Author has written 16 stories for Naruto, Sesame Street, and Muppet Show. /kazeandkiba 4/29/18 Hey y'all! looks around, brushing off the dust* Wow, it's been like forever since I've updated this profile. Seems that I've been lost on the path of life, meaning that I've had to work, a lot! As much as I love to while my time away, writing stories, I've had to sacrifice my favorite pastime in favor of paying my bills. So, I thought I'd give Ko-fi a try and see if my favorite thing to do might save me from having to work so much overtime, or at least buys me the occasional cup of coffee. xD https:///kazeandkiba Well, hope springs eternal, I spose. Anyway, I have lots of stories I'm working on that I have not even posted a single chapter yet because...well, because I've been too busy working. OMG! It's a vicious circle! So, if you have a bit a spare change, please donate to my Ko-fi and I will happily spend more of my time writing. P.S. fingers crossed* New chapter of Co9t should be up this week! 7/13/12-Hello, all. Well, I've deleted my story-Kakashi's 101 reasons for being late. I'm sure most of you know why. It didn't break a rule but it was close enough that some jerks /would give/have given/ me trouble because of it, so I didn't want the bother. I am rather disgusted by groups of cyber vigilantes who, when they do not get the attention they want for their stories because their own talent is lacking, decide that they are the judge and jury of good or bad fanfiction. I'm not saying I have more talent or maybe luck getting reviews, just that it is not MY place to decide which authors or stories belong on fanfiction. It is not theirs either, but by ganging up on an author or bombarding the moderator they have done just that. And unbelievably, they are proud of it. They have no class. I believe ff offers writers experience to grow and get better, but not by just banning or 'condensendingly' criticizing in droves like bullies-nobody learns from that-it is NEVER constructive to offend people. *Sigh* People have forgotten how to be polite and it is SAD. If I am not enjoying a story I simply move on. Everyone has different tastes. I fear this is the beginning of the end for creativity on this site and that just sucks. Now, my other stories...well, I might delete a few chapters from them or all of them, idk, I haven't gotten that far. I still see material going up that is no different than mine so I just don't know yet. That's one of the pics I made to go along with my Cat-O-Nine Tails story. This one's my favorite so far. What do you think? It's my Sakura cat character on her mission along with you know who petting her. xD I got my second and third Fan Art! L.M.D.A.A. made me 2 cute kitty pictures! They're in my favorites in my diviantART account along with my first fanart from Nekojen9. They are all pictures for my story, Cat-o-Nine Tails! So awesome! Great work you guys! I love them! Go see and check out the rest of their great art work. kaze1y1kiba dot deviantart dot com/ They're inspirational! Stories...hmmm... I won’t apologize for my writing or for being late because even though I will try to update in a timely matter, shit happens, get over it. I do try to update in a timely manner and from what I can see here on ff that's pretty good. I'm not going to update every week like this is my job, it's not. I have one. Besides, my chapters are usually long when I update them, not just a few paragraphs. I try to stay in the realms of Naruto style. I will use some japanese in my stories but not a lot, and I always translate. If you don't like that you probably should click the back button because I do it because I like to and I won't put up with complaining about it. It is a Japanese anime and I love a little extra Japanese flavor in my stories. Even Japanese animes put a little English in their lines, that rocks! Culture, people! I love to learn new things. I like to write humor, drama, and adventure with a dose of good old Naruto pervy thrown in. If it seems a little OOC, well, it’s simply the way I write as the stories comes out of my brain. I'm not trying to offend those purists and it's never outrageously OOC in my opinion. I would never steal a story; those people are trash. I'll try not to copy others ideas but, come on, there are over 200,000 Naruto stories alone so even a near genius like me (not) will end up with some similiar ones, but I'll try to give a fresh pespective at least. Ne? I wouldn’t want to try to beat the original authors at their own game anyways. I enjoy their creativity but I want to make the story my own way too. FF is awesome that way. I don’t mind constructive criticism; I do however have the perfect cure for those who don’t like something I write. It’s called the back button. Try it, love it, a few clicks of the mouse and you won’t have to be tortured by a story you dislike. I have twelve fics up right, now but I also have at least another ten I am in the process of writing, I even have a few crack fics. I won't start to put up a fic until I have outlines of most of the story down in some way, plus it's difficult to update too many at one time so don't expect it from me. I don't write that fast and it has to be edited and soetimes revised-that takes time. Some people can do it swiftly and I applaud them. I'll be the first to admit I need work on writing fight scenes, that's why I'm here. I will also try to make sense most of the time, even though it may be hard sometimes, because who makes sense all the time, ne? ABOUT ME-I love reading, writing, photography, drawing, painting, anime, manga, family, and friends but not specifically in that order. I don’t love cleaning or exercise xP I like to work with my dogs. We do agility, some canine freestyle(dog dancing), obedience, and rally O. They have some titles in all that, but the more important thing is, we have fun. I teach obedience and agility for my dog club. You should try lots of different stuff and meet lots of different people, it’s fun, and if it isn’t, it usually makes a funny story for later. Trust me. I like to read people's profiles too, it's interesting to see what kind of stories interest them. I find some great authors and stories to read that way that I otherwise might not. If you've read my profile, thanks. I'm honored. I don’t want to give a lot of advice or anything because I think it is great that so many people are writing fics but I will say this. If you read someone's story and like it, you should review it, at least once, on multiple chapfics, more. Come on. Those people probably spent hours slaving over that shit, they deserve it, and you didn't have to spend any money to enjoy it. And don't just tell them to update, at least not if it's gonna be your only review. Dude, that is just sooo rude. If you didn't like it you shouldn't flame people, but considerate criticism helps a writer improve. Consider a review your contribution to making better writers. Be honest but kind. There are no experts here, we're all learning. The people who review are fantastic. You don't realize how happy it makes the writer. When it's done right, it's really cool. When it is unnessessarily cruel it only speaks toward your own self and what you are like as a person. ABOUT Pet peeves- Don't steal other author's stories and change the names. That's not writing, that's stupid. But using a similiar plot and writing a fresh story with new ideas and outcomes, I see nothing wrong with that, it's done all the time from what I read in fics and some people come up with endless ideas to keep it fresh. ABOUT Writing- Read your work out loud sometimes (especially exciting scenes). If something sounds weird, chances are you might want to fix that. I always find mistakes when I go back and so does my editor/beta. EVERYONE makes mistakes, check your work. Next-write what you know. There is nothing worse to read then someone writing about something they haven't experienced or at least researched. When you research your subject you can write better about it. One more thing, if you don’t know a word, the meaning or spelling, look it up, it’s so easy with the internet right there. I look up words and materials all the time while writing and reading because once you read it, it’s yours forever. ABOUT Life-I am not perfect, not even close (sooo not close) BUT, I’ve been around a while and seen a lot of shit, very good and very bad, so listen up. Life is short, so don’t waste your time giving or receiving negativity. There are no justified resentments-meaning-negative thoughts (and actions) to and about others only end up hurting your self. In other words; what comes around goes around and can end up biting you in the ass. Karma baby :-) Walk a mile in their shoes. Being kind comes back to you in spades. Pay it forward. In other words-Baby, don’t harsh my gig ;-) haha jk Don't take life too seriously make time for fun. If you don't, who will?. Have a great day! I intend to live forever…so far…it’s working (insert evil sounding laughter here..ahahaha, cough, cough, looks around for oxygen mask:) K&K |
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