I'm about to be a 50-something single mom. Admittedly, I was late to the Twilight Saga, dismissing it by thumbing my nose at it, declaring it to be well beneath Bram Stoker's genius and Anne Rice's sensuousness, without even reading the first page of Twilight (very unlike me as I ALWAYS read the first page of any book I pick up!). When the DVD came out and my curiosity got the best of me so I picked up a copy from Redbox. That fatefull day forced me to put an all-points bulletin on my Facebook, asking my friends to send a copy of each of the books. A friend email me PDFs of all four books in one minute flat! And as they say, the rest is friggin' history. I hadn't even read any new books in a few years--unheard of for me--and now am once again, a voracious reader, albeit the majority being fan fic but I still pick up a book or two from the library every couple of months. I received a BA in Creative Writing though I shamefully have not written in well over seven years, coz, well, life just takes over. I started a blog a couple of years back to get me back into writing but haven't updated in quite a while so to keep me from feeling sorry for myself, I have decided to get my act together and start following some prompts. I vow to work hard and find my way back to one of the greatest loves of my life, my love for the written word, expressed by moi! In regards to Twilight fan fic, I have specific loves: I love, love, love a strong, smart, snarky yet sensitive Bella. I love, love, love any well written Edward Masen story!! I can't even begin to explain why I get giddy as all-get out whenever Edward Masen is introduced in a story. I love Alice but absolutely hate when she's painted as a "high-pitched squealing, overly stimulated shopping-loving pixie". I hate it so much that I've often stopped reading stories just because of that description. I love stories where Bella & Leah are actually friends, good friends where Leah is supportive of her. My favorite Bella BFF pairings are Bella/Angela, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Edward. Love it when Bella & Emmett are brother/sister. I actually read one story where Bella & Angela were sisters but can't remember which story it is now. And Angela wasn't featured as much in it. I Only Want You For Your Body by fatallyobsessed has Bella/Angela as BFFs and Angela is just friggin' hilarious in it! She and Jake are even paired in it, albeit briefly. Funny is alls I gotta say about it! I'm about to start looking for some exercises to get my creative writing juices flowing and hopefully will be able to actually post a story before the end of the year. That's a personal goal that I'm setting for myself on this day, Monday July 19, 2010!! There, it's in writing out to the world to see, I have to bring it to fruition. Some of my absolute fave fics for their sheer genius--well written, well-beta'd, plot, drama, humor, angst, and lemons!! A Tale of Two Edwards! / A Tale of Two Edwards: Moving Forwards & Backwards by kArlITaLUna - We've got both Edward Masen & Cullen in here BUT I'm Team Edward Masen in this story, all the way!! A Woman Scorned & A Woman Scorned Outtakes by Bella Baby24 - Edward Masen! Bad News Bella by 107yearoldvirgin Edward Masen! Bella's Hymen Theory by SwanCullen12 Beyond Time by TKegl - Love this story so, so much! We've got both Edward Masen & Cullen in here! Camisado by Sophz456 - Edward Masen! Catching Spiders by lambcullen - Edward Masen! Coming Through the Rye by Mac214 Clipped Wings & Inked Armor & CW&IA Outtakes by hunterhunting - Edward Masen! Dirty Little Secrets by Brits23 - We've got both Edward Masen & Cullen in here! Edward Wallbanger by feathersmmmm - Edward Masen! Eight Days A Week by 107yearoldvirgin Falling for the First Time by SnowWhiteHeart Finding Home/Finding Liberty by jennde Grasping Darkness by KiyaRaven Heartbreak Remedy / A Beautiful Disaster by dariachenowith - Edward Masen! Hints of Me / One Weekend / Outtakes from Hints of Me by 22blue Hydraulic Level 5 by Gondolier I Only Want You For Your Body by fatallyobsessed I'll Be Your Lover Too by EdwardsBloodType Keeping the Faith by Holly1980 Last Tango in Forks by AwesomeSauce76 Late Night Encounters by kyla713 Love in My Box by cosmoandmarvar Lost Without You by JessicaLG717 Master of the Universe by Snowqueens IcedragonWe've got both Edward Masen & Cullen in here! Maybe I'm Falling For You by coldplaywhore Moving Pictures by breakfastatbella's Not Meant To Be / NMTB Extras by SweetDulcinea - Edward Masen! Paper CutOuts by twistedcoincidence Pretenses by RPownsme - Edward Masen! Punch Me, Love Me, Save Me by ericastwilight Shades of Green by appletreesfall Somewhere In Between by Kassiah Subject: Edward Cullen, aka The Womanizer by ericastwilight The Cocky and The Cougar / The Cocky Speaks by ikss The Ex Factor : Edward & Bella by AngelAtTwilight The Misapprehension of Bella Swan by hunterhunting The Mistress and Her Master by NanMcCullen The Naked Guy Upstairs & The New Girl Downstairs: A TNGUS Sideshot by AngryBadgerGirl The Training - the entire saga: The Submissive The Training, and The Dominant by tara sue me The University of Edward Masen by SebastienRobichaud The Wedding Party by spanglemaker9 - Edward Masen! The Weight of Words by georgeygirl This Is Not My Life by isakassees Tie Me Here in Time by jadedandboring Waking Up / Waking Up Outtakes by RiaMariaWe've got both Edward Masen & Cullen in here! What I Really Meant To Say by beegurl13 Some of my absolute fave one shots for their sheer genius--plot, drama, humor, angst, and lemons!! |