Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, and Stargate: SG-1. I'm a 46 year old man from Sweden. I write Harry Potter stories. My first fanfic was a novel length story, a book 8. It's called Harry Potter and the Death Eater's Quest. This story is beta read by ghostchicken and during that work we came up with the co-written Obliviate is Blessing, a somewhat naughty but hopefully humorous story. I have written a couple of other short stories and one-shots like A Sirius Talk where Sirius gives Harry a Marauder version of The Talk. I appreciate reviews, both constructive criticism and, of course, appreciation. I've finished the co-written sequel to Death Eater's Quest, called Harry and the Right of Justice. I try to base the stories in known JKR canon, but I also develop the characters in a hopefully trustworthy way. In stories intended to be funny, I might let characters display a slightly OOC behaviour for pure entertainment value. I like stories that make sense. The further from canon a story is, the better it has to be explained or motivated. Pairings like Draco/Ginny, Draco/Hermione or slash stories have no base in canon at all and would require an extraordinary explanation or very well thought AU plot before I'd accept it. Harry/Hermione stories are a lot more plausible since there are moments throughout the series where they very well could've developed a romantic relationship and I've read several H/Hr stories that I've liked a lot. But the way I see it the canon pairings are the best. |