Author has written 75 stories for Andromeda, Mutant X, Roswell, StarTrek: Enterprise, West Wing, Firefly, Stargate: SG-1, Pirates of the Caribbean, Stargate: Atlantis, Supernatural, Veronica Mars, Heroes, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Chronicles of Narnia, Criminal Minds, Star Trek: 2009, Merlin, Stargate: Universe, White Collar, Life Unexpected, SeaQuest, Sanctuary, Young Hercules, Harry Potter, Terra Nova, Hawaii Five-0, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Hi all! I realized that I haven't updated this profile in years and thought that perhaps I should. I'm no longer a college student; I'm working full time in the real world. (It is often even less fun than it sounds.) I still love to write and strive to get back to it more often than I do. In terms of my likes in fanfic and what you will find in my stories or my favorites: I'm drawn to familial relationships and strong male friendships. I prefer gen stories as opposed to het or slash. I love hurt/comfort, with emphasis on the comfort. I also appreciate angst and find that sometimes the best stories come out of it, though I prefer happy endings. I’m not a fan of character death (at least not my favorite characters!). Plotty stuff is great and I can really get into it, but I’m just as likely to write (or read) one-shots that act as tag scenes for episodes or vignettes that show little slices of life. I've dabbled in lots of fandoms, but one I always seem to come back to is Harry Potter. Years ago when I first started writing fanfic for HP, I kept them under a separate profile. I'm not posting under that one any more, but the stories can still be found at if you are interested. I also have a livejournal account here and an A03 account here. Feel free to visit! I like to hear from readers, especially if you enjoy my writing! Constructive feedback is always welcome. Thank you for your interest! |
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