me, promise. Also, I love your feisty loyalty. It is under a different name intentionally. The idea, if anyone was wondering haha, is that my story garnishes enough love and affection and attention on WP to impress, then I have what I need to make my pitch. I have several OF's I am hoping to get some traction on publishing. I don't want to put OF's into the vast webverse as ACE and SS have been stolen from me and plagiarized so many times that I am rightfully wary. SS's story stats on this website are enough to get me attention on a different site if I can replicate it (or do better, hey one can hope!) which is all the connection I need. If you are reading this because you love me, please go read and leave your mark on WP. Hugs, forever! Air xox Please note that I have recently disabled anon reviews. It's always the bad doings of one that ruin the fun for the masses. I was being stalked and harassed quite vulgarly and violently. My apologies to the sane. I love you. I have no idea how Twilight came into my life and when it took on a force of it's own... I have embraced the change I have met Rob... yeh... THAT Rob. He is gloriously, ahem... inspiring I'm on twitter endlessly, come play with me if you dare: In between the highly inappropriate displays...I keep you posted on story statuses and otherwise am just goddamn amusing, lol That is all... as you were... SECRET SEX UPDATE SCHEDULE: CH34 January 6 CH35 January 13 CH36 January 27 CH37 February 27 CH38 March 3 CH39 March 17 Update January 21, 2012: I am about to post Chapter 44, there will be two more chapters, ending at Chapter 46, plus an epilogue. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Update: This story is going to extend a good deal beyond the originally planned 40 chapters. Perhaps 45 epilogue. I am continually working on them, they will post asap. xox * I am not at this time accepting offers to translate either story for republication. Though your offers humble and honour me beyond words. * Disclaimer: The characters, universe and all recognizable ideas from Twilight are owned by Stephenie Meyer. The original content, ideas and intellectual property of this story is owned by erinbatt Secret Sex .gif code with hotlink Visual Aids: Chapter 7: Hearts, Hamburgers, and Milkshakes (replace the pearl with the heart locket) Bella's Green Dress: Giorgio Armani Spring 2010 (except deeper plunge neckline & black lace over back): http:///adqcqV and http:///dAgDyP Chapter 9: Being a Gentleman The Wickanninish Inn, Tofino British Columbia Chapter 21: Need Want Now: I Love You Bella's Valentine's Trench Coat Surprise Chapter 24: Taste Kisses (OMG the cutest things ever, even if it's an abstract photo) Chapter 29: Open Your Eyes The Evergreen Bridge: world's longest floating bridge Chapter 30: Dear Life The Susan G. Komen for the cure foundation that is mentioned in Chapter 16: Traditions Chapter 35: Enough Is Enough Chapter 43: Reunited The house on Bainbridge Island Chapter 44: Yes (I wanted to make it Balenciaga, ya know, for obvious reasons, but I didn't like anything I found) |
Carson Dyle (8) |