A little bit about me: My avatar (when I finally get it to work) is what I imagine Edwards guardian angel from Midnight Sun looked like pulling the Bella traits from the ether to make the perfect girl for him. His reward. I am not an author but I have been amazed at so many truly talented I have read here at FanFic. I have way too many stories in favorites; some in progress some complete but unread yet. I found this site when I was hanging out on New & kept hearing about WA. Read that almost straight through (up to where I started having to wait for new chapters) & was immediately hooked on fan fiction. Not being an author; I am sure I'm being presumptuous, but I just gotta mention a couple of pet peeves: 1. When I read an author A/N having to justify the direction of a story; the plot; the smut or anything else for that matter, it really irks me. IT IS THE AUTHORS STORY!It can do or be anything the author wants. I have come across several stories that just didn't do it for me. Did I review or pm the author ranting/raving? No! I did what rational human beings are supposed to do. I stopped reading/removed from my favorites and went on to find many many more fabulous stories that I did love. Many authors are new and insecure in their 1st venture into fan fic. You could very well be crushing the next Stephanie Meyers or J K Rowling & keeping them from continuing what might bring many millions of people pleasure. SO STOP IT PEOPLE! 2. I want to start this rant with an apology. I hadn't been reading fan fic for very long when one night in a long long week of very bad days & nights I had a few (many) too many & decided to review. I decided to because I had seen this one word used what I thought was way too many times. I honestly wasn't trying to be mean but I am certain it came across that way. I received a reply but was so embarrassed I just deleted the email, even though I felt really bad about it. Turns out she was from a different country & it was common usage where she lived. I am going to go through my reviews (just figured out I can; so techno illiterate) & try to find it so I can apologise to that author. Moral of story; careful or you make an ass out of only you! Having said that; please please use spell check & a dictionary or thesaurus. Cannot tell you how may times I see the word wearily used when in obvious context it should be warily. That's just one example; there are many. 3. Finally, please please dear authors; I cannot tell you how disappointing it is to wait & wait & wait for new updates hoping it will happen but it never does. I can understand losing interest in a story or permanent writer's block or whatever it is that happens to keep you from finishing a story. Just please do a quick note to let us know. I really appreciate it when an author takes the time to leave a short note that a story is going to be on hiatus or even not finished at all. I don't mind whatever the reason is. Well, okay I do get a little disappointed because the story is obviously one I was invested in. The alternative is waiting 6, 8, 12 months before giving up & deleting it from my favorites. Hence the reason I have so many in my favorites. I really really am going to go through & clean up my favorites. No, really I am. Seriously, I swear it. SO, TO ALL THE WONDERFUL AUTHORS OUT THERE. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR TALENT WITH US. I HOPE TO CONTINUE FILLING MANY MANY DELIGHTFUL HOURS GETTING SECRETARY SPREAD AT MY COMPUTER. |