![]() Author has written 1 story for Final Fantasy VII. With this account, I don't currently plan on posting anything except those fics that pertain to my Terrorism & Anarchy 'verse. I also have a fictionpress account with a few old things up. Same user name as this account but that account is not as cool. I've only got one new short story up (a humorous little ditty about a demon under a curse), and everything else was written at least seven years ago. Terrorism & Anarchy Disclaimer: Of course I don't own FFVII or any of the characters therein. This is fanfiction. And even if I owned FFVII, nothing would be any different. I like it the way it is. I'm writing this fic for my own amusement and the amusement of my friends. Notes on the story: I intend to keep things as close to the canon history as possible. Of course it's not actually canon or it wouldn't be fanfic. But by timeline, I do mean events pulled from "Before Crisis", "Crisis Core", "FFVII", "Advent Children", "Dirge of Cerberus", and any written works I can get a hold of. As such, there will be some errors in historical accuracy and characters. If I ever decide to simply ignore a piece of canon history, I'll note it here. Schedule: None. I'll post when I post but the story is too amusing to abandon. I have the whole thing outlined right to the end so please cease your worrying about whether I've abandoned the story because it's not going to happen. *Please note this means I will NEVER abandon the story unless I am somehow dead, though I really will try not to go for a year between postings again.* Also note that I will be blatantly ignoring any and all requests to update soon or faster as I won't post something I'm dissatisfied with. I feel I've made myself clear on my posting schedule or supposed lack thereof. Technicalities: I don't feel like capitalizing Soldier, Avalanche, Weapon, or any other all caps word every time they appear in text. Perhaps one day I'll change my mind. But not today. Beta: Vladimir the Hamster Reviews: I reply to reviews when I have time (I am so incredibly, ridiculously behind on these, sorry T_T ) and if I feel like something needs a response. I like getting back to people who have something even partly meaningful (this is currently only about a quarter of the reviews). I will not, however, ever address reviews in my chapters because chapters are for story, not author's comments, so if you review anonymously, you will never see a reply unless your question falls under the FAQ. If you feel you have something worthy of a reply, give me a means of answering through FFN (I will not go to other websites to reply to your reviews or send you messages). Recommended Where?: Mirage gifted a recommendation for the story on the TVTropes website, tvtropes. org/pmwiki/pmwiki. php/FanficRecs/FinalFantasyVII . They have a fair number of good suggestions there for other fics as well. Fanart: Chp 18 "/d5lf26z" Chinese Translation 29 July 2019: Chp 23 is posted to AO3. I'll probably post here eventually. Common Terrorism & Anarchy Questions Q1: "Is Angeal dead?" A1: I'm following canon as best I can with this story so I'll clarify where I am in the timeline. Zack and Cloud are friends. They've clearly had time to form their friendship as Zack, while not possessing memories of the future, considers Cloud a close friend. Zack and Cloud met in Modeoheim. Angeal committed suicide-via-Zack in Modeoheim on that very same trip that Zack and Cloud met. Therefore, Angeal is, in fact, dead in Terrorism & Anarchy. Q2: "Are there going to be any pairings in this fic?" A2: The closest thing to a pairing I have currently is Zack and Aerith. And it's hardly something I'm going to focus on. You'll see more Cloud and Zack friendship than Zack and Aerith romance. This isn't really a romance fic, nor am I inclined to take it that direction. You may read between the lines as you see fit but that doesn't mean I put it there. And yes, slash fans, no romance means no slash either. Q3: "How come no one is freaking out about Vincent knowing Turk policies right before the Junon attack?" - And all variants of the question. A3: Several of you have already seen this answer as I've copied and pasted it for you. I see the Turks as a kind of secret police within the larger body of their department, which would be the CIA/FBI equivalent. There's things easily available (and I mean relatively easily with some not ridiculously elaborate espionage) because the large department means its more likely for there to be disgruntled employees. Especially considering it's Heideggar's department. I figure that the Turks themselves don't have most of their policies in writing, that they have only the legal things available for spies to find. Something like an ambush setup of possible suspects in a ship entering Junon would be scripted while procedures for stalking, kidnapping, then interrogating would need to be tribal knowledge passed verbally through the Turks as those things are illegal. We all know illegal doesn't mean much to Shinra Company but as the Turks operate in public areas so often, I think if they didn't keep certain things tightly under wraps, the public might make a fuss. Plus, without the more questionable procedures in writing, it grants Shinra Co plausible deniability and can offer up scapegoats to public wrath if necessary. Q4: "Are you going to have Vincent be revealed as Sephiroth's father?" A4: Never. Hojo is Sephiroth's father. It's canon. Sure, it would be cool if Vincent were really Sephiroth's father - because Hojo is icky and creepy - but he's not. For those who wish to argue theory, pull a timeline from Ultimania. It's impossible for Vincent to be Sephiroth's father. Vincent and Lucretia had a falling out and Vincent went on an extended mission (something like a year and a half). Lucretia got all depressed and turned to Hojo, who she then married. When Vincent returned from his long-term mission, he found Lucretia pregnant with Hojo's son and experiment. Vincent freaked out and Hojo shot him. Nowhere in there did Vincent have time to father Sephiroth no matter how much some of us may wish it. Q5: "What's this 'deadfall' thing that Cloud talks about? I don't remember it from Dirge of Cerberus." A5: So far as I know, the word 'deadfall' is never used in Dirge of Cerberus or any other FFVII game/book. The definition of 'deadfall' is this: "a trap, especially for large game, in which a weight falls on and crushes the prey". I'm not going to tell you exactly what Cloud means by 'deadfall' because it's eventually explained in the story. |