Author has written 52 stories for Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter. It's time to update this bio. I wrote my first ever LOTR fanfic in 2002. I became hooked, and since then have written many stories - some long, some short; some fun, some angsty. My stories are based far more on Tolkien's books, rather than the films (though they're wonderful) - I first read LOTR at about 14, (over30 years ago) and had a crush on Legolas even then. His appearance in the film makes things even better! My favourite characters are the twins Elladan and Elrohir, Thranduil, and Legolas. I'd like to recommend a wonderful fic site, Stories of Arda where I also post my work. There's a lot of very high quality LOTR fiction there, and it's simple to use! It's also very easy to respond to reviews there, so if you'd like me to reply to your review, please do it there. I also write slash occasionally, and that's archived here. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or comments about any of the stories - but if you do, PLEASE put the story title or something similar in the subject line - otherwise it may get accidentally deleted with my junk mail. Thanks. |
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