![]() Author has written 9 stories for Batman, Justice League, Harry Potter, Private, Geronimo Stilton, and Privilege series. I'm back! After almost 3 years of not updating I've finally decided to come back. The writing bug has gotten to me again (joy!) and I'm now working on rewriting (correcting grammatical and logic-errors mostly) and updating my fanfics. I have to do lots more reading up because I'm not as familiar with some of the fandoms anymore, so... it's back to work for me. Now I'm just gonna write random stuff about myself because it is four in the morning and I have absolutely nothing to do (I have been banned from playing Let it Go on the piano between the hours of 2-5 AM) I'm a quirky sort of kid. I still consider myself a child and would like to remain as one for as long as possible. I used to have infallible recall (to quote Adventure Time's Lemongrab) but my memory hasn't been working properly lately. I blame this on the fact that I'm growing old... (\/) Copy the bunny into your profile to help him achieve world domination, THE DARK SIDE WILL REAP YOUR MORTAL SOUL |