Author has written 4 stories for Bleach. /UPDATES/ --9/27/12-- YO. Will have a One of Those Days chapter up preeeeetty soon, so enjoy! --06/29/12-- So, I've been steadily updating. I've done 3/7 stories so far, so bear with me. The next update will more than likely be Those Eyes, so keep a look out. --06/27/12-- http:///post/24378135516/important-mass-deletion-of-stories-on-fanfiction-net Visit that mofo. All the anger. --06/26/12-- Heya! New chapter. Add me on Facebook, you guys! I'm on there much more than I am here. Feel free to drop suggestions, request updates, send ideas, and whatever else you'd like to do! If any of my stories go down, I will keep you updated here! --06/21/12-- ah, ff. net is in quite a tizzy at the moment, no? Yes, I did sign the petition, if you must know. I'm sure everyone's heard about it, but if you haven't...just open any story? It's everywhere. --04/26/12-- Guess who loves you? I do. --03/13/12-- Frozen Love chapter up tomorrow! --03/04/12-- hi. The poll has been closed with Frozen Love as the winner, so yay for you guys! I do have a special treat, though! I will be choosing another one of my stories to be a wild card! You'll have to wait and see which one it is though! Thanks so much! --02/17/12-- Well, Happy New year, Merry Christmas, and Happy Valentines day! I've been gone for a while, but wanna guess why? I'm currently working on hopefully publishable novel! I am very excited about it! Do no worry though, I will definitely be working on some of my FF stories soon! --12/20/11-- HEY Y'ALLZ. Imma start workin' on oneofthosestoriesdownthuuur and hopefully have some sort of chapter up for something! --12/14/11-- WOAH. Okay. I don't have much to say D: --08/21/11-- So here I am again. A lot of you guys are looking for updates with Frozen Love. I'm regrettably not feeling that right now. However, I have been working a lot on Strawberry Assassin and Fate of the Fallen if you are looking for something new to read! The next update should be soon-ish, and will be a FOTF chapter. --6/30/11-- I don't know the date. :P But now I do. So I fixed it. --5/12/11-- YO. Guess who's back? This girl. --2/23/11-- update! strawberry assassin is looking...dead. maybe its because i have to write some sort of lemon, which i have never done before? ugh. --2/6/11-- ohwow. im in the process, man. OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO IMPORTANT! Follow me on Facebook. |
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