Author has written 6 stories for Marvel, Space 1999, Spider-Man, Excalibur, Fantastic Four, Superman, and Incredible Hulk. Calling All Starkids, Hi, I'm Chris Smillie, the Starchief (publisher) of Starscape comic (StarscapeOnlineDOTcom). Amongst my writing credits are the Deterrent, which was once compared to Alan Moore's Marvelman. I also write features, reviews and articles on comics and related. Another big passion is football, where I write Scottish Soccer column on I used to run a comics shop, called the Superhero Store. After someone gave me some small press comics to sell, I mooted the idea of releasing my own comic, which merged new stories from new creators, plus explored licenses from British comic companies. The result was Starscape - an anthology of superhero, horror, fantasy and sci-fi comics. This has since morphed into StarscapeOnline, which features comic books, webcomics, comicscape, moviescape and soundscape - all of which are features and reviews. I got into writing comics myself as a kid. The first I can remember is when Super Spider-Man (from British Marvel) printed the Avengers/Defender war. I loved this so much that, when it ended, I set about creating my own characters for it to continue. My fanfiction is mainly Marvel/DC. Often team-ups. I prefer the 'noble' heroes, such as Thor, Silver Surfer, Namor etc, plus alternate DC Earth heroes, like Shazam!, the Justice Society, Plastic Man etc. Stories you may look forward to include: - Thor in the DC Universe: which is currently a fancomic, rather than just plain text (but I'll convert it one day) on Starscape - Silver Surfer v World's Finest - Spider-Man & Thor v Hulk These are largely made up of the Bronze/Silver Age versions of these characters. Spidey's still neurotic, Thor's still Don Blake, Hulk smashes and Chrome Dome pines for Shalla-Bal. Keep looking to the stars! Chris Smillie (Starchief) |