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![]() Author has written 1 story for Maximum Ride. DESCRIPTION: name: maxridelover Hey everyone, this is going to be the first time i have ever published a story so please bear with me. I have been a fan of Maximum Ride and James Patterson ever since I read the angel experiment and i am anxiously awaiting the release of FANG. I am currently in the process of coming up with a story. It will be titled Everyday Life, and it will follow the flock, (in Fang's POV for a change of pace) with other POV's in between, after they have defeated Itex and have settled down with Dr Martinez and Ella. I plan on making this story a comedic romance, kind of like Ranma 1/2 in a way. So i hope to get the first chapter up sometime this coming week! Activities:Gospel Messengers Choir Interests:Video games, books, music, sports, Anime / Manga, finding good/bad b- movies to watch, wasting time on farmtown/farmville Favorite Music:jars of clay, third day, todd agnew, jeremy camp, micheal w. smith,SHANIA TWAIN( my FAVORITE), kenny chesney, reba mcentire, david archuletta, carrie underwood, many others Favorite TV Shows:HOUSE(awesome show) WWE programing RAW, ECW, SMACKDOWN,Law and Order(SVU, CSI), Deal or no Deal, The Price is Right( w/ Bob Barker), MXC, TNA IMPACT, Dragonball, Dragon Ball Z, Ranma 1/2,Football, Monk, The Office, Family Guy, Skins, Coming of Age, NCIS Favorite Movies:Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Dark Knight, Remeber the Titans,Talladega Nights, Hiome Alone, Anchorman, James Bond series, Coach Carter, Batman Movies, Scary Movie 1, 2, 3, and 4, The Pursuit Of Happyness, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead 2, Army Of Darkness, Story of Ricky, Silent Night Deadly Night, Silence Of The Lambs, Hannibal,Red Dragon, Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, Christine, Carrie,Dead Alive, Halloween, Leprechaun, Mortal Kombat, Night Of The Living Dead, Silent Night Deadly Night 2, Transformers The Movie, Saw Series, Scream, Favorite Books:authors Terry Brooks, STEPHEN KING(rules), Brian Jacques, JRR Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Gregory Maguire, The Bible, Tess Gerritsen,Thomas Harris, The Purpose Driven Life, The Purpose Driven Youth,Maximum Ride, Daniel X, When The Wind Blows Favorite Quotations:I'm going to beat your britches Joe Tucker! Joe Tucker "Things don't change-we change." "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." MLK Jr. "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." C.S. Lewis "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Ralph Waldo Emerson "Wrestling is ballet with violence" Jesse "The Body" Ventura "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." Mohandas Ghandi "It be like that sometimes" Jeremiah Watson "5 seconds from now will be awesome with a slight chance of the best day of my life" Trale Lewous My Stories: Everyday Life: The story of the flock's life after defeating Itex. The flock goes to school! Future Stories: No titles exist for these stories yet, nor do I have anything written for these! I would appreciate help with determining ages for these stories! follow Max,Fang and Iggy in college, Nudge in high school follow Max,Fang and Iggy-life after college, marriage and kids-follow kid's early lives, Gazzy and Angel in high school follow kids of Max and Fang, and Iggy and Ella throughout high school I was also wondering, would anyone like it if I did a Maximum Ride/Harry Potter crossover? Cause I have noticed that their are not that many published on this website. Tell me what you think!! 2-2-2011 To all my readers: Ok, I apologize for the lack of updates for the last 2 months, my life has been busy with graduate school applications, and a brutally hard J-term class have absorbed my life in the past few months. So I hope to have the next chapter posted by this weekend. Thanks for reading/reviewing/responding!!!!!!!!! Also in the works, possibly a Naruto fic, specifics not decided yet (any idea's would be appreciated.) 2-13-2011 Hi everyone, i apologize again for the lack of updates, but i hope to update sometime this week. Also, please vote on my poll regarding future projects! Thank you everyone! 3-11-2011 Please vote on the poll to determine what I write next!!!!! Also, I just updated my story, so please check it out and review it, please? Thanks for reading!! 5-4-2011 Hey guys, a major thank you to those who have voted on my poll!!! I would like some more votes before I close the poll. In regards to my story, i have a test this friday and finals in two weeks, so I have been really busy, and have not had much time to work on it. Once I get out of school for the semester, I should be able to get the next chapter done. Thanks for reading! (and please review) 9-20-2011 Hello readers, I'm sorry for such the long delay, but I had a busy summer, and I expect this fall semester to be busy also. So expect the next update in a weekend or two, maybe more depending on how busy I am with other things. Thank you so much for your patience. 10-25-2011 Hello readers, and I apologize for the long time in-between chapters, but I have not had the time for fanfiction, with school taking up way more time than I anticipated it would. I would expect the new chapter to be posted by around November 19th or later, depending on how creative I feel on a given weekend. So it may be before then, but I wouldn't get your hopes up for that to happen, but you never know, if I find the time, I will finish the chapter before then. Peace, and thank you for your understanding in this matter, as I am sure many of you are in similar situations. 10-27-2011 New Chapter Posted as of today!! 11-4-2011 Please review the new chapter if you read it, I want to know what you like and what you think I can do better!!! Thank you so much! 12-2-2011 So I'm thinking of writing a naruto story. I've already asked the crew of the amazing Naruto Shipudden Podcast Konoha Corner for their ideas, but I would appreciate ideas for a story from all of you too, so please feel free to PM me!!!! You are all awesome! 2-1-2012 So here's what i've written for the next chapter, anyone who wants to co-author with me, just send my a PM!!! The First Dates Part 3-The Search for a Father Part 5 Iggy’s POV All I can say is wow, what a feeling! I haven’t felt this good since we broke out of the school for the very first time! Not even doing dive bombs can beat the feeling of our lips together, and that’s saying something, because dive bombs are one of the greatest things ever. “Hey Ella, I think we should lay off on the lovey-dovey stuff while we’re at school today, maybe we can make it public after we tell the family,” I whispered so as to not attract attention from the rest of the flock. “Yeah, I think you’re right Iggy, lets keep it on the down low for the moment.” “Since when were you a gangster, Ella?” I asked with a chuckle. “I’m not trying to be gangster, shut up you goof we’re falling behind them. “What can I say, I was born to joke around, I can’t help it when my inner comedian decides to come out.” “Whatever you say Ig, whatever you say.” Deciding that our conversation was over, I noticed that we were at the gates of the school. Anyone want to beta my story? I thought I had one, but I haven't heard for them in a while, so if you are interested, send me a PM. 8-2 Sorry I haven't updated in a while, please don't give up on me! I've been a counselor at a camp for people with disabilities, and it's a very demanding job, so I don't have much time to devote to this story! Thank you for your understanding, and I hope to publish the next chapter after I get back home from camp! Again I apologize for the long wait! Later!!!!!!!! 8-18 To whoever sent me the anonymous review, thank you!!!!!!!! 10-30 If anyone would like to co-author a story with me in which the main characters in Naruto randomly switch personalities, please send me a PM. Also, I hope to start the next chapter of Everyday Life sometime soon, so keep a look out for it! |