![]() 03.10.13 - IT'S STILL HAPPENING! Really, I am still writing my fanfiction...but I want to finish writing the whole series before uploading it. So it could take a while. I've done about 8 chapters so far...so not much in three months really! :/ 22.07.13 - It's been faaaar too long since I said I would start writing fanfictions. Oops. BUT, I have actually started writing one! OMG! Think it's been about 7 or 8 years since I last wrote something... Anyway, it's going to be a Merlin fanfiction, and hopefully I shall be uploading it soon... (once I've written a few more chapters!) Fingers crossed! Since I'm here, I may as well update my profile. If you want to see any of my old (and frankly rather poop) stories, then this is my old account (which I share with my sister): http://www.fanfiction.net/u/378465/S_Chensu_and_Luff We don't actually use that account anymore, mainly because we can't log in to the email account we had for it. :/ Pretty sure Chen has her own fanfiction account though. I am 24, female, and currently live in South-East England in a nice little cosy flat with a gorgeous view of the sea. I have a full-time job and am studying for a degree in English Literature and Language on the Open University (hence my desire to suddenly start writing fanfictions again!). I'm hoping that in writing some fanfictions I'll be able to polish my creative writing skills, as I'm more than a little bit rusty in that department... Otherwise I enjoy painting, photography, and playing video games. Currently I have a bit of an obsession with BBC's Sherlock, but that's about it at the moment! I have been toying with the idea of writing a Sherlock fanfiction, but that's still floating around inside my brain. Think it'll require a bit more mulling over before I come up with a solid idea. In terms of my Merlin fanfiction, it's taken quite a long time to come up with an appropriate scenario. I couldn't decide whether to make it modern-day, or set in the future, or set during the same time as the TV series. I haven't read any Merlin fanfictions in the last couple of years, so I'm hoping that the idea I have come up with will be fairly original... Anyway, that's about all I can think of for the moment. Hopefully my fanfiction will be making an appearance in the next couple of weeks...! Although I doubt anyone will read this, it helps me commit myself to the task :) See yas. |