Miharu is Harukas Love Child
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Joined 02-03-10, id: 2241591, Profile Updated: 06-09-15
Author has written 1 story for Death Note.

NEWS 6/8 To everyone who's followed me and my stories over the years. Shit went down on this account and I had to move. I'm sorry. But I am alive and well! The stories live on! Also, I fucking have control of my damn account again! But IDK if it's worth moving all the shit back from the other account or not...err...

You can find me here on my new account: Banen

NEWS 5/3: I am writing a prequel to the story My Own Way from the It Matters series by Matilda on I will publish it here under Banen and on her website (note that she has all her stories on the following website's library and age verification is not necessary) under Matti!Canon Fanfiction by Other Writers with my other pen name Mistress9. This will be a canon story following Mello's climb to the mafia via gang culture in LA.

PLEASE JOIN OUR Death Note forum here. ShinigamiMailJeevas, KariTwilightMist, and I are mods on there under our other pseuds: Alexhliel, Kinofdragons, and Mistress9. We talk about Matt and Mello, Death Note in generalfan fictions, all kinds of stuff. You can publish your stuff there too or link us to some great ones to read and discuss. Pleaaaaase come by? We haz Yaoi.

News 5/11: I am featured on Matilda's blog here: Mistress 9 Focus on a Fan. You can read about me there. There's also a link to my face book if you'd like to be my friend on facebook.

I am slowly posting everything on AO3, to read them there, click Here

I'm also Franzy's Whiplash Splash. Except I don't remember how to log into that account *hits head on floor*

FANART: MoonlightM4gic/Yoliee on Deviant Art made this amazing color drawing of Mello from Tearoom -- Mello Colour

MY deviant art account: hArUkAs-lOvE-cHiLd ... I have some pencil sketches I did for xxbeyondxbirthdayxx's fic Lithium. She also has the links on her profile.

Links to forums discussing my work on the He Moves me Differently Website

Spoiler Forum for Loathing

Spoiler Forum for Barbie Boy

My LOST stories Barbie Boy, Tearoom, and White Chocolate are NOT dead!
Once upon a time, an author called Miharu is Haruka's Love Child was loved and followed in the M/M community. One day her evil brother wiped her account and she lost all her stories. But fear not, dear readers, for the stories continue on her new account: Banen. Please see inside for details. To my readers, I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart. -Holly
Death Note - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 483 - Published: 6/9/2015 - Mello, Matt - Complete
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    Anime/Manga Death Note