Author has written 13 stories for Supernatural. 30 something, married mother of 1 living in quiet middle America. I'm a reader not a writer, (Well that bits changed now) although I LOVED all my writing classes when I was in school. You know...way back when. I love that fanfiction not only let's you escape into that particular world for a bit, but it's also seemingly endless. I also love that the people on this site are so positive about the fandoms they chase. Quick update: 10/28/10- I have just finished my very first fanfic and what a wild f'in ride that was!!! I'm being an idiot putting that in my profile, but I just want to remember this feeling forever, so you'll have to excuse me. Or don't. I have what is most likely an unhealthy obsession with both Supernatural and Heroes. And Yes! I am devastated that Heroes was cancelled. I'm also into Merlin, Star Trek, NCIS, Doctor Who & Criminal Minds, but I'll read just about anything. So feel free to throw recommendations my way! Now that I'm actually writing a few fics, I would just like to point out that I'm a fast updater. If I start something, I intend to finish it quickly or not start it at all. And there's a very simple reason for that. I hate to disappoint anyone. If there's even one person out there who likes my story, then I want to get it done for that person. So stick around, cuz chances are I'll be updating soon. I love, love, love reviews. And if you review every chapter then I tend to invite you to move in with me because I've fallen in love w/ you. Don't panic! You don't actually have to move in. Just smile and nod and keep moving. don't stop. and don't make eye contact. it'll all be okay and you'll get out alive. um...lastly, I tend to think, talk & write in random, broken thoughts. No they don't make sense. But I like them. I think they're fun. And you will too if you try them. Try them, try them, Sam I am. (that didnt' rhyme at all) Links: Live Journal: 9Tiptoes Please come join me in the insanity that is LJ! Twitter: - I blame Twinchester Angel for this (shakes head sadly) 9Tiptoes YouTube: 9Tiptoes - this is just cute lil vids of my kid - no fan vids, cuz I'm not that good. |
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