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Joined 10-10-09, id: 2110781, Profile Updated: 08-23-12
Author has written 3 stories for Mortal Instruments.

"More and more, it feels like I'm doing a really bad impersonation of myself." Chuck Palahniuk

Hello. I'm ML. I'll have a double gin and lemonade if you're ordering. I'm a 21 year old almost-university-graduate with a passion for writing, reading and singing. I started writing fan fiction three years ago and have recently returned from a year long hiatus. A lot of stuff has happened over the last year and it's taken me a long time to get back in to a place where I feel comfortable and happy. Appreciation for all of the messages and reviews of encouragement over the last however long. I fully intend to finish both Kismet and AFWLIW, and I have a few other ideas up my sleeve for when the time comes for me to write a new fic :3

Read, review, but most importantly; enjoy.

Favourite books (in no (especially) particular order):

The Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices; Battle Royale; The Hunger Games trilogy; Harry Potter; Maximum Ride; His Dark Materials; Anything by Chuck Palahniuk and John Green.

More include Hush Hush, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Shiver, The Declaration, The Catcher in the Rye, The Marked books and anything by Stephen King.


You Me At Six, Florence and the Machine, Dry the River, Alexisonfire, Flyleaf, Saosin, The Receiving End of Sirens, The Dear Hunter, Enter Shikari, Kings of Leon, The Fray, City and Colour, The Academy Is..., Bloc Party, Mumford and Sons, Lady GaGa, Underoath, Thrice, Funeral For a Friend, Taking Back Sunday, Biffy Clyro, Fightstar, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Paramore, Dance Gavin Dance, Silverstein, Imogen Heap, Regina Spektor, Jimmy Eat World, Finch, Lostprophets, Joshua Radin, Lydia, Death Cab For Cutie, Luke Pickett, Brand New


Upon my rearrival to FF, I've read over my stories and have decided to go back over them and change little bits- mostly spelling and grammatical mistakes but there could be little changes in the plots. Nothing drastic, just bits and bobs that maybe didn't fit right or extra little bits of dialogue :)


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Nine Consequences of One Night and a Door by ddpjclaf reviews
The teenaged daughter and son of sworn rivals meet with a bang one drunken night against the bathroom door. Now everyone must come to terms with the 9 consequences of one night, a girl, a boy, and a door. OOC AH/AU Lemonade. Vulgar language. Mature.
Mortal Instruments - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 34 - Words: 340,066 - Reviews: 3858 - Favs: 2,968 - Follows: 2,454 - Updated: 2/11/2014 - Published: 11/15/2011 - Jace W., Clary F. - Complete
Turbulence by ddpjclaf reviews
*RE-POST* While dealing with a loss, Clary befriends her new neighbor's troubled foster-son. Can their friendship help them let go of the pain or will their pasts intervene and rip them apart? (Due to Fanfiction disabling the C&P ability, I am re-posting this story here. Thank you to all who have been so supportive!)
Mortal Instruments - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 34 - Words: 210,843 - Reviews: 2529 - Favs: 2,299 - Follows: 881 - Updated: 10/17/2013 - Published: 2/15/2010 - Jace W., Clary F. - Complete
Crazy by KissingFire reviews
Clary never considered herself crazy. But when she finally gets shipped off to an asylum, full of psychos who want to kill her, Clary needs to learn how to survive, and how to avoid the gorgeous, yet insane, pyro. M for some violence and language. OOC&AU
Mortal Instruments - Rated: M - English - Romance/Horror - Chapters: 15 - Words: 87,132 - Reviews: 1158 - Favs: 672 - Follows: 753 - Updated: 8/13/2012 - Published: 6/13/2011 - Clary F., Jace W.
Covert Casanova by ddpjclaf reviews
She's the artsy, outcast daughter of a rich, crooked lawyer. He's the self-absorbed undercover agent assigned to do whatever it takes to get the goods on daddy-even if that means making a play for his feisty daughter. AU/AH/OOC Fluffy. Lemonade.
Mortal Instruments - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 30 - Words: 239,836 - Reviews: 2842 - Favs: 3,293 - Follows: 1,450 - Updated: 6/3/2011 - Published: 7/14/2010 - Jace W., Clary F. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

All's Fair When Love Is War reviews
Clary and Jace have hated each other since High School, but everything changes the morning after the night of their college graduation. "You know what they say, Clary; all's fair when love is war." Let the battle commence. AH and a little OOC. R&R!
Mortal Instruments - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 13 - Words: 49,794 - Reviews: 506 - Favs: 594 - Follows: 672 - Updated: 7/6/2012 - Published: 2/1/2010 - Clary F., Jace W.
Kismet reviews
Clarissa Morganstern is running. An apparent chance meeting puts her on the radar of fellow Shadowhunter Jace Wayland, but can he and his family set aside their pride long enough to see someone in real need rather than just Valentines daughter? R&R please
Mortal Instruments - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 17 - Words: 70,821 - Reviews: 253 - Favs: 399 - Follows: 236 - Updated: 4/2/2012 - Published: 11/18/2009 - Clary F., Jace W. - Complete
All's Fair When Love Is War Drabbles reviews
DON'T READ UNLESS YOU'VE READ THE REAL STORY! Series of one-shots from my fic AFWLIW, posted due to popular demand. All entries take place before the stories timeline but are mentioned briefly in the plot. Let me know which scenario to write next! R&R :
Mortal Instruments - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,561 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 26 - Published: 4/25/2010
ddpjclaf (11)