As you can probably guess my name is Gina. I'm a die hard Harry Potter fan and I am 30. I have a love/hate relationship with Twilight. Bella is so dependent on Edward it literally makes me cringe. The sparkling vampire bit irks the hell out of me, yet some small part of me adores the romance. Go figure. I love Hermione, Snape, Draco, Luna, and Harry from HP. My favorite characters from Twilight are Jasper and Leah. I guess I like characters that are tough and have overcome obstacles. I am an avid reader, and I own over 1000 books at last count. I'm working up the courage to someday write a story, but I am such a perfectionist that it would probably take forever. I love to encourage people. I'll review and critique your story, but I would never flame it. That's just mean. I'm really good at editing stories and would love to be a beta reader...I just have to write 5 stories first. Lol |
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