Author has written 11 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars.
Note! I started this earlier on in the week, I might more onto more requests if I get the hang of it. So far, I have draw my own character from my 'The Wrecker and the Moonlight' series, I have drawn Wheeljack and Moonlight's daughter, and have finished drawing Moonlight. I am now drawing Angel, who is mentioned in Part 4 of the series, and hopefully, drawing a surprise character for readers :)
But I am hopefully got a place in my college for Photography, so get chance of more of my work on my DA account. Till then, I am making my mind up about requests.
Time to arrange my profile:
I found a story online - You know you're obsessed with Transformers by CaMaRoFaN14
All points from Story are hear and after the - is how it applies to me, if it does...
1. You nickname yourself after your favorite mech and or femme - I get called Prowl XD and he's my fav! ///
2. You think that Darth Vader is a pussy and megatron is the true lord of the sith - I do watch both Star Wars and Transformers, Megatron is more evil
3. You squeal uncontrollably when you see any of the cars from transformers; no matter what generation - Around the corner from my house, an old couple actually OWN Bumblebee's vehicle form from the 2007 Transformers movie. I don't mean the exact car, but the same model, colours, rims, wheels, everything! ///
4. You cuss as badly as ratchet, or ironhide, the Chevy twins, or the Lamborghini twins - Maybe not as bad XD
5. You have perfected your evil sunstreaker or megatron laugh - Megatron's laugh, I'm not that desperate for Decepticons XD
6. When you leave home you shout "ROLL OUT!" Or "DECEPTICONS MOBILIZE!" - For me its Roll out all the way XD
7. You hear any song on the radio and you immediately think of a transformer - I listen to Linkin Park all the time, how could I NOT think of Transformers.
8. Whenever you hear an explosion you immediately run outside screaming "Wheeljack!" - And get his autograph
9. You tell your physics teacher that he/she is full of it and that the transformers have proven it is possible to travel faster than the speed of light - True story that in my Physics lesson one time, my teacher said about learning Transformers (the big electric thing for houses), all eyes turned to me and I just smiled brightly :D
10. You look at Barney and think about armada megatron quickly followed by the thought "megatron I have lost what little respect I had for you." - This hasn't occured to me at all, why watch Barney? :/
11. While all the other children obsessed over their yu-gi-oh and Pokémon you were still obsessing over the newest transformers toy. - Too true! Considering I'm a girl, I go into shops, and ask mum for a Transformers toy to buy, and there are little kids way younger than me in the aisle. Do I care? No! Transformersfan01!
12. You're a girl and when you mother gave you a Barbie you immediately set it on fire and demanded a transformer instead. - Well when I was a kid, didn't get Barbie. I can't even remember what I got as a kid, but got into Transformers a few years ago, and been obsessed since.
13. You cried when starscream died in armada. - He's a Decepticon. I'd smile! (No judging me. I'm Decepticon hater!)
14. You give every yellow Lamborghini a very large berth. - I've only seen 1 Yellow Lamborghini. It crossed a red light. -_-
15. You have an irrational fear of black and white Saleen mustangs - Saleen? BARRICADE! RUN!!
16. You think that the police motto 'To Punish and Enslave.' Is more fitting than 'To Protect and Serve.' - No way! Prowl is better than Barricade! Protect and Serve is much better! ///
17. You start school wide allegiances and stage a full scale battle over control over the school lunch rotunda. - I honestly don't eat infront of other kids, so *shrugs*
18. You're a boy and you thought that G.I Joe could go die in a hole and that transformers was so much cooler. - I'm a girl. -_-
19. You would gladly kill anyone who told you that harry potter was better than transformers. - *looks at mum* Maybe not that far.
20. Your friends often call you as vain as tracks or worse Sunstreaker - Or Sophisticated as Prowl, or as talkative as Bluestreak.
21. Your pranking record is almost as extensive as sideswipes or skywarps. - My pranks get me in trouble, who cares, I'm having fun!
22. You often picture somebody you hate being run over by your favorite autobot/decepticon - *grins evily*
23. You can accurately quote all the movies word for word. - I can almost. Working at it, rather not speak Decepticons.
24. You become angry when someone misquotes the transformers. - My best friend says 'Transvestites, men in disguise!' He shall pay!
25. You no longer cuss in your native language you cuss in cybertronian. - I did that in class once, I said 'scrap' confused the person next to me XD
26. When your friends have been pranked by you they scream "LAMBORGHINI TWINS!" instead of your names. - Not done that yet. I'm not Ratchet. XD
27. You became severely depressed when jazz was ripped in half - Who wouldn't!? JAZZZZZZZZZ!!!
28. You cried when optimus died in the 1986 movie and in the 2009 movie. - NNNNOOOO!! OPTIMUS!!!
29. You get in to accidents on the off chance ratchet or first aid will pick you up. - I'm not that desperate for Ratchet.
30. Your friends all have transformers designations and ranks - Who wouldn't secretly do that to their friends?!
31. Whoever has the designations optimus prime and megatron in your little group are the leaders and you follow them without question - -_- Maybe not!
32. You can never look at a boom box the same way ever again
33. You do your college thesis on why Wheeljacks inventions always explode or where optimus's trailer goes when he transforms. - I'm gonna go college soon, so might try that XD
34. You shudder at the thought of 0ptimus or for that matter any of the older mechs saying "all the shorties in the house say YEAH!" - *giggles*
35. This also goes for "it's so hot today I saw a squirrel rubbing sun block on his nuts!" - What the.. Oh that David Letterman 'top 10 things that sound cool when spoken by a large robot.' XD
36. You pull a sunstreaker when someone messes up your hair. - Or touches my Transformers merchandise ///
37. Therapy is useless and your transformers delusions agree with you. - XD
38. The mach 5 race car has nothing on Blur - No idea??
39. You think gundam is stupid and transformers always will be better. - I don't know what Gundam is, but Transformers is better than anything XD
40. You send IDW angry letters for killing Sunstreaker off repeatedly. - :/ *looks around* *shrugs*
41. Remote controlled robots are no longer good enough for you. - You can say that again. Dam Matilda from Robot Wars!
42. You go to Hoover dam monthly to make sure Megatron is safely under all those layers of ice. - I would but I live in UK.
43. You go to Botcon EVERY time it happens religiously. - I would if I could go :(
44. You have playlists for each of the mechs in the movies. - I have playlists for all Autobots in their own 'concert' XD
45. You try- and fail- to do real Jet Judo - Where are those twins when you need them?! ///
46. You have perfected your own style of Jet Judo - Finally!!
47. You laugh uncontrollably when you see the carameldancing girls and compare them to the command trine. (Starscream, skywarp, thundercracker.) - *ROTFLMFAO*
48. You squeal when you see a black police cruiser thinking its barricade. - No, I think of a Police Car and think of Prowl, NEVER Barricade!
49. Your electronics are named after fallen autobots and decepticons. - My TV is Teletraan.
50. You think the ghost of starscream is haunting you. - *looks around* I'm not scared of him XD
51. You laugh whenever you think about how kid-friendly Sunstreaker is in G1 and yet how he is so violent in the comics. - :/
52. You wish your car would transform in to one of the mechs. - Once I get a car, I'm getting an Autobot sticker on my car, maybe some stripes too XD
53. You pray to God for your own bumblebee (also applies to others.) - ///
54. Your friends refer to you as swindle constantly - The Combaticon? I'm not a Combaticon?!
55. All if not most of your fan fictions are transformers related. - Of course, I only ever write Transformers. Even written my own series and gonna design all my characters XD
56. You nickname your red or silver sports car Sideswipe - No, Cliffjumper XD, joking.
57. You used to hate Linkin Park and now it's your favorite band. - No, I first heard Linkin Park when listened to song Breaking the Habit and In the End. Loved them ever since.
58. You think the song I can transform ya by lil Wayne featuring Chris brown and Swiss beats is probably the greatest song ever! (Or any other song that refers to transformers.) - To be honest, I don't like Chris Brown. Hate him. Transformers I love when its within franchise, not outside. Chris Brown sucks. Don't like it, I don't care. I never liked Chris Brown! Or lil Wayne!!
59. You know every song on the transformers and revenge of the fallen soundtrack by heart. - I'm still learning 21 Guns, but I'm close.
60. "GIVE ME YOUR FACE!" is your new battle cry when you get in to fights with the twihards. - What's a twihard?
61. You refrain from hitting all electrical appliances for fear they might come alive and hit you back. - Only if my electrical device don't work on me I hit it. I have no fear!
62. You pray to lord primus instead of your own God/Gods - Sometimes I say 'Primus' instead of 'God'.
63. If you were to ever win the lottery you would buy the rights to own your favorite transformer - Of course! G1 Prowl, TFP Wheeljack, here I come!
64. Also you would buy the corvette stingray concept and laugh at those who don't have it. - Na, I'm not that mean.
65. You snap awake immediately when someone mentions the transformers in any way shape or form - *glares* What was that you were saying about Transformers?!
66. You see a car crash and think "that stupid human killed that mech!" - Never thought of humans in that way. I'm not a Con!
67. You think of Wheeljack/ ironhide when you hear this "there is little that cannot be solved by a large amount of explosives." - Definitely Wheeljack! XD
68. When someone messes up your hair you scream "MY PAINT!" instead of "MY HAIR!" - :/
69. You run for class president under the slogan "peace through tyranny." Or "freedom is the right of all sentient beings." - The Freedom quote. Never be a Con!
70. Whenever you hear someone say "whats crackin' little b*es." you want to cry. - I miss you Jazz... :'(
71. You laugh when you see or if you were to ever see an ambulance being followed by two Lamborghinis - XD XD
72. The thought that follows that "poor, poor ratchet." Or "what did the twins do this time?" - *giggles*
73. You call the Kennedy space center and ask if they know where planet junk or cybertron are yet. - XD XD
74. They know your call schedule and have asked you to stop calling. - LOL
75. Your local army enlistment office has banned you from signing up for N.E.S.T since they think it doesn't exist. - Army?... No...
76. You think that area 51 is experimenting on the transformers. - Them criminals!! They better not be MECH or Silas!
77. You imagine your friend's dad's truck colored blue with flames. - LOL. I got to meet the real deal in UK. I got my proof.
78. You think your best friend is an "autobot pretender" - What???
79. Your friends are afraid of you and what this addiction has done to your personality. - I know one of my friends has said I'm too addicted, but they are too addicted to something, so that's my argument! XD
80. Sunstreaker reminds you of a very tall Edward Cullen just moody and violent. - LOLOL. Edward is kinda cute... :)
81. You think you're adopted and your parents are actually Cybertronians. - Never thought of it that way.
82. Your afraid to look at any cat weird for fear its ravage. - I don't appreciate Kitty Cats (from Pewdiepie)
83. You think that strange cat next door is ravage. - Na. My next door neighbour's cat is lovely.
84. The thought that follows it "I thought bumblebee tore out your spine!" - What?!
85. You jump out of bed when you hear a car revs its engine outside of your window and make sure your car is still there. - I live in a Banjo but I do see if my mum's car is there. I want it to be a transformer too :(
86. You refer to electricity as energon. - Most of the time XD
87. Soda is also referred to as energon. - LOL
88. Your parents don't take away your phone and your iPod they take away all your transformers related items. - NNNNOOOO! DON'T TAKE MY BABIES!
89. You custom ordered your contacts to resemble the mechs optics. (Red or blue.) - ... *SILENCE*
90. Your parents are also obsessed with transformers but just less. - Mum is OK, she likes Bumblebee, dad thinks I'm crazy XD
91. When you watch TV you can't help but think about what the mechs would think about that commercial. - Especially Optimus Prime on David Letterman XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v-P5x1Mp00
92. When you see three jets you immediately take cover or begin to make insulting signs up at them. - That's the Pier's Airshow for ya XD
93. Your room is covered with transformers merchandise. - Of course *grins looking at posters, Kre-o and Transformers action figures* Yep.
94. You own the multiple universe guides and have them highlighted for important facts. - LOL.
95. You used to fear explosions… now they make you feel all fuzzy and giddy inside. - WHEELJACK!! XD XD
96. You constantly read up on any new information for transformers three despite the fact that it's coming out in 2011. - Its not 2013, I constantly look up information on Transformers Prime movie and cast. Please let Wheeljack and Smokescreen be OK, and Transformers 4!! XD
97. You are constantly wishing Wheeljack would blow up your school for the heck of it. - Kinda... Then I can meet him!
98. You wonder what you would look like as a cybertronian. - I imagine it everyday. Why can't there have hair!?
99. You own at least one transformers related article of clothing. - *looks around* Dam. I need to get one! XD
100. You have a tattoo pertaining to the faction you choose. - Once I'm old enough for a tattoo, I'm getting an Autobot insignia and my fav Autobot!
101. Your pets have transformers names of some kind. - If I had a dog, he'd be Bumblebee. If I had a budgie, Smokescreen. If I had a Dinosaur, WHEELJACK, GET AWAY FROM THE LAB!!
102. Your car has some kind of transformers related decal. - I will get an Autobot insignia once I get a car.
103. When your kids ask if they can watch transformers on a school night, the answer is ALWAYS yes. - If I do become a mum one day, they'll love Transformers no matter what XD
104. Your kids don't question why they have transformers movie nights any more. - They better not.
105. You have called your local officer either barricade or prowl. - It'll be Prowl. NO BARRICADE AT ALL!!
106. Your teachers have also become aware of your obsession and have recommended you to the counselor for help. - They haven't to me yet. :)
107. You wear your favorite transformers colors. (Ex: sideswipe red or silver depending on universe.) - TFP Smokescreen's shade of blue, sometimes red for the colour on Wheeljack.
108. You are no longer embarrassed by your obsession and make it known to the world. - I have the bast couple of years.
109. You see the title deception and your brain immediately interprets it as Decepticon. - I have done that numerous times.
110. You only went to see that movie because you thought it was decepticon. - Not really...
111. You hear the lines "the subliminal mind f* America" from American idiot by green day and think Soundwave. - No...
112. You remember feeling all fuzzy inside when optimus prime smiled in the old cartoons. - YAY! If you could see his mouth in G1?
113. You know when the twins smile something is up. - Of course. Cheeky bots! I'll make sure Prowl is OK.
114. You plan to buy at least one of the cars that looks like the ones used in transformers (Ex: Chevrolet camaro.) - Well... Buy a car, and do it up like a Transformer
115. You have assigned the mechs theme songs (Ex: optimus prime "you got the touch." Stan bush.) - Of course. I got one for all my fav bots!
116. You think Stan bush is hiding the real location of the transformers. - He is?!!
117. For you birthday you want to visit N.E.S.T headquarters or Diego Garcia - I want to meet the actors who voice my fav Transformers XD
118. Soundwave reminds you of pedo bear. - A what?
119. You crack up when you hear how starscream sounds in G1 and it's your ringtone for your brother. - Na, my brothers aren't that stupid.
120. Megatron is now known as trigger crotch among you and your friends. - LOLOL
121. You already know more than most people about what is going to happen in transformers three - Well Transformers four now, and I do!
122. You have keyed the decepticon insignia in to your enemy's car door in the hopes that the autobots will do something about them. - I want nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with Decepticons!
123. You constantly pretend to be a transformer. - Yes I do!
124. You join the air force just to pilot a F-16, F-15, F-22 raptor. - No..
125. You KNOW that Michael bay has something against sunstreaker for not putting him in transformers 3. - LOL, probably why he hasn't showed Prowl yet! ///
126. Your license plate reads 'WE R 84' - I want either the names 'Prowl' 'Jazz' 'Jackie W (for Wheeljack Wrecker), or 'Smokey'.
127. Reading a normal book no longer interests you, you prefer fan fictions about transformers. - Of course!
128. You think the maximal's and the predacons are annoying and that nobody can replace the original autobots and decepticons. - LOLOL
129. Beast wars were enough to make you want to forget about the transformers. (But you watched it anyway.) - I don't like the Beast wars series. I liked Beast hunters in Transformers prime.
130. For Halloween you dressed like your favorite transformer. - I got Optimus' mask!
131. For superhero day in school you dressed like optimus prime. (Who says he isn't a superhero.) - We don't have that in school anymore :(
132. You wait for the day the transformers will actually exist so you can rub it in every non-believers face. - *Still waiting*
133. You have mastered the art of talking like blur. - I do talk fast even before meeting Blurr.
134. You find Shockwave much scarier than some murderer. - That big single red optic looking at me... :(
135. You believe that every U.F.O is cosmos messing with us all. - YAYAY
136. You question the real world's physics. It should be impossible for megatron to fly since he's a gun yet he can. - That is true... :/
137. You have dressed up as one of the mechs for Botcon. - I want to go there!
138. You tried to get cybertronian as you language elective in high school. - Not tried, too late for me :(
139. You have all the music from the original 1986 movie stored in you iPod. - Almost all of them
140. You name your electronics after fallen autobots and decepticons. - Kinda... I swear I saw this question repeated earlier...
141. You could actually follow the plot for RotF - LOL
142. You were displeased no pissed off when jazz was killed off because he was too popular. - I hate Bay's decision for killing Jazz! ///
143. You were tempted to name your child after a transformer. (You didn't though.) - I want to, and still do. Call him/her Jackie for short, but in my mind, Wheeljack. And a girl, called her Arcee XD
144. You do/or have imagined what sex would be like with a cybertronian. - WTF!?!
145. After wondering that you shuddered/blushed and thanked primus Soundwave didn't exist so he couldn't read your mind. - *cheers off screen*
146. You accidentally doodled the autobot insignia over your homework and had to start all over. - Many times :/ Even DRAWED the characters in my book.
147. You have tried to locate tranquility Nevada. - LOL tried it once
148. You used to be a very non-violent person until you watched transformers. - YAYAY!
149. Whenever you eat Doritos… starscream comes to mind, causing you to laugh. - I don't eat Doritos!
150. The thought that follows 'not so tough now are you screamer?' followed by more laughter. -I do laugh!
151. Airports in all of their boringness now scare you… after all a seeker has to roost somewhere! - Never been on a plane.. :(
152. Whenever you see a yellow sports car (no matter the type) you want to see if it zaps you like Sunstreaker.Not really. I'd laugh
153. Pocky and Ramune are really liquid and solid forms of energon. (And tend to go insane when you manage to get your hands on some.) - What??? I don't get the question.. ?
154. You have over two thousand pictures of both autobots and decepticons (with their alternate modes) somewhere, on your wall, USB, computer, Ipad, ECT. - *gives in* I do
155 As you read all of these you nod and smile or laugh to yourself. - I have done, I own up.
156. You notice that you have done or do at least five of these things. - I've done loads of them!
157. You laugh when you realize that you want to now do all if not most of these things. - I will not let you down!
158. The family member in the room next to you is giving you weird looks but you could care less. - I DON'T CARE!! TRANSFORMERS IS MY LIFE!
159. You're hopelessly obsessed and proud of it! You added to the list, or pasted some on your profile. - I've posted it all on my profile, or you wouldn't be reading this now.
160. TRANSFORMERS ADDICTS UNITE! - *brofist to that*
161. You have a split personality, and your other persona has given themselves a Cybertronian name - :)
162. You decided to buy a wrench the size of Ratchet's and keep it on hand on the off chance that the Lambo Twins would pay you a visit. - I can borrow my dad's toolbox with tools. Where are those twins?! ///
163. You think that mythical creatures like dragons and unicorns are all actually ancient Cybertronians. Possibly the forms they took before mankind started inventing technology. - Possible
164. You think the demonic pet in your neighborhood is actually a Decepticon in disguise... maybe Soundwave made a new Cassetticon. - My next door neighbour has a cat, so BAD RAVAGE!!
165. You've seen the exact model of one of the Transformers from the movies and gone up to it while saying it's name... and swore you saw it shutter. - I saw Optimus prime in Canary Wharf in London last year. He didn't move :(
166. You check every vehicle you see for a Decepticon or Autobot insignia... and become disappointed when you don't find either. - Damit! ///
167. You've written at least one Transformers fanfic. - On my profile, got 8 stories (at time I wrote this), and a document on my laptop with plans for about another 40 :)
168. Your family tells you that if you don't get over your obsession soon, they're going to commit you to an insane asylum. - Na, they haven't done that yet ;)
169. You're actually okay with being committed to an insane asylum. You lost your sanity when you first started watching Transformers. Besides, maybe you'll find Ratchet in the asylum... - Ratchet?! What the... XD
170. You want to legally change your name to something more Cybertron. - Yep! I wanna be Moonlight, my OC, maybe bond with Wheeljack or Smokescreen ///
Profile Quotes:
97% of teens only see the Transformers franchise because of Shia La Beouf or Megan Fox. Copy and paste this into your profile if you're the other 3% that goes to see things explode and robots beating the slag outta each other!
If you truly believe, there is a Transformer somewhere for you copy this into your profile.
Author alerts to reviewers/quests/ etc...
Just an alert to an Ikarya who left a review on my story, couldn't find you on , so left a review on the story to clarify. ..
Just to confirm
Ikarya who posted, some aspects are based on the story but it shouldn't be the same from now on. Twilight was the inspiration, ideas coming to make the story flow, but now brings the twist later in the other parts, there is a difference already that I will have 6 parts altogether, Twilight technically 4 parts, 1 split into 2. Couldn't find a way to contact you Ikarya, so posting it here, and if anyone knows you to pass message on. To confirm, twilight brough the inspiration, not copied, but looked at for inspiration. Twilight got the idea to start the story with a 'speech' to narrow story down, so I'm glad you like the fic so far.
Thanks for your question. More parts to come
I left that review for you on my story, so hope you read it, coz can't seem to find you on
Hi everyone reading my profile. I'm new to this website and I love Transformers and I have writen so many stories at home my friend sugested I sign up to www.fanfiction.net and upload my stories. When they come on I hope you enjoy them as I do too.
If you liked the pokemon story, The adventures of Reco and Merlisa already on fanfiction.net that was my story which I asked my friend to put on fanfiction.net. I hope you like it and enjoy reading.
I love to know about Transformers animated and the films but my favourite character is now Jazz, Prowl and Bluestreak from the G1 Transformers series. I wish to create so many stories on www.fanfiction.net for you all to read. Bumblebee was my favourite because well I love Chevrolettes especially the Camaro as I have actually seen one where I live. I love the weapon he has, the twin plasma cannons and I love all his funny jokes in the animated. I have drew Bumblebee at home like 10 times and they are all brilliant. I hope you enjoyed taking you time to read this and happy reading.
Well now I love Jazz, Bluestreak and Prowl, but particularly I kinder like Bluestreak, he's cuter. But they're both awesome!
I have recently drew images on Photoshop. I'm going to upload one, if I can, as my profile so all you fans can see my artwork when I'm bored, and get so excited when completing them.
I'm avaliable on other websites.
I'm on . (I'm planning on putting up art. I'm making hand drawn drawings, or computer ones, or upload my stories.)
And on . (Hardly spend time on it, but still get time to view fanart, fanfiction, etc)
Now on Achive of our own:
I'm now writing my own stories in life, not on fanfiction, since stories will be my own and can't publish them on fanfiction. I'll update with my progress