Author has written 20 stories for NCIS, Avengers, and Ironman. Hello to all people who will go here and read (not sure there's a lot of people who do that). I'm French, but also speak English fluently, hence the French and English profile. Je ne sais pas vraiment quoi dire, alors je pense que je vais faire simple... Ecrire est quelque chose que j'aime énormément, je suis capable d'écrire des pages entières en entendant une seule phrase, en lisant un seul petit mot. Et encore je n'écris pas tout ce qui peut me passer par la tête, sinon je n'aurais plus de place dans mon ordinateur et je serais à court de feuilles depuis longtemps. Writing is a passion and I love sharing it with you all. Fanfiction made me more confident in my work and I got better thanks to it so I don't think I'm going to stop any time soon. Hope you don't mind! Je suis fan de beaucoup de séries, mais bien incapable d'écrire des fics pour toutes. Sanctuary, Vampire Diaries, Merlin, Glee, Supernatural, Medium, Stargate (les 3) Fringe, Mentalist, House, Bones, Desperate Housewives, Dexter, Esprits Criminels, The Event, Smallville, The Good Wife, Hawaii 5-0, Borgia, Les Tudors, NCIS et NCIS LA, Warehouse 13, Haven, Heartland, Lost, Life Unexpected, Lie to me, Heroes... et d'autres... All too many according to my friends, I'm following like 30 series at the same time (without counting those that have stopped and I'm still looking sometimes ;) ). And adding more to that number every year... If I don't write about every single serie I watch, I definitively read a lot of fics, there are some really good authors out there :) Je suis une énorme fan de Marvel et dernièrement les seules idées que j'ai sont avec ces personnages géniaux (principalement avec Tony Stark parce que... c'est Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, do I need to say more ?) donc... j'écris sur Avengers. Mostly Tony Stark, but they're all there really, cause they're a team. It's just near impossible not to have ideas with those great characters and unfortunately I can't write them all down. Hoepfully the few I do write down will be good and enough! Okay, it's all new to me but here it is: I want to try my hand at challenges, but I'll restrain them to Avengers only. So if you have ones, send them over, I'll try. If you're not happy with it, don't hesitate to tell me! Voilà! J'ai été plagiée. Ma fanfiction Cavale est mise en vente sur Google Books par un gars qui s'appelle Jason Matthieu. N'hésitez pas à partager votre soutien à tous les autres auteurs plagiés par cet individu, car je ne suis pas la seule. Merci. My French story "Cavale" was plagiarized by a man called Jason Matthieu and sold on Google Books. Please show your support to every fanficiton author that was plagiarized by this man (over a 100 stories). Thank you ! |
Epicocity (53) Hermionne1425 (2) Mae'side (21) ncismom (9) | Oceanbreeze7 (99) Pline84 (29) Red Tigress (0) supergirl971 (12) | Sydelle Rein (28) T'Pring (37) Ultra-Geek (0) Viridis Lupus (12) |