Author has written 71 stories for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Underworld, Walking Dead, Twilight, True Blood, Lost Boys, Wrestling, Criminal Minds, Sky High, IT, Halloween, Game of Thrones, Midnight Breed series, Suicide Squad, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Con Air. Hello everyone. I know you all have been asking where all my stories went. Well I took them down because I got alot of comments and complaints that I was going to be reported due to the Smut that I write so to stop all that I took them down for a while. Don't fret I'll repost eventually. Just wanted to give you an update. Thanks 2.6.23 Hey guys. I wanted to give you guys a heads up. We have started a travel you tube page if you could help me out and go check it out and like share and subscribe I would be grateful. you can locate it on you tube All About Adventure. The first video is on Great wolf lodge. Thank you everyone and I will update something soon. The Fanfiction family is awesome! I've been told some of you cannot locate the youtube channel. Try searching Great Wolf Lodge. LaGrange GA. Or allaboutadventure1 is the handle. Thank you. |