Author has written 13 stories for Twilight. I have been called many names but the ones I love the most are PB and Peebs. Two Makes Three was my first go at a FanFic, and I would not be here doing this at all if it were not for my dear friend, and beautiful ex-beta, CC. I will always cherish the memories we made while working on TMT together. *COMPLETE Its Real Life was beautifully beta'd by the ever fabulous, Clarabella75 who helped make it everything it could be during chapters 1-15. Chapters 16-Completion were beta'd by my dearest friend in both RL and the fandom, Riss! She helped push me to get back to work with my writing after my hiatus and without her, I most likely never would have returned! Parenthood is damn hard, but I've definitely gotten better at juggling! *COMPLETE Two Makes Five is the sequel to Two Makes Three. The first chapter went up right before I had my daughter, and then the story was put on hiatus. It's now complete and was beta'd by myonlyheroin and taylowendy who Helped make it all It could be. There's drama. There's romance. There's angst. *COMPLETE Aliases & Avatars was birthed from a OS I'd entered for the Dirty Talking Edward contest. I'm loving this one and having fun with it. It's a bit more unf, with a little less drama and angst, but still a nice little mix of it all, and it will be written from mostly EPOV. It's wonderfully beta'd by my girl myonlyherion. *ON HIATUS Nothing Gold Ever Stays is one of my newer fics and it's one that's taken me back to my roots with a level of angst I love to write. It's a coming of age story between Bella and Edward, where they've known each other their entire lives, but only get six weeks out of every year to actually be together while trying to figure out life, and what it means to have known your soulmate since the very beginning of it. It is beta'd by MariahajilE who does an amazing job cleaning up my words. *ON HIATUS Roadies is my current WIP and I absolutely love Ms. Birdie and her boss Cullen. She's probably my most favorite Bella I've ever written. It's a lighter story but there is drama, and there will be a bit of angst before we get to the end. That's how most love triangles go right? Well, this triangle is more of a square and it's surrounded by manipulations and games. Imagine being stuck on a bus for months with a bunch of crazy men who only want to party when they're not busy making magic happen for a bunch of musicians. It's a wild life, and Bella Swan is more than happy to live it. This story is beta'd by myonlyheroin out of the gate and then BPlemons came in to make things ultra pretty with her fab beta eyes and pre-reader skills. *COMPLETE I always write HEA endings, it's just a bumpy ride to get there. *wink* *PLEASE do NOT translate any of my stories without my written permission.* Wanna stalk me??? * Follow me on Twitter @TailoredDreams * * Friend me on Facebook (use the link) Two Makes Three The song Jake sings to Bella in Chapter 13: @Lolypop82 manip creations for TMT on twitpic: CH 2 Always Talk To Strangers http:///156peg Care Bear Bella on the subway. CH 4 Please Ignore The Do Not Disturb Sign http:///156wd1 First date with Stalker. CH 13 One Step Forward Two The Eff Back http:///19l2uq Stalker waiting for his heartbroken goddess. CH 16 Goodbyes Should Sometimes Last Forever http://twitpic.com8/19kt2 Cyber date with Stalker. CH 17 Secrets Lost On Something Shared http:///1ad7wq Edwards dream. CH 19 Red Heads & Waterfalls http:///1dig0o Midnight romp on a faux beach shore. CH 22 Tit-For-Tact http:///1ltupd A cleansing bath. and http:///2a4wdc Stalker and Care Bear at the club, just before history arrives. CH 23 New Beginnings Create Old Habits http:///1p2o0v Edward and Bella's new home. CH 24 When History Meets Reality http:///1sk130 Edwards Homecoming. CH 26 Baby Steps Are So Last Year http:///1z1lid Sight seeing in Rome. CH 27 Mom, Momma's, Sleaze, and History http:///23wfk2 Iced Tea Mmmm. and http:///23wfxw Ice-capades. CH 28 There's No Such Thing As Smooth Sailing http:///25yvin Hide & Go Seek with Bree. and http:///25yvxz Us Four. CH 30 Not For Nothing http:///2etv4n Tent time with Stalker, Care Bear and Princess Bree Ch 32 Keep Moving Forward http:///2maby7 Bath for 3. and http:///2lcst7 Daydreaming of the future. CH 33 Wedding Plans & Accidental Discoveries http:///2oaktf The perfect dress to an imperfect bride. CH 35 A Few Bumps & A Surprise http:///2xlghx Wedding entourage. http:///2xlg8x A wedding dress for 3. CH 36 Noisy Distractions http:///33dcf3 Bride on her wedding night. http:///33dcto Husband and Wife. CH 37 One Plus One Equals Three Little Fingers with Daddy - Baby A's first picture - Baby B's first picture -These were created by @Stellaxoxox Stalker & Care Bears first dance song: Pictures To Help Tell The Story: Bella's Care Bear heart Tattoo: http:///1dig9m You can see more of Lolypop82's manips on her twitpic account @ http:///photos/Lolypop82 shes effing AMAZING! CH 18 Closed Fists & Mistletoe: Link To Edward & Bella's Christmas gifts: http:///2010/04/ch-19-closed-fists-mistletoe.html All manips for this story were lovingly created and brought to you by the ever so lovely @Lolypop82. @ http:///?zx=359402e17f989458 *Banners For TMT Banner #1 Created by Lolypop82 Banner #2 Created by Lolypop82 Banner #3 Created by xxxStellaxxx Check out the Thread for TMT over on Twilighted Forum: http:///forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=9787 Fan Video for TMT created by the ever so lovely RissaRukus: Reviews: Click here to see the review written by Miss. Scarlet over on PIC FanFic Corner for Two Makes Three. TMT was also reviewed by MonGee (@evrythgTwilight) over on you can read that here. Review by Lolypop82 and RoseArcadia featuring TMT's fabulous blinkie, here. *Two Makes Three* has received recognition in the following contests: 1st place in The Sparkleteers Rare Gem Awards for Best Fluff - Banner 2nd place in the Angst All Around category over at The Twi-Awards. Thats incredible and I'd like to thank everyone who voted! *Make sure you check out the blog created by xxxStellaxxx for the TMT Epi. It's filled with the drawings Bella created throughout the story for her exhibition that is portrayed in the epilogue. http:/// *Spoiler Alert* * It's Real Life * Blog : http:/// IRL Banner by Lolypop82 IRL Banner by Stella *All Manips (and the banner) have been created by the gorgeous Lolypop82: CH 4 Manip- Me & My Chastity Panties Bella's fingerstache tattoo - http:///3gwjyc CH 5 Manips - Adventures In Bella-Sitting Bella's casting photo - Bella's weakness: Skaterward Song Bella sings with Aro at Open Mic Night in CH 5 CH 6 Manips - To Hump, Or Not To Hump - Bella with her board -and- Edward with his board CH 8 Manips- Distractions Make the World Go Round - Something more than cuddle time -and- Bella's Tattoob CH 9 Learning How To Be - The song Bella sings on stage at the 2nd Open Mic Night. "Still Alone" by: Straylight Run A Shy Bella http:///4gqw8t CH 15 Manip- Starving To Forget - http:///4whzv0 CH 19 Bella's Photo-Shoot http:///2013/03/photoshoot.html CH 21 Song Bella Sings on Stage (Holding On By: Straylight Run) CH 25 Manip- Making up is nice to do. http:///2013/05/chapter-25-manip.html *TWO MAKES FIVE* (Sequel to Two Makes Three) Care Bears Sketch Book Blog: http:/// (You can find most of the sketches Bella does during the story on this blog, created by the ever fabulous Stella!) Banners: http:///2011/06/two-makes-five-banners.html (credit to Stella and CC my wonder girls *heart*) Animated Banner by Lolypop82: http:///5he9z5 *MANIPS* CH 1 Family of Five (credit to Lolypop82) Chapter 20 Outtake: http:///2014/11/chapter-20-outtake.html *Aliases & Avatars* Banner: Title: Roadies Full Summary: Edward Cullen is the newest stage manager on his first major cross-country tour. He's out to prove he's earned his title as well as the respect that's supposed to come with it. Bella Swan is the only woman on the crew, and she knows better than to believe Cullen didn't sleep his way to the top in order to get the job that she feels was rightfully hers. Will they be able to co-exist without killing one another, or will they both lose the jobs they covet most when the lines begin to blur? |
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