![]() Author has written 33 stories for Twilight. *I am currently working on the EPI's for both the Anger Management Series and Only Once So if you are a fan that has had to endure this lengthy delay, I am truly, truly sorry. RL sometimes just pushes things in a way we don't anticipate and both of those EPI's were a casualty in that crunch. However, I AM working on them! I am also working on the sequels to Who Is This, Please Rescue Me and Fantasy Granted. So, if you have been anticipating them, just know they ARE coming. My plan is to begin working on them the end of January with a pending posting somewhere around first of April 2013. I appreciate ALL of the interest that's been shown through pm's/review/guest reviews, etc. I am sorry to have let you all down. But, I'm working to fix it now;)* I love to write. I can't stop myself from starting new stories. I don't stick to one genre or pairing and I write what mood I'm in at the time. Some of my stories are fluff, romance and sweet...some of them revolve around death, hurt and infidelity...and then there is SMUT... I don't like to be labeled something, therefore, I am a little of everything. Isn't our differences what makes the world go around? You either like me or you don't. Either way, your decision is on you, not me. I stand up for injustice, I don't tolerate bullshit and keep ya drama to yaself. I am not a liar, nor a thief and if you hurt me or mine, be gone witcha... SO...old news and new/old stuff below...little ditty called Anger Management a while back...I'd had a craptastic day and it just came out of me in the form of anger relief...little did I know or intend for it to take off the way that it has. I completed it when it was only supposed to be a little O/s. But I'm so in love with it now...check it out below...and here's the fuckawesome banner that What Obsession 17 made for it...she blows me away with her talent: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1909597578127&set=o.195431763827468&type=1&ref=nf ANGER MANAGEMENT4: Angrily Ever After is almost complete and due to start posting around the first of August. I've won several awards for a variety of my fics. And, I appreciate them all! Thank you to my loyal readers for taking the time to nominate me and then vote for me. There are sooo many talented writers out there, so I consider it the highest privelege to be counted amongst them in any contest. JUST STUFF* I'm on FB. KylaMichelle Tok is me;) I have several groups, including one for just my fics, theonlykyla fanfiction. Come play with me... I'm on twitter...theonlykylaff is me;) Follow me...I say odd stuff and try to figure out how to post shit like teasers and Robporn;) I am a 40yr old single mother totally and completely obsessed with all things Twilight. Edward is fictional love of my life. I'm also a massive ROB fan, too. I think that the Epic love story between Edward and Bella could withstand a new novel each year, transcending time. Their story should NEVER end. People in my RL don't really understand me, nor do they even try. They think I'm a simpleton, but I'm far from it. I detest drama, therefore, the only girlfriends that I keep in my life are D-R-A-M-A free! I am FIERCELY loyal to those authors that I have made connections with, either through their stories or through the responses to the reviews that I've left. I love being such a "fan-girl" when I correspond with my fav authors. I will always consider Lolashoes my fav ff author. She was the very first author that I read on FF and it was like nothing I have ever experienced since. Nothing that I've read has ever reached out and sucked me in the way that her series did. It was the continuation of The Twilight Series the way that I thought it should be. That doesn't mean that I don't love other fics but as far as all vamp/canon stories go, it will ALWAYS be how it should have been to me. Authors to watch: ttharman, twistar junkie, chloe masen and betty lovegood. My currents rec's: Chloe Masen owns me...READ HER STUFF...it's all different and unique...but masterfully written:) I am currently obsessed with Crash & Burn by Twistar Junkie...so freaking good. Also, 1001 by Mrs.Robward...I love it!!!!!!!! Anything by Soft Ragoo - there is not one stories of hers that I've read and hated...GAH her Days Like This Edward STILL makes my heart go pitter-patter... Anything by - Catastrophia - she definitely knows how to write characters that you will love...and her lemons are the best around. Out of the mouths of babes by EdwardsEternal!!!! BUT, truly ANYTHING that she writes is magical...READ THEM ALL:) My Life without Me by Betty Lovegood is amazing and has me sooo twisted! Anything by Kitkat681. Especially Shattered!!!! I'm crazy. I'm lazy. I like to curse. I'm a deep thinker and I don't like bullshit. Plain and simple. That's me. |