![]() Author has written 15 stories for Harry Potter, and Hannibal. Aspiring novelist who unfortunately or fortunately depending upon your perspective spends far too much of her time addicted to writing fanfiction, instead of working on all the numerous projects she should be working on. Hi! Thank you to Lydia Theda for being a wonderful retrospective beta as I am impatient as hell, and for putting up with me bouncing all my random ideas off her, and the general good conversations. You are a saint. Cheers. You guys can thank her for a more tolerable level of grammar/spelling/syntax etc. Or, you know, good writing. PS: My view on slash, in case people want clarification on the matter. I have no problem with slash, I write slash in my more recent works. The reason for the numerous blunt 'no slash' cries in Fate's Favourite is because I am often frustrated by the view that intimacy between two characters necessitates sexual or romantic components, and, at the time of writing that story, I was much younger, less mature (I apologize for the writing of my younger self too, honestly hate Fate's Favourite in many ways) and had no better way of phrasing my feelings on the situation. Hence, some of my works are slash, some are not, some are some strange thing where they might be or might not be as I prefer seeing where the story and characters take me as opposed to forcing specific dynamics either way when they all deserve love and exploration. PPS: Please don't leave me reviews that solely consist of asking me to 'update please' or anything that is a combination of simply those words even if it includes a please or a 'when are you going to update?' They are utterly unnecessary as I assure you, I'm fully aware of when I have last updated any particular story. If I haven't done it, there is a reason, and constant messages about them are a) stressful and make me feel like shit and b) not remotely helpful as a review. For some suggestions, say what you liked or didn't like about the story/that particular chapter or what you feel I could improve upon. If you want me to update, that is much better way of doing that which is more constructive for both of us as if you give me reasons and feedback on the actual story, I do tend to gather that you would quite like me to continue it. Sorry for the mini rant, but it's a pet peeve of mine. Thank you! I hope you enjoy the stories. I've published my first teen fantasy novel, it's called "Blood Lines." Not a stereotypical vampire novel, despite the name. If you like my work, I would of course love it if you supported me on this and bought my book. It is available on amazon. Beautiful things made by wonderful people: Butterfly Heart: Fan art by Azure09 Fan art by Amnrzh Fan art by Guest710 Fan mix by RustamAndTheWhiteDemon French Translation by Liliarech Vietnamese Translation by suhamhap
Petals Fallen by Lydia Theda. I consider this the official prequel. Fan art by rdemon90 of Nameless, Past, Monster Fan art by Lydia Theda of Past and Eurydice Fan art by Origami Moon of Monster Fan art by Calicium of Monster Vietnamese Translation by Lazy Sheep French Translation by Zweim-And-Kay
Fan Art by Only Hitsuzen Polish Translation by Szmaragdowy Kot
Fan Art by Merdesmiroirs
Fan art by Spoonring
Fighting Fate by Eos9, a slashy interpretation of FF The Fate Changed Now What? by Krysania, and her FF banner Because Life Is Like Jenga by Namikaze Artemis Luck's Limits by Nara Merald In Another Time by Epsilon Scorpii Brave New World by Nostalgic Beauty (A Fate's Favourite verse/Hunger Games crossover) Fate's Favourite Video by Greeneyesmetblack Russian Translation by Lyra Grey Italian Translation by Gothic Debby Vietnamese Translation by Violette Sky Polish Translation by Panna Mi Spanish Translation by Kairy-Ann French Translation by Nyxsis Portugese Translation by Destroya Black http://youtu.be/GQe0RtU_qVo – Video by emptyvoices for my fics. Who's gonna run this town tonight? Past's Player Polish Translation by Panna Mi Players of Fate by Sariniste Destiny's Darling Exclusive Exceptions by Kestrelcadiz, in the Logical Considerations verse Russian Translation by Fellande Polish Translation by Panna Mi |