Author has written 1 story for Pokémon. Hello there, I go by Silly Lonely Raven! I'm not much of a writer, but I sure love to read! If anyone has any fanfics they like and would like to share, let me know! A few fic ideas that I have had that I have not seen done at all, but would love to read: Harry Potter: Windows to Magic - It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and magic has always been all about the soul... Basic Idea: All magical's eyes are different, vibrant, and 'unnatural' colors. The color corresponds with a single spell that the magical, and the magical alone can cast to a degree that surpasses all others. That spell's 'Master' can do things with it that others could never dream of. Plot Rules/Suggestions: - There can only be one magical with any spell at a given time. - Family members can 'Pass' their magic to an unborn child, but doing so causes their eyes to dull to a slate grey color. - Those with faded eyes are highly respected individuals in the magical community for their sacrifice to their family. - 'Old' families are not stuck up on blood, but that they have hoarded many spell affinities over time, IE: their family magics. - Lily passed her magic to her child, thus she has faded eyes. - Muggleborns are not persecuted, but those with 'weak' affinities, regardless of blood, are considered pitiable. - No affinity is truly weak, as is really only limited by the user's imagination with the spell. Wizards are obviously known to be bad at this. - The magical world as a whole is more competent and less self-destructive, partly due to being less anti-nonmagic. Inheritance of a Dark Soul - "O' the few rare soul magics that are known to this world, there are none more abused, less studied, and less understood than the Horcrux. Oh the method of their creation and the immediate effects they bestow upon their creators is well documented -at least if one knows where to look- but the containers themselves, the long term effects, and their origins are another thing entirely. Much akin to the arts of the so called 'dark magics', the true intent of the Horcrux has been all but forgotten to the sands of time. But heed this warning, traveler. If you aim to use this magic to obtain immortality, tread carefully, lest you get exactly what you seek..." Basic Idea: The idea of what Immortality itself is has changed drastically and in a very selfish direction since the creation of the Horcrux magic. Created originally by ancient shamans and priests, the magic was later acquired by and made known the world over by the Egyptian Pharaohs and their High Priests. The Horcrux was indeed intended for 'immortality' in that the creator would 'live on forever'. In a sense, anyway. The truth of the matter is a bit more complicated. The original Horcrux Ritual was a final rite ritual used by the old or dying shamans or priests to pass on their knowledge and experience, as well as that of their predecessors that was passed to them, to the next chosen shaman or priest by making them into a 'Living Horcrux'. The concept and intent of a 'Living Horcrux' is an entirely different thing than that of the objects created by the bastardized version of the magic which it is now known for. A 'Living Horcrux' already possesses a soul of their own, but more specifically, a whole and unweakened soul. The recipient's soul will naturally absorb the 'Soul Fragments' created by the ritual, thus also absorbing and incorporating everything that was what their predecessor was. Originally by tradition, the recipient would inherit the name, possessions, and, essentially, 'life' of the predecessor. Thus the Horcrux user would 'live on' for as long as the process continued. This magic is why there are accounts in history of individuals living for over a thousand years, even though now, even among the wizarding populations, the greatest age feasibly achieved without some form of immortality is around three hundred years. At some point, one of the Egyptian Pharaoh was not satisfied with this method of immortality. Lacking a worthy heir, they could not risk their beloved empire falling without them. This lead them to conduct a series of experiments, eventually culminating in the creation of the first 'Soul Jar' Horcrux. While the experiments seemed to be an overwhelming success with the altered ritual not killing them in the process, the long-term effects of remaining alive with an incomplete soul were devastating. In a normal Horcrux ritual, the predecessor would be the sacrifice to die for the creation of the Living Horcrux. When they would die, their soul would be shattered and with the fragments left behind absorbed into the larger soul of the Living Horcrux. With the Soul Jar however the shattered and imprisoned shards were sealed in a warded vessel, trapping the fragments and stopping them from simply being pulled back together. This may have successfully granted immortality, but the constant strain of the soul pulling on itself exhausted mind and magic. Then along came Herpo the Foul in search of the secret, and the rest was history. A few millennia later a woman named Lily Potter nee Evans died, and the Horcrux magic was unintentionally used as it was meant to be for the first time in living memory. Plot Suggestions: - Horcruxes, as explained in the basic idea, were meant to be absorbed by another living human, thus the living human becoming an essential 'Reincarnation' of the Horcrux creator. - Ordinarily, a Living Horcrux would have been older than a year and possess a distinct personality that would only take on some of the traits of the predecessors. Baby Harry was too young for this to really be the case however beyond some infantile emotions and bonds. What this means for Harry is that he is for all intents and purposes a sane version of Tom Riddle. Until his first year he believes that he is all that is left of the non-horcrux bit of Voldemort, but that his soul fused with the infants and effectively became whole again, allowing him to reevaluate with a clear mind. - There is a connection between the Living Horcrux and the predecessor if the predecessor stays alive - as well as to any other soul fragments that the predecessor has. Though as the Living Horcrux's soul is whole, it does not strain itself to reform with the other pieces. Due to this, the Living Horcrux does not gain the protection from death that that pull grants. - Tom could never really come to trust or care for anyone else despite how useful having someone like that would be to him. Many Magics and Rituals requiring multiple people would be pretty much beyond him, and he couldn't have anyone he could really trust to put forth every effort at resurrecting him if things went south. However, after coming to know that Tom's old existing Horcruxes are useless to him for immortality, he does get an idea for what to do with them. After all, 'If you can't trust yourself, who can you trust'? - Harry decides to use Tom's existing Horcruxes to recreate what happened to him on that Halloween night in six others. Who these six are is up to you, but I advise at least Hermione (pretty much Harry's 'Bellatrix' given her unhinged and extreme actions at times) and Ginny (Diary, Duh. Only makes sense and the Chamber event might be where he gets the idea for doing so at all). - The six others you choose, along with Harry himself, will be the eponymous Inheritors of a Dark Soul, obviously. - The other Inheritors will have been older and possess their own developed personalities already, so they will not be Tom clones like Harry essentially is, but they will inherit Tom's memories and traits as per the normal Living Horcrux Ritual. - Because of the changes to how Living Horcruxes work, the inheritors would not feel pain from contact with Voldemort Tom or each other, but the canon connection would still be there between all of them. - All of the Inheritors will be Parselmouths, obviously. If you like any of my "Challenges" and want to give them a go, please PM me! I would love to read the results and help you bounce ideas around! |