Author has written 19 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Harry Potter, Fushigi Yuugi, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Pet Shop of Horrors, Naruto, Heroes, and Transformers/Beast Wars. 6/5/07 2/18/07 Geez, I haven't updated this in a very long time. But hey, let's get started! Hey, the name's Darkfire_blade or Hellsfirescythe, depending on where you know me from. I'm a not-so-prolific writer who loves dabbling in all sorts of fandoms. At the moment I've fallen in love with Transformers so it's competing with the dozens of fandoms all in my mind-space. Other fandoms that I'm interested in are: NBC's Heroes, Naruto, Saiyuki, some Harry Potter, RENT, Dragonball Z, and the list just goes on. On to my current works: Kaleidescope: on hiatus. My Naruto and Harry Potter muses just refuse to cooperate, though I'm sure more Shippuden episodes will solve the problem sooner or later. 28 Perceptors: In-progress. I'm working on Naive Perceptor at the moment and will be posting up a couple more finished chapters. Heroes Drabbles: In-progress. As slow as that progress is. More chapters to be posted and written as the episodes come churning forth. Specialis Osorum: Being betaed. It's a sort of prequel to 'Antecedants'. Beachcomber/Perceptor Covert Operations: In-progress. 2nd chapter is getting started, progress will be a bit slow due to schoolwork and life in general My Deviantart account is here Just a note for all you lovelies who have read this far and are planning to read any of my fics. The further down you go, the older these fics are, especially the first YGO/LOTR crossover and LOTR fics, the more the writing deteriorates. Read at your own caution. - |
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