Author has written 5 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hello. So this is my profile... uh yeaa... So... about me. I really wanna be a doctor when I get older. I also really wanna travel around too. I hate the cold and love the heat. lol uhh I have more than one fandom, but my most recent one, Hetalia, is the only one I write for right about now... lol Outside of Hetalia, I dont really like reading about yaoi. I do well in school most of the time. I enjoy school, I pretty much try to enjoy everything I do... except dishes. Those suck. lol I think that if you want to be happy, then you should be happy, that no one person, or society, should be able to tell you how you should or shouldnt feel, and that life is only what you make it. Couples I ship~ Hetalia: GermanyxN.Italy (OTP) PrussiaxCanada (Second favorite) GreecexJapan SpainxRomano USxSeychelles FrUk USUK USxRomano (favorite crack pairing) and everyone else can be with whoever they want. xp Ouran High School Host Club: TamakixHaruhi Naruto: NarutoxHinata SakuraxSasuke HinataxShino Fruits Basket: KyoxTohru YukixMachi HaruxRin HiroxKisa ShigurexAkito (yeahh pretty much all canon right there xp) Vampire Knight: ZeroxYuuki AkatsukixRuka And, peoples, I have so many more from so many other stories, it ain't even funny. :( Month One Mommy Month Two Mommy Month Three You know what Mommy? Month Four Mommy Month Five You went to the doctor today. Month Six I can hear that doctor again. Month Seven Mommy Every Abortion Is Just . . . One more heart that was stopped. If you are against abortion, post this in your profile. ( TT ,TT) (I'm sorry, you poor child...) (Usually, I dont do those copy and paste things, but this made me cry, so...) |