![]() Author has written 4 stories for One Piece. Fan fiction is a pretty new venture for me - I usually illustrate other peoples work by request, but, since the requests have died down I thought I'd try my hand at the writing so... here goes nothing!! One piece is my ALL time favourite anime/manga. Roronoa Zoro is deffo my favourite character closely followed by Sanji .. could be the reason most of the ideas i have for Fanfiction are ZoSan based (They make such a HOT couple!) I spend my spare time drawing and painting by request (and now writing too). P/M me if you have any request for illustrations (esp if it's Zoro and Sanji getting up to no good) i'll gladly do them! I AM NO LONGER ON HAIATUS!!! I HAVE FINALLY REDISCOVERED MY LOVE FOR WRITING AND AM BACK ON MY FEET AFTER A "LOVELY" VISIT TO THE HOSPITAL. NEW CHAPTERS ON THEIR WAY ...WITH ART!!! Likes: One Piece and the resulting ZoroxSanji fanfiction XD Strawberries and cream The smell of freshly cut grass The circus Dislikes: YAOI Flamers! Cucumbers... Traffic Fumes - they make my nose run for some reason sniffle :s BOREDOM! I'm 24 years old (yes Fangirls can be of any age...even 24). I work in an office (BORIIIING) and live in a nice little house with my two cats Domino (because she has a spot on her nose) and Inari (because the name suits her and i love all things Japanese). I want to spend a month travelling around Japan... my only problem is i haven't developed the skill for growing a money tree so it looks like it's going to take me a loooooong time before I manage to save up enough! Top 3 Wishes: 1 To become a successful artist. 2 To travel the world...or at least some of it 3 For us all to discover that the world of One Piece really exists and Roronoa Zoro and Black Leg Sanji are REAL people...(ok more of a dream than a wish but hey! ZoSan fans know where i'm coming from XD) Ok... now for my calling in life... ART: For Zoro's Birthday: http:///feral_inari/pic/0002q7dd/g22 (There is a fic in story board at the moment... when I'll get around to writing it...I don't know x.x) For Ringo!! A Birthday gift that goes with a story by Lolly Dream - Table Manners http:///feral_inari/pic/0002ddrt/g22 Art Created for MY stories!! Can you believe it?!? http:///art/Zoro-Tailor-190900912 http:///post/2483334920/fan-art-for-this-story-here-zosan-d-yeah-urge |
Community: | The YAOI SuperNova Library (of yummyness!) |
Focus: | Anime/Manga One Piece |