Author has written 14 stories for Sailor Moon X-overs, Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Digimon, and Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon. hey everyone!been a long time, huh? well i want everyone to know that i am back and a lot of chapters for my fics are in the making. i have two new one-shot fics that are in da making Matter of the Heart: Rei/Seiji ^_^ both are romance, like almost ALL my others fics! hehe, but i really want to thank everyone who have been supporting me through my whole ordeal. Nee-chan: I am back now nee-chan, but i want to thank you for always reviewing me, i just came back onto today and saw ur new chapter 4 need and saw ur dedication 4 me, i luved it and now i will be here 4m now on! *huggles* Brianna: (did i spell dat rite?) thanx for talking to me, u really inspire me to keep writing u noe? just to keep telling me dat u missed and and when u get so excited whe i told u i have some new stories, it makes me happy! thank you! *hugz* Lady Kaiyku: u really mean a lot to me in this writing, especially with the new fic we're writing together. i promise to continue with the new chapter, i've already begun! XOXO Anya, huffpuff, MarsChild, and to all my other reviewers, thank you for your support! Couples i support: I like weird couples, so this is prolly kinda strange: Willow/Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) |