Author has written 28 stories for Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, Danny Phantom, and Harry Potter. HELLO!!! Some info about me :D Pen Name: Aliko Kinav Age: 19 Birth date: 30 August 1993 Location, Hometown : Singapore :P Loves: Maths, Writing, Drawing (though not so good), reading Fanfiction, reading in general, playing PSP games and lately playing with my new Ipod Touch :D My Current Fav Fanfics - TO READ SUPERNATURAL And RPS :P J2 (hehehehe) I read too much of this :P LEVERAGE AVENGERS FAV FICS TO WRITE (RECENTLY - 6th March 2013) 1. Dramione - Just started on this (day before my exams - 24 Feb 2013 :O) Having fun with this 2. KKM - Always 3. Harry Potter Fandom - Just joined the forums - Having fun with the challenges :P OK!! 6th March 2013 I am sure everyone know I suck with deadlines. I just can't meet them. (I have last year's KKM Valentine's Day fic still under work :O I know. I am appalled at myself too.) Anyway, a quick upate KKM 1. I FOUND MY GOODBYE SERIES NOTES!! ALL THAT'S LEFT TO DO IS WRITE! 2. I DUNNO WHERE I WAS GOING - FOR SMF 3. I SORT OF KNOW WHERE I AM GOING FOR MASQUERADE OH YA!!! I DECIDED TO COMPLETE THE STORY. THEN RE-VAMP IT! :P 4. I DEFINITELY KNOW WHERE I AM GOING FOR A-Z - JUST DEPENDS ON MY MOOD -_- SHALL WRITE SOON OTHERS 1. NOT PLANNING ON ANY DANNY PHANTOM FOR A WHILE :( 2. PLANNING TO ENTER HP FORUM CHALLENGES - SO SHOULD BE WRITING MORE SOON :P DUDES LOVE YALL!! AND PUH-LEAAAAASEEE!!! Leave a REVIEW! Thanks love ya :) Aliko Kinav (: |
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